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Novel sold to Attachmate Corporation, MSFT gets IP

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Dejan Lozanovic
Dejan Lozanovic

Član broj: 691
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+75 Profil

icon Re: Novel sold to Attachmate Corporation, MSFT gets IP26.11.2010. u 10:29 - pre 165 meseci
pa mislim da neko ne zeli da potrosi oko 2.2 miliarde dolara da bi bio in medju FOSS-om :) neko tu gleda i da zaradi :)
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Ivan Bulatovic

Član broj: 151351
Poruke: 4563


+104 Profil

icon Re: Novel sold to Attachmate Corporation, MSFT gets IP26.11.2010. u 10:58 - pre 165 meseci
Pa zarada preko novell-a nije iskljucivo kroz tuzbe zbog IP-a koji poseduju, ono cime se bavi Attachmate se bas fino poklapa sa SLES-om i misle da ce moci da povecaju zaradu kombinujuci njihove usluge sa istim. Na zalost Oracle je recimo odmah pokrenuo trigger happy advokate jureci i tuzakajuci firme zbog zloupotrebe SUN IP-a.
make love - !war
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Nedeljko Stefanović

Član broj: 314
Poruke: 8632

+2791 Profil

icon Re: Novel sold to Attachmate Corporation, MSFT gets IP26.11.2010. u 11:27 - pre 165 meseci
Ma, realno, $2.2e9 i nisu neke pare. Kad je jedan tričavi AB-soft, vlasnik MySQL-a prodat SUN-u za $1e9.
Nije bitno koji su zaključci izvučeni, već kako se do njih došlo.
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Bulatovic

Član broj: 151351
Poruke: 4563


+104 Profil

icon Re: Novel sold to Attachmate Corporation, MSFT gets IP03.05.2011. u 23:56 - pre 160 meseci
Evo prvih nuspojava:


Attachmate completed their acquisition of Novell last week and turned the assets into the Novell and SUSE business units. This morning the first signs of changes were announced when over one-hundred employees would be losing their jobs as part of the streamlining process. Later on in the day I was then to first break the news -- a rumor at the time -- via my Twitter feed that all of Mono's developers would be losing their positions.

I'm now settled in for the evening in Germany and the news of the Novell Mono developers being let go has been confirmed. Mono is out at Attachmate. I'm told that it's around 30 developers that were employed by Novell working on the Mono platform, which is an implementation of Microsoft's .NET for Linux and other non-Windows operating systems.

Mono is a binary compatible implementation of C# and the Common Language Runtime (CLR) for Linux, Mac, and Unix that comes with tools that plug into Visual Studio. Mono was started in 2004 by well-known open sourcer Miguel de Icaza.

de Icaza also started the open-source implementation of Silverlight, Microsoft's alternative to Flash, under a project called Moonlight. Microsoft has benefited from Moonlight because it has helped support Microsoft's claims that Silverlight is a cross-platform technology and furthered interest in its own media runtime. Silverlight runs on just Windows, whereas Moonlight runs on Mac, Unix, and PC.

Dobro, mono-a mi i nije zao mnogo (makar ne na linuxu), siguran sam da ce mono dev-ovi naci nekog ko ce ih placati da nastave sa poslom. de Icaza je inace dobro poznati MSFT tech supporter iako je zapoceo Gnome projekat - eto mu ga sad...
make love - !war
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[es] :: Advocacy :: Novel sold to Attachmate Corporation, MSFT gets IP

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