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Stize vam novi update!

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Član broj: 189779
Poruke: 710

+21 Profil

icon Stize vam novi update!01.03.2010. u 07:51 - pre 174 meseci
Microsoft offers browser choices to Europeans

Microsoft is to ask millions of users across Europe if they want to use a web browser other than its own.

A pop-up window will prompt people to choose and install one of 12 different browsers or let them stick with Microsoft's Internet Explorer

The browser choice software will be delivered from Monday as part of the Windows Update system Microsoft usually uses to distribute security patches.

Although the update has been prepared for Windows XP, Vista and 7, not all users will see it.

It will not pop up in front of those who already run a different default browser, such as Firefox, Safari or Chrome.

Users guaranteed to see it are those that have Internet Explorer (IE) set as their default browser and have taken the option to let Windows automatically download and install updates.

When it runs, the software will present users with a window that says in bold text "An important choice to make: your browser". It also asks people to ensure they are connected to the internet.

Alternatively, users can opt to ignore the selection and make a choice later. If they do this a shortcut icon will appear on the Windows desktop that gives access to the browser choice window at any time.
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Član broj: 189779
Poruke: 710

+21 Profil

icon Re: Stize vam novi update!01.03.2010. u 12:59 - pre 174 meseci
I jos jedan. Ovo je samo za ono kojima stoji automatic update :D : Update for Windows 7 (KB971033)

Download size: 1.2 MB

Update type: Important

This update to Windows Activation Technologies detects activation exploits and tampering to key Windows system files. These exploits try to bypass regular Windows activation and are sometimes included within counterfeit copies of Windows.

More information:

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Take 5

Član broj: 200551
Poruke: 1423

+12 Profil

icon Re: Stize vam novi update!01.03.2010. u 20:52 - pre 174 meseci
^ Već je bilo reči o tome na forumu, pre desetak dana...

"Take Five" is the famous jazz piece written by Paul Desmond and performed by The Dave Brubeck Quartet. It is famous for its distinctive saxophone line and use of the unusual quintuple (5/4) time, from which its name is derived.

Take Five (1966)

Take Five by Al Jarreau 1976
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Član broj: 189779
Poruke: 710

+21 Profil

icon Re: Stize vam novi update!02.03.2010. u 06:02 - pre 174 meseci
Izgleda da slabo pratim situaciju na terenu :). Hteo sam samo da podsetim mladje korisnike da je korisno staviti update na " notify me, but dont download..", cisto u istrazivacke svrhe, da prate sta im stize na komp.
Odgovor na temu

Take 5

Član broj: 200551
Poruke: 1423

+12 Profil

icon Re: Stize vam novi update!02.03.2010. u 08:13 - pre 174 meseci
Evo te teme ovde od pre 16 dana, a skoro je niko nije komentarisao, valjda je bila neinteresantna(?!?):

Windows Activation Technologies Update for Windows 7
"Take Five" is the famous jazz piece written by Paul Desmond and performed by The Dave Brubeck Quartet. It is famous for its distinctive saxophone line and use of the unusual quintuple (5/4) time, from which its name is derived.

Take Five (1966)

Take Five by Al Jarreau 1976
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Član broj: 189779
Poruke: 710

+21 Profil

icon Re: Stize vam novi update!02.03.2010. u 08:18 - pre 174 meseci
E pa sad mislim da ce biti mnogima interesantna. Stigla je juce, i mnogi su je vec osetili, ako nisu ukljucili " notify me but don`t dwnload.." Zbog istrazivackih razloga, naravno.
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Član broj: 189779
Poruke: 710

+21 Profil

icon Re: Stize vam novi update!02.03.2010. u 08:38 - pre 174 meseci
Ops...kad se ignorise taj update, jednostavno nestane sa liste dostupnih updejta. Nema ga ni u hidden ni nigde. Take 5, molim te potvrdi ovo, ako je tacno.
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[es] :: Advocacy :: Stize vam novi update!

[ Pregleda: 2159 | Odgovora: 6 ] > FB > Twit

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