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xmms sustanje na RealTek ALC650

[es] :: Linux :: xmms sustanje na RealTek ALC650

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Stanislav Antic

Član broj: 6670
Poruke: 120


icon xmms sustanje na RealTek ALC65007.12.2003. u 22:34 - pre 250 meseci
Kada pustam muziku iz xmms cuje se sustanje, dok iz drugih programa kao sto je MPlayer cuje se normalan zvuk. U podesavanjima u Preferences Output Plugin je namesten na OSS Driver 1.2.7 [] . A kada pritisnem dugme Configure drajveri su podeseni na Realtek ALC650 rev3 . Koristim xmms 1.2.7 .

Hvala Vam unapred. Ako ne znate resenje molim Vas da me uputite gde bi mogao da ga nadjem.
Ken Thompson has an automobile which he helped design. Unlike most automobiles, it has neither speedometer, nor gas gauge, nor any of the other numerous idiot lights which plague the modern driver. Rather, if the driver makes a mistake, a giant “?” lights up in the center of the dashboard. “The experienced driver,” says Thompson, “will usually know what’s wrong.”
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Marković Damir
(BGD/SD Karaburma)/Pirot

Član broj: 1510
Poruke: 4132

Jabber: damirm | gmail | com
ICQ: 134002435

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icon Re: xmms sustanje na RealTek ALC65007.12.2003. u 23:37 - pre 250 meseci
Vraca li gresku kada probas da pustis mjuzu iz xmms-a ili samo susti, a pesma "ide"?
Odgovor na temu

Stanislav Antic

Član broj: 6670
Poruke: 120


icon Re: xmms sustanje na RealTek ALC65008.12.2003. u 06:46 - pre 250 meseci
Vraca li gresku kada probas da pustis mjuzu iz xmms-a ili samo susti, a pesma "ide"?

Ne vraca gresku nego samo susti dok pustam pesmu i kad je stopiram traje jedno 2 sekunde dok se ne isprazni bafer, a i u toku pustanja analizer radi normalno. Sad sam otkrio i da se to desava sa KDE-om to jest kada startujem KDE cuje se sustanje i kada se gasi, bas onda kada bi trebao da se cuje zvuk.
Ken Thompson has an automobile which he helped design. Unlike most automobiles, it has neither speedometer, nor gas gauge, nor any of the other numerous idiot lights which plague the modern driver. Rather, if the driver makes a mistake, a giant “?” lights up in the center of the dashboard. “The experienced driver,” says Thompson, “will usually know what’s wrong.”
Odgovor na temu

Bijelić Neven

Član broj: 15763
Poruke: 69



icon Re: xmms sustanje na RealTek ALC65008.12.2003. u 14:12 - pre 250 meseci
meni se nesto slicno desilo bilo sa SB live.. resenje je bilo iskljuciti / smanjiti jacinu mikrofona .. suludo ali eto..
Odgovor na temu

Stanislav Antic

Član broj: 6670
Poruke: 120


icon Re: xmms sustanje na RealTek ALC65008.12.2003. u 20:41 - pre 250 meseci
meni se nesto slicno desilo bilo sa SB live.. resenje je bilo iskljuciti / smanjiti jacinu mikrofona .. suludo ali eto..

Hvala ti na savetu, radio je.

Ken Thompson has an automobile which he helped design. Unlike most automobiles, it has neither speedometer, nor gas gauge, nor any of the other numerous idiot lights which plague the modern driver. Rather, if the driver makes a mistake, a giant “?” lights up in the center of the dashboard. “The experienced driver,” says Thompson, “will usually know what’s wrong.”
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Linux :: xmms sustanje na RealTek ALC650

[ Pregleda: 3992 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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