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Apple threatens Java with death on the Mac

[es] :: Advocacy :: Apple threatens Java with death on the Mac

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Stefan Markic

Član broj: 82674
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icon Apple threatens Java with death on the Mac22.10.2010. u 14:07 - pre 166 meseci
On Wednesday, as Apple cult leader Steve Jobs unveiled a future Mac OS incarnation dubbed "Lion" and a new Mac App Store, the company released a Java update for Mac OS X 10.6 — and the release notes revealed that the platform isn't long for Jobs' world. "As of the release of Java for Mac OS X 10.6 Update 3, the version of Java that is ported by Apple, and that ships with Mac OS X, is deprecated," the notes read.

Apple threatens Java with death on the Mac
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Dejan Lozanovic
Dejan Lozanovic

Član broj: 691
Poruke: 2325


+75 Profil

icon Re: Apple threatens Java with death on the Mac27.10.2010. u 19:27 - pre 166 meseci
Ocigledno nece da imaju posla sa Oracleom, posto oni imaju svoju implementaciju jave, a vide sta je recimo Oracle uradio po pitanju Google-a. Zatvaraju si mogucnost da oracle krene da ih tuzi, ali mislim da ce openJDK da portuju na mac.
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[es] :: Advocacy :: Apple threatens Java with death on the Mac

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