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error: Unit xxxxx was compiled with a different version of ShlObj.IShellFolder

[es] :: Pascal / Delphi / Kylix :: error: Unit xxxxx was compiled with a different version of ShlObj.IShellFolder

[ Pregleda: 3906 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

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icon error: Unit xxxxx was compiled with a different version of ShlObj.IShellFolder02.10.2004. u 14:25 - pre 240 meseci
Novi error: "Unit CommDlg was compiled with a different version of ShlObj.IShellFolder"
Ako mi je "build with runtime packages" uključeno ovaj error se ne javlja, ali kada "build with runtime packages" isključim onda se ovaj error javlja kod kompajliranja.
Kako se riješiti ovoga error-a?
Odgovor na temu

Milos D

Član broj: 5621
Poruke: 280

+1 Profil

icon Re: error: Unit xxxxx was compiled with a different version of ShlObj.IShellFolder02.10.2004. u 16:24 - pre 240 meseci
Pa, nemoj da iskljucujes "build with runtime packages" ;)

Salim se, pretpostavljam da je fajl koji pravi probleme u nekom paketu? Otvori i iskompajliraj taj paket pa probaj ponovo. Ili, izbaci doticni paket iz liste (ispod opcije "build with runtime packages"). Ili, probaj da ukljucis opciju "Rebuild as needed" tog paketa. Ili, probaj Project/Build umesto Run tj. Compile...
Odgovor na temu

Branislav Stojkovic

Član broj: 24844
Poruke: 631


+1 Profil

icon Re: error: Unit xxxxx was compiled with a different version of ShlObj.IShellFolder02.10.2004. u 16:58 - pre 240 meseci
znate onaj vic:
dolazi baba kod doktora i kaze "Doktore, mnogo me boli kad se ovde pipnem"
-"Pa ste se pipas, koj qrac!"
Ride the rainbow, crack the sky

DIY gitare, pojacala i efekti
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Član broj: 29278
Poruke: 220


icon Re: error: Unit xxxxx was compiled with a different version of ShlObj.IShellFolder04.10.2004. u 19:00 - pre 240 meseci
Riješio sam problem. Izbrisao sam neku komponentu koja je valjda imala neki uticaj na xxxxx unit ili nešto drugo. Uglavnom nema više problema.
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Pascal / Delphi / Kylix :: error: Unit xxxxx was compiled with a different version of ShlObj.IShellFolder

[ Pregleda: 3906 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

Postavi temu Odgovori

Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.