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Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva
(Zaključana tema (lock), by Milan Gligorijevic)
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Član broj: 52786
Poruke: 201


icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva07.02.2009. u 06:47 - pre 187 meseci
Evo i mene u beta fazi...

Pa lepo, sve je relativno OK, za mene kao prosecnog korisnika.
Jedino me zezaju podesavanja za audio na mojoj Leadtek TV kartici PVR3000 Deluxe.
Nije onako bogat izbor podesavanja, kao sa XP-om, pa recimo nije moguce koristiti pojacavanje i stisavanje zvuka

Inace mi je sve driver-e (cak i za stampac Samsung SCH 4521F, kao i za web kamericu iz 2004.) sam pronasao, sto nikako nije bio slucaj ni sa Vistom ni sa XP-om.

Smesno, ali, tek drugi dan sam primetio da je show desktop desno od sata :(

P.S. Danas mi update skoro 300mb, nesto ga bas unapredjuju...

[Ovu poruku je menjao goldmankm dana 07.02.2009. u 12:58 GMT+1]


Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

+5 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva07.02.2009. u 20:14 - pre 187 meseci
Jel se medju tih 300mb update nalazi i internet explorer 8 RC 1 upravo sam ga ubacio u Vistu.


Take 5

Član broj: 200551
Poruke: 1423

+12 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva08.02.2009. u 13:28 - pre 187 meseci
^ IE 8 RC1 za Win7 ce biti ukljucen u Win7 RC1, a nece se pojavljivati kao poseban download / update...
Instalirao sam IE8 RC1 na XP SP3 i tamo radi sjajno, a za Vistu cekam finalnu verziju...
"Take Five" is the famous jazz piece written by Paul Desmond and performed by The Dave Brubeck Quartet. It is famous for its distinctive saxophone line and use of the unusual quintuple (5/4) time, from which its name is derived.

Take Five (1966)

Take Five by Al Jarreau 1976

Sava Djurdjevic
Srbija - Sabac

Član broj: 177766
Poruke: 252

ICQ: 373030225

+7 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva08.02.2009. u 16:39 - pre 187 meseci
Danas sam drugu instalirao Windows 7 x32 i sve je drajvere procitao sam, osim Web Kamere i TV karte ali drajvere sam sa lakocom instalirao i sve je odmah radilo....
Hackintosh Forum

Running:Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite
Grafika: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Matična Ploča:MSI MS-7613 (Iona-GL8E)
Audio: Realtek ALC888S
Procesor: Intel Core i5 650 @ 3.20MHz
Lan/Wifi: Realtek RTL8168/8111 / Ralink RT2860
RAM: 4GB DDR3 1600Hz


Član broj: 186154
Poruke: 281

+1 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva08.02.2009. u 20:18 - pre 187 meseci
^Meni je samo trebao driver za modem.
Ajde da ne preterujem, ali, jel neko iz Microsofta bar pomenuo sta planiraju posle 7-ice?

Software developer
Novi Sad

Član broj: 178297
Poruke: 98

ICQ: 433034774


icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva08.02.2009. u 20:58 - pre 187 meseci
Pa verovatno osmicu :D
"Pozitivan stav nece resiti sve tvoje probleme,ali ce nervirati dovoljno ljudi da ga vredi


Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

+5 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva08.02.2009. u 21:16 - pre 187 meseci
milan1233:  jel neko iz Microsofta bar pomenuo sta planiraju posle 7-ice?

Nisu pomenuli ali susaka se !

Windows 8 Codename Midori
I come to know by one source that Microsoft already working on the successor of Windows 7, or the successor and the successor of Windows 7 (Windows 8 and Windows 9).

The Project is the name Midori "Windows Codename Midori." This is aimed to rebuild entirely Windows, it will be goodbye to NT kernel? This will not be programmed in C / C + + code but in mixed as C #, F #, etc

Windows 7 Just a Pit Stop to Windows 8?

Windows 8 is a future version of Microsoft Windows, expected for release in 2012 or later.It will succeed Windows 7. It will be built on the same kernel MinWin in which the Windows 7 is being developed.In Windows 8, there is going to be a complete overhaul of the user interface. A new user experience is being developed for Windows 8. According to some sources, Windows 8 will not include Windows Explorer.Windows 8 is planned to bring a revamp of Windows Test Technologies (WTT), the technologies used to test Windows. The WTT team wants to address all the major testing problems by developing a "truly scalable and reliable testing infrastructure.”

Evo jedne zaboravljene teme vezane za to pitanje pa koga interesuje nek nastavi tamo .

[Ovu poruku je menjao zonic dana 08.02.2009. u 22:40 GMT+1]


Član broj: 186154
Poruke: 281

+1 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva08.02.2009. u 22:13 - pre 187 meseci
Kako je moguce da ne sadrzi Explorer?


Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

+5 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva08.02.2009. u 22:24 - pre 187 meseci
Ko zna sta su smislili , samo jos je rano da se raspravlja o tome ili pitaj tamo gde sam stavio link i da ne odskacemo od teme .


Član broj: 50955
Poruke: 1447

+7 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva08.02.2009. u 22:48 - pre 187 meseci
milan1233: Kako je moguce da ne sadrzi Explorer?

To se i ja pitam. Mada, ako uzmemo u obzir da ova 7-ca stvarno shljaka, da ne preterujem - lepo, mogutje je da tje se smilovati napokon,
pa ga i izbaciti konachno.

Igor Pejašinović
Network Admin
Navigo SC d.o.o.
Banja Luka

Član broj: 18738
Poruke: 1319


+4 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva08.02.2009. u 23:43 - pre 187 meseci
milan1233: Kako je moguce da ne sadrzi Explorer?

Npr. Nijedan Linux ne sadrži Explorer ali opet radi...
I ♥ ♀

Ovaj post je zlata vrijedan!


Član broj: 50955
Poruke: 1447

+7 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva08.02.2009. u 23:56 - pre 187 meseci
icobh: Npr. Nijedan Linux ne sadrži Explorer ali opet radi...

Ziva istina, zaista.


Član broj: 186154
Poruke: 281

+1 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva09.02.2009. u 00:40 - pre 187 meseci
Windows 7 build 7022 leaks!

Microsoft are currently working hard towards the Release Candidate of Windows 7. Currently the only official build available to testers and the general public is build 7000 but we have learned that 7022 has leaked to the internet today.

According to a Russian torrent site it was leaked by "friendly" Microsoft Ukraine individuals. It's not likely that the build contains any of the UAC changes Microsoft has recently promised. The build is Build 7022.winmain.090115-1850 which indicates it was built nearly a month ago.

Some Microsoft employees have twittered recently that they were "installing build 7034" so the company is clearly pushing ahead with the builds ready for the upcoming Release Candidate.

just finished installing Windows 7 build 7022. The installation seemed much faster, maybe 20 minutes tops. Some of the things I noticed during the installation was:

* When my graphics driver was installed for 7000, it caused half of the installer screen to go black in both 7000 x64 and x86. This did not happen in 7022, and seemed fine.
* It no longer asks you to join a HomeGroup during the setup.
* After the second reboot during install, when the bootloader came up there were three options: Windows 7 (this would finish the install), Windows 7 Rollback (Not sure what this does. Possibly rolls back all changed the installer made? New, did not show in 7000), and Windows 7 x86 (my previous installation of Windows 7, normal).

Some things that I noticed right away in the actual build, running it:
* The new sidebar color that was shown in previous screenshots.
* New Paint, as we saw in previous screenshots.
* HomeGroup gets a new icon.
* IE8 updated to RC1
* Faster search in startmenu, instant.
* General higher stability in OS
* New animations when moving between things in Windows Explorer
* Desktop Gadget Gallery is the new name for Sidebar. It gets a new icon!


Član broj: 65974
Poruke: 39


icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva09.02.2009. u 00:57 - pre 187 meseci
instalirao sam veceras,win je pronasao sve drajvere,sem Intelovog chipseta, drajvera za web cam i realtek HD audio drivera......Instalirao sam uspesno Kaspersky Internet Security 2009(v.,povremeno se javi zamrzavanje celog sistema,a onda samo hard reset:((wireles radi veoma lepo...

[Ovu poruku je menjao Milan Gligorijevic dana 09.02.2009. u 10:20 GMT+1]
budimo ljudi!!!

Sava Djurdjevic
Srbija - Sabac

Član broj: 177766
Poruke: 252

ICQ: 373030225

+7 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva09.02.2009. u 01:07 - pre 187 meseci
milan1233: Windows 7 build 7022 leaks!

Evo poceo sam da je skidam :)
Hackintosh Forum

Running:Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite
Grafika: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Matična Ploča:MSI MS-7613 (Iona-GL8E)
Audio: Realtek ALC888S
Procesor: Intel Core i5 650 @ 3.20MHz
Lan/Wifi: Realtek RTL8168/8111 / Ralink RT2860
RAM: 4GB DDR3 1600Hz


Član broj: 186154
Poruke: 281

+1 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva09.02.2009. u 09:14 - pre 187 meseci
^Ajde ti javi ako ima nekih vecih promena, jer mrzi me da skidam i da instaliram zbog par promena u izgledu ;)

E, ljudi evo ga sad i 7025:


Član broj: 186154
Poruke: 281

+1 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva09.02.2009. u 11:12 - pre 187 meseci
popaj81: instalirao sam veceras,win je pronasao sve drajvere,sem Intelovog chipseta, drajvera za web cam i realtek HD audio drivera......Instalirao sam uspesno Kaspersky Internet Security 2009(v.,povremeno se javi zamrzavanje celog sistema,a onda samo hard reset:((wireles radi veoma lepo...

Ja koristim KIS 2009 i extra mi radi, to zamrzavnje verovatno nije do kis-a ;(

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva09.02.2009. u 13:26 - pre 187 meseci

Windows 7 Build 7025 torrents floating around are fake
Windows 7 Build 7022 is the latest build floating around in torrent sites that is legitimate. While looking around for Build 7022 downloads, you may stumble upon some Build 7025 downloads that appear to be legitimate as well with a unique MD5 hash. A user at JCXP managed to post some more details about the Windows 7 Build 7025 file:

ISO.File: 7025.0.090120-1850_client_en-us_Ultimate-GB1CULFRE_EN_DVD.iso

File Size: 2.43 GB (2,618,793,984 bytes)
ISO.CRC32: 885b2c0c
MD5: f76fbaf8091a2f04aef65982f0eea6b3
SHA-1: fb29795960f92217cc3e78b688d2f11ee8d39fa9

The bad news is that the torrents circulating around are completely fake. Members at the PCBeta forum where screenshots were originally leaked have confirmed this. The contents within the Build 7000 and Build 7025 iso are exactly the same. If you’re looking around for Build 7022, make sure you don’t download Build 7025 because it seems newer.


Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva09.02.2009. u 14:19 - pre 187 meseci
Izgleda da je MS reagovao, pa su blokirani torrent linkovi za taj Build 7022

Prikačeni fajlovi

Sava Djurdjevic
Srbija - Sabac

Član broj: 177766
Poruke: 252

ICQ: 373030225

+7 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva09.02.2009. u 15:40 - pre 187 meseci
Catch 22: Izgleda da je MS reagovao, pa su blokirani torrent linkovi za taj Build 7022

Meni i dalje skida bez prekida :)
Hackintosh Forum

Running:Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite
Grafika: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Matična Ploča:MSI MS-7613 (Iona-GL8E)
Audio: Realtek ALC888S
Procesor: Intel Core i5 650 @ 3.20MHz
Lan/Wifi: Realtek RTL8168/8111 / Ralink RT2860
RAM: 4GB DDR3 1600Hz

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Microsoft Windows® 7: Prva iskustva
(Zaključana tema (lock), by Milan Gligorijevic)
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[ Pregleda: 293800 | Odgovora: 974 ] > FB > Twit

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