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We are looking for a tech writer

[es] :: IT berza poslova :: Arhiva IT berze poslova :: We are looking for a tech writer
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Tech Guy
Belgrade, Serbia

Član broj: 311399
Poruke: 1


icon We are looking for a tech writer26.01.2013. u 13:37 - pre 139 meseci
We need a tech writer to write quality articles on technical subjects, in perfect English.

You will work at home, but you will have to be online during your work hours.

The articles you write have to be 100 % original.

You can contact us on [email protected]

[es] :: IT berza poslova :: Arhiva IT berze poslova :: We are looking for a tech writer
(Zaključana tema (lock))

[ Pregleda: 883 | Odgovora: 0 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.