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Osnovno Programinranje

[es] :: .NET :: ASP.NET :: Osnovno Programinranje

[ Pregleda: 1456 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

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Član broj: 92964


icon Osnovno Programinranje23.03.2010. u 02:27 - pre 173 meseci
Naime ja sam trenutno u SAD-u studiram, i uzimam predmet koji se zove Web Design!

Radim u VB08, dobio sam komplikovani domaci i ne mogu da se snadjem, tj nzm sta treba da uradim:

Molim za pomoc.

2. You should insert a heading (<h2>) on the master page in the Content <div> immediately before the tags for ContentPlaceHolder1. Insert the following code between the beginning and ending tags for the header: <%=Heading%>. This tells the server to get the title from the code you create in the code behind files of your web forms.

3. You should create a string variable named masterHeading in your code behind file that contains the default heading text, First Care Medical Services. You should then create a Heading property that allows you to set the value of the string from the child pages. You will have to include a new directive at the top of your source code for each child page that looks like this:
<%@ MasterType VirtualPath="~/MasterPage/MasterPage.master" %>
to be able to access the property.

Ja razumem kako da kreiram <h2> ali ne razumem sta treba da radim sa <%=Heading%> tj. nzm kako da referencujem, tj da mu dodelim vrednost iz Code Behind!

I ovo pod 3. = Create a heading property, na sta se to odnosi, kako da ga kreiram!

Znam da su odgovori verovatno laki, ali eto ja se mucim sa tim!

Hvala na pomoci unapred!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 33283
Poruke: 144


icon Re: Osnovno Programinranje23.03.2010. u 07:29 - pre 173 meseci
Kad napravis Heading property ono ce ti se ubaciti na mesto <%= Heading %>
Code behind se pravi kada pravis obicnu web stranicu i stikliras polje da hoces da kod bude u odvojenom fajlu, taj fajl je code behind
Property heading je:
public string Heading
get { return head; }
set { head = value; }
head bi ovde bilo string polje ili promenljiva clanica
dobar dan
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: .NET :: ASP.NET :: Osnovno Programinranje

[ Pregleda: 1456 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

Postavi temu Odgovori

Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.