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windowless activex controls are not supported

[es] :: .NET :: windowless activex controls are not supported

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icon windowless activex controls are not supported28.02.2008. u 12:09 - pre 199 meseci
Pokusavam da ubacim ActiveX kontrolu na formu ali dobijam obavestenje "Unable to get the window handle for the 'AxGMMapView' control. Windowless ActiveX controls are not supported"...
Radim po nekom tutorijalu u kojem ta kontola moze da se postavi na formu.
Ima li neko ideju kako da prevazidjem problem?

"...i grizu me svojim zubima u nameri da me upropaste..."
Radovan III
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[es] :: .NET :: windowless activex controls are not supported

[ Pregleda: 2739 | Odgovora: 0 ] > FB > Twit

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