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Cisco Router System

[es] :: Security :: Cisco Router System

[ Pregleda: 4360 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

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Član broj: 17573
Poruke: 36


icon Cisco Router System18.12.2003. u 20:03 - pre 250 meseci
Sta bi se sve moglo uraditi ako recimo...neko uspio uci u neki
ruter? I kako? Imali ko ikakvog iskustva?
Koliko je opasno?
Software Version c760-i.bxd.NET3 4.3(1) - Feb 22 1999 21:28:17
Cisco 761
ISDN Stack Revision NET3 2.10
Copyright (c) 1993-1999 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Software is used subject to software license agreement contained
with this product. By using this product you agree to accept the
terms of the software license.
Hardware Configuration:
Flash: 1.0MB
POTS: Not Installed
NT1: Not Installed
ROM: 2.1(2)
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Član broj: 20571
Poruke: 10


icon Re: Cisco Router System02.03.2004. u 08:49 - pre 247 meseci
idi na ili vec kako idi na pen-test pa na arhivu imas cisco part 1 i 2 pa citaj . sretno :))
CIA Zna , CIA cita , CIA je glupa policijna :P
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Security :: Cisco Router System

[ Pregleda: 4360 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

Postavi temu Odgovori

Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.