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Citrix dodavanje certifikata.

[es] :: Linux :: Citrix dodavanje certifikata.

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icon Citrix dodavanje certifikata.24.04.2007. u 12:08 - pre 209 meseci
Imam problem s Exportom certifikata da ga ubacim u

Uglavnom IceWeasel nema mogučnost exporta.
FireFox u Windowsima isto nema Export certificate.
IE mi ga stavi unutar .cer a ne u .crt kako bi Citrix htio.

Te imam problem da mi nije certifikat u AddTrust Root.

Ako znate kako bi mogao izvadit certifikat iz FF-a u .crt formatu pa ga lagano importiram u Iceweasel.

Cista da isprobam da vidim dali ce s tim proradit. Danke.
xxxrugby: "We are all philosophers, when question is about politics!"
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icon Re: Citrix dodavanje certifikata.19.07.2007. u 09:13 - pre 206 meseci
ako imas u mozili certifikate:
sudo cp /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/*.* /usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/

da bi izvukao iz windowsa:

create new certificate from Windows Server or XP/2000
single left click "start" button
single left click "run"
type "mmc" left click "OK"
single left click "File"
single left click "add/remove snap-in"
left click "add" button
double left click "Certificates"
choose "Computer account"
single left click "Next"
choose "Local computer: (the computer this console is running on)"
single left click "Finish"
single left click "Close" on the "Add Standalone Snap-in" dialog
single left click "OK" on the "Add/Remove Snap-in" dialog
single left click the plus in front of "Certificates (Local Computer)"
single left click the plus in front of "Trusted Root Certification Authorities"
single left click "Certificates"
In the right pane, scroll to find "cert giving you error"
single right click "cert giving you error", choose "All Tasks" and single left click "Export"
single left click "Next"
choose "Base-64 encoded x.509(.CER)" and click "Next"
choose any filename for this file and save as type "Base64 Encoded X.509(*.cer)"

Transfer this file to /usr/lib/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/linux.crt on the DamnSmall box and try your connection to the citrix farm again
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[es] :: Linux :: Citrix dodavanje certifikata.

[ Pregleda: 2666 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

Postavi temu Odgovori

Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.