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Setup an USB mouse for X11

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Mladen Komac
VMware SME / IT Architect
NIL ltd.

Član broj: 306
Poruke: 461



icon Setup an USB mouse for X1107.02.2002. u 20:31 - pre 272 meseci


Your usb mouse is not working after the SuSE Linux installation.


The usb support setup fails during installation.


You want to use a USB mouse with SuSE Linux 7.0, please check first, if the needed modules are already loaded. To check it open a terminal (symbol with the shell on the KDE desktop) and change to the root user:


Please enter the root password, if the question appears and go ahead as root user.


Shows the loaded modules.

For using a USB mouse you need the modules usbcore, input, hid and mousedev, test the needed modules through manual loading, use the command:

modprobe usbcore
modprobe input
modprobe hid
modprobe mousedev

To verify the functionality of the loaded usb modules , please type in:

tail -f /var/log/messages

Now plug in the mouse, to see the mouse detection:

Oct 13 00:29:05 linux kernel: usb.c: USB new device connect, assigned device number 2
Oct 13 00:29:05 linux kernel: mouse0: PS/2 mouse device for input0
Oct 13 00:29:05 linux kernel: input0: USB HID v1.00 Mouse [Agiler 3D USB Mouse] on usb1:2.0

To stop the output view press CTRL c.

Please check with the following command, which XFree86 version is running:

xdpyinfo | grep release

Using the mouse wheel under XFree86 version 3.3.6:

Please open the file /etc/XF86Config with an editor of your choice, for example:

pico /etc/XF86Config

Do you want only the USB mouse (without PS/2 mouse) please modify merely the section pointer:

Section "Pointer"
Device "/dev/input/mice"
Protocol "IMPS/2"

(this example is for a mouse with wheel, without wheel select the protocol ps/2)

If you want a PS/2 mouse and an USB mouse to the same time, look for the Xinput Section at the file XF86Config, and modify the file as follows:

Section "XInput"
SubSection "Mouse"
DeviceName "USB Mice"
Protocol "IMPS/2"
ZAxisMapping 4 5
Port "/dev/input/mice"

This change concerns to a wheel mouse and enables the simultaneous operating with the previous mousedevice. If your mouse does not have a wheel, do not type in the line ZAxisMapping use only the protocol ps/2.

Wheel mouse under XFree86 version 4.0.x:

To use the wheel with XFree86 version 4.0.x, edit the Section "InputDevice" in the configuration file /etc/X11/XF86Config as follows:

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "mouse"
Identifier "Mouse[1]"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Protocol" "imps/2"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

You could also setup the wheel with SaX2, please note the article: Configuration of the X server with SaX and SaX2 and note for the setup of an USB mouse, that you are using the device file:


instead of


If you want to use two devices to the same runtime, please edit the Section "ServerLayout" and the matching Section "InputDevice", for example:

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier "Layout[all]"
InputDevice "Keyboard[0]" "CoreKeyboard"
InputDevice "Mouse[1]" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Mouse[2]" "SendCoreEvents"
Screen "Screen[0]"
Section "InputDevice"
Driver "mouse"
Identifier "Mouse[1]"
Option "Device" "/dev/psaux"
Option "Protocol" "imps/2"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

Section "InputDevice"
Driver "mouse"
Identifier "Mouse[2]"
Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
Option "Protocol" "imps/2"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

Above you see the Section for a PS/2 and an USB wheel mouse setup.

Additional strategy for both XFree86 versions:

After modifying save the XF86Config file and start the X-Server again, please log out of KDE or press the CTRL-ALT-Backspace (<- key above return). Log in as User and verify the function of your mouse. To activate the wheel support, please open a terminal and type in:


Is the package imwheel not installed, please install it with YaST, series ap, please try the function of the wheel e.g. with netscape or in KDE with KFM, should the wheel of your mouse are not working to your contentment, you can change the behavior at the configuration file:


Is the mouse working fine including the wheel, the settings should be set durable. To edit the configuration file, open the file /etc/rc.config and modify as follows:

pico /etc/rc.config

Please look for the entry START_USB and activate the function:


After modifying, save the file.

Now open the file /etc/rc.config.d/usb.rc.config and look for the line:

USB_DRIVERS="usb-keyboard mouse"

Change respectively edit as follows:

USB_DRIVERS="keybdev mouse input hid mousedev"

For the automatically initialization during boot sequence, please edit the file .xinitrc, you find the file in the home directory of the user, which should use the wheel , please look for the following section and edit how the next part describes:

# start some stuff
imwheel -k

Please repeat the imwheel entry for every user, which should be able to use the wheel.

Now you can reboot the system to check the USB-mouse support.
Mladen Komac
VMware SME / IT Architect
Web site:

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Jovan Marjanovic

Član broj: 942
Poruke: 456

ICQ: 42


icon Re: Setup an USB mouse for X1108.02.2002. u 16:33 - pre 272 meseci
Obozavam tutoriale kojima je default editor pico.
Do sada jos nisam video gori editor od pico-a ...
Za automatsko dobijanje Super Moderatorskog statusa na Elitesecurity forumima pritisnite Alt+F4
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Gojko Vujovic
Amsterdam, NL

Član broj: 1
Poruke: 13651

+165 Profil

icon Re: Setup an USB mouse for X1108.02.2002. u 17:59 - pre 272 meseci
Jeste pico katastrofa ali nemojmo zbog toga negativno ocenjivati ovaj post.
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[es] :: Linux desktop okruženja :: Setup an USB mouse for X11

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