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Ubuntu Live 2008 otkazan

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Stefan Markic

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icon Ubuntu Live 2008 otkazan21.05.2008. u 17:45 - pre 196 meseci
In a statement, Canonical says, "We have decided to replace this year's Ubuntu Live conference -- which was scheduled for July 21-22 in Portland, OR -- with added content at the OSCON event, scheduled July 21-25 in the same location, as well as with several regional events in North America and Europe (more to come later). We believe this new structure will better suit people travelling to Oregon for OSCON anyway and also those who could not see us there at that time. All registered attendees, speakers and press have been contacted by O'Reilly with details of refunds or equivalent offers."
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[es] :: Linux :: Ubuntu Live 2008 otkazan

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