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kupio sam polovni geneko i neznam sifru za pristu u ap

[es] :: Wireless :: kupio sam polovni geneko i neznam sifru za pristu u ap

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RTV Zvizd

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icon kupio sam polovni geneko i ne znam sifru za pristu u ap07.07.2013. u 20:10 - pre 133 meseci
dali neko moze da mi pomogne probao sam admin sifru ali nece sa njom a ne znam drugu sifru a ovaj sto sam uzeo od njega nezna ni on......

radu se o

------geneko wx 1590 wireless access point---

unapred zahvalan
Odgovor na temu

Miroslav Cvejić
Technical Lead
Revel Systems UAB
Vilnius, Lithuania

Član broj: 802
Poruke: 6611

+537 Profil

icon Re: kupio sam polovni geneko i ne znam sifru za pristu u ap07.07.2013. u 20:59 - pre 133 meseci
Resetuj ga na fabrička podešavanja.
Odgovor na temu

tox master

Član broj: 57200
Poruke: 2706

+122 Profil

icon Re: kupio sam polovni geneko i ne znam sifru za pristu u ap07.07.2013. u 21:03 - pre 133 meseci
Reset device
This unit can be reset to factory defaults by reset hole and the procedure can be done with the following steps.
Step1: You can reset the Access Point’s settings to factory defaults by pushing a paperclip in the little hole next to the UTP port while the Access Point is on and do not release it right away.
Step2: Release the reset button when the “ACT” LED from burning to blinking. Normally, it may take 5~10 seconds. After release the reset button, the unit has been reverted to default setting.

In order to configure the WX-1590, you must use your web browser and manually input into the Address box and press Enter. The Main Page will appear.
In order to configure the WX-1590, you must input the user name and password into the User Name box and the Password box. The default user name and password is “admin”.

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Odgovor na temu

igor tomic

Član broj: 133445
Poruke: 192


+15 Profil

icon Re: kupio sam polovni geneko i ne znam sifru za pristu u ap10.07.2013. u 13:27 - pre 133 meseci
Mogao si se malo zabaviti i probiti šifru, mada je kolega naveo jednostavan način. Ali kad se iskomplicira nauci se vise stvari

[Ovu poruku je menjao tox master dana 10.07.2013. u 14:52 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Wireless :: kupio sam polovni geneko i neznam sifru za pristu u ap

[ Pregleda: 2287 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

Postavi temu Odgovori

Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.