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itunes na ubuntu?

[es] :: Linux aplikacije :: itunes na ubuntu?

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icon itunes na ubuntu?19.01.2012. u 00:15 - pre 151 meseci
imam iphone pa me interesuje ocu li u njega moci da ubacam muziku aplikacije itd. ako budem presao na linux?koliko vidim itunes ne moze da se koristi na linux :/
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Član broj: 107376
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Jabber: maksvel

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icon Re: itunes na ubuntu?20.01.2012. u 18:13 - pre 151 meseci
Koliko vidim, moguća rešenja su wine:
i za neke stvar direkt iz Linuxa:
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Bojan Popović
Beograd, Srbija

Član broj: 61783
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icon Re: itunes na ubuntu?21.01.2012. u 03:06 - pre 151 meseci
U Ubuntu 10.04 i 10.10 (Gnome 2.30+) IPhone je nativno podržan:

Lucid natively supports both iPhone and iPod Touch 1G, 2G, 3G, 3GS and 4G models (iPad should also work) running up to firmware 4.0.1 without the need to jailbreak. This is due to GNOME 2.30 libimobiledevice support. For a video demo see this youtube video. For the iPhone4 (iOS 4.1), music syncing does NOT work as libgpod has not implemented this yet. You can view the iPhone filesystem by using ifuse.

If you have a password set up on your device, unlock it first before connecting the USB cable, otherwise Ubuntu will not recognize it.

USB Tethering is not supported out of the box, but you can make it work by following this guide

iPod 5G Nano: After making sure libimobiledevice is installed (and possibly reinstalling it if necessary) you may need to re-install the network-manager package in order to be able to read and write properly.

Ovo je izvučeno iz Ubuntu Community wikija.

Ubuntu 11.04 takođe nativno podržava IPhone (ali sa određenim ograničenjima):

However, the OS does recognize the iPhone. For example, during our use, we were able to plug an iPhone 4 into a PC running Ubuntu 11.04, import photos, and see files and folders on the device. With music, we were able to play songs downloaded from iTunes to the iPhone that were purchased with play-anywhere rights -- though songs with only rights for iTunes-authorized devices and PCs didn't work. (We didn't expect them to, but it was worth a shot.)

Izvor: crn

Btw, wine je po meni više "poslednje" rešenje, ako ništa drugo ne uspe. Mnogo je bolje koristiti nativne aplikacije. ;)
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[es] :: Linux aplikacije :: itunes na ubuntu?

[ Pregleda: 2708 | Odgovora: 2 ] > FB > Twit

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