Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.

iseljenje iz Srbije

[es] :: Vodič za emigraciju :: iseljenje iz Srbije

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Član broj: 118243
Poruke: 1

ICQ: 18


icon iseljenje iz Srbije22.10.2006. u 13:04 - pre 215 meseci
Vedran Kutic rodjen 18.09.1978 u Zenici BiH
Otac dvoje dece 4 i 2 godine
Zanimanje:programer cnc mashina
Zanimanje supruge:zenski frizer

Interesuje me na koji nacin danas,posto nisam u statusu izbjeglice od 2001god naj laksim putem doci do iseljenicke vise za Australiju ili Novi zeland?
Odgovor na temu

Aleksandar Totovic
CEO, Editor in Chief
ERP Consulting

Član broj: 25536
Poruke: 840


+1 Profil

icon Re: iseljenje iz Srbije22.10.2006. u 13:23 - pre 215 meseci
Pronađi posao preko neta u željenoj zemlji, a posle ostaju formalnosti.
Cave ab homine unius libri

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: iseljenje iz Srbije25.10.2006. u 05:46 - pre 215 meseci
Hairdressers are in great demand at the present time so now is the best time to make an application. Some states, such as South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia, are even willing to sponsor visa applications from skilled hairdressers, due to the current shortage of such skills in their states.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 73642
Poruke: 32


icon Re: iseljenje iz Srbije29.10.2006. u 19:17 - pre 215 meseci

Sta mislis da li bi dali vizu npr. u ovoj situaciji:
-nedavno zavrsio kurs za frizera
-radnog iskustva par meseci
-imam dokument da sam zavrsio kurs/skolu
-do skora sam se bavio totalno drugim poslom

Hocu reci- ucitelj u skoli,radim taj posao godinama.Ali to ne treba u AU.Zavrsio kurs za ono sto oni traze.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: iseljenje iz Srbije10.11.2006. u 18:10 - pre 214 meseci
Pogledaj ovde imas sve detaljno objasnjeno:
Hairdresser 4931-11

Takodje Ti savetujem ukoliko ispunjavas uslove pogledaj malo AU sajtove sa oglasima za posao.
Uz CV mozes da posaljes i svoju dvd,cd ili video kasetu i buducem potencijalnom poslodavcu prikazes SVOJE umece i vestine frizerskog zanata.
Potrudi se da prezentacija Tvog CV-ja etc. bude na nivou.U Australiji su veoma popularni frizerski saloni "Just cut" gde se obavlja samo podsisivanje.

Preporucujem Ti da dok ne odes u Australiju Ti zapocnes nesto slicno kod nas. Za to mozes da dobijes i pomoc od drzave, radeci steknes jos bolju praksu.

osmisli da se ponuda u Tvom salonu razlikuje od drugih.Recimo povremeno besplatno sisanje za decu.

Odgovor na temu

Bogdan Djukic

Član broj: 61571
Poruke: 696

+2 Profil

icon Re: iseljenje iz Srbije10.11.2006. u 21:07 - pre 214 meseci
Aj kad je vec pokrenuta ova tema, ne bi drugu da otvaram.
Interesuje me za AUS.
Da li je upisivanjem nekog npr. kursa engleskog jezika tamo moguce dobiti studentsku vizu?
Ili je sticanje studentske moguce samo ako se upisu postdiplomske studije?

I na koliko se izdaje turisticka viza? 9 ili 12 meseci?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: iseljenje iz Srbije10.11.2006. u 21:37 - pre 214 meseci
Studiranje - usavrsavanje engleskog jezika u Australiji:

All Australian visas are granted by DIMIA (Department of Immigration, Multicultural and Indigenious Affairs) and all practical information are to be found in English only in their official website: Please find below a sum-up of the most popular visas and their conditions.

Depending on your country, you can apply for this visa online or in person at any Australian diplomatic mission; is free or cost AUD40 minimum, according the length of the visa. This visa is recommended for short staysonly. The conditions are the following:- You must have a return airline ticket - You can study up to 3 months maximum - This visa can be renewed in Australia for another visitor stay as long as the total duration on the country is not over 12 months and there is no mention of NO FURTHER STAY on your visa (renewal fee: AUD 200; you''ll have to show financial evidence of minimum AU$ 1000/month of stay) - Depending on your country, you may be eligible to renew onto a student visa or occupational trainee visa- You are not allowed to work at all!!

This is the unique visa that allows you to study over 3 months in Australia and work part-time (20h maximum per week); this visa is recommended for those who want to study English for over 3 months or further their studies in any speciality. The application process can take up to 3 months according to your country; it will cost you AU$ 420. The conditions depend on the Assessment level of your country. Click here to know the Assessment level of your country and here for the requirements of your country according to the Assessment. The conditions are the following:- You cannot apply for a student visa unless you have been enrolled in an accredited Australian institution, have paid all fees and received an e-COE (electronic Confirmation of Enrolment)- You must be enrolled in a FULL TIME course superior or equal to 3 months (12 weeks): it can be an English course, vocational training, university degrees, secondary studies… with the conditions they are all CRICOS accredited; - You can work up to 20 hours per week during your studies and full time during your school holidays. WARNING: you cannot work unless you have started your course and applied for the work permit (it will cost you AU$ 60).- You must have paid the compulsory OSHC (Overseas Students Health Cover) with the selected Australian institution - This visa can be renewed several times as long as you are enrolled in a full time course each time - When your student visa expires, you can renew it into different visas such as visitor visa (AU$ 200), Sponsorship visa or permanent residency. - You may have to undertake medical exams and X-rays (please check with the closest Australian diplomatic mission. Please contact us if you need some help to enroll in an accredited Australian institution.

This visa is recommended for those who want to work in Australia for one year, travel at the same time and just cover their costs. Australia has reciprocal Working Holiday maker arrangements in effect with the United Kingdom, Canada, the Netherlands, Japan, Republic of Ireland, Republic of Korea, Malta, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China, Finland, the Republic of Cyprus, France, and Italy, Belgium, Estonia and Taiwan.Consult the following website for further details. The conditions are the following:- Valid for one year from arrival in Australia - You can only apply for this visa OUTSIDE of Australia- You will receive an electronic virtual visa if you apply online!! - You must be between 18 and 30 years old; - You can study a course of maximum 3 months (12 weeks) - You can work full time for one year but not more than 3 months for the same employer - When your visa expires, you can renew it into different visas such as visitor visa (AU$ 200), student visa (AU$420), Sponsorship visaFor more information about our working holiday Starterpacks especially prepared to provide you with airport transfer, acccommodation, english course and job assistance, refer to our section Working Holiday

Odgovor na temu

Filthy McNasty
Obala Slonovace

Član broj: 120527
Poruke: 143

+5 Profil

icon Re: iseljenje iz Srbije11.11.2006. u 16:47 - pre 214 meseci
Imigracija u AU ili NZ nije ni malo laka, cak sta vise, ima rogovi pre da ti izarastu nego sto se dokopas jedne od ovih zemalja.
Probaj sa Kanadom ako ti ta opcija odgovara, nesto je lakse, ne kazem bas da je formalnost, ali pogledaj na , ako imas onih 67 bodova ond asamo napred sa aplikacijom.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 185823
Poruke: 60

+1 Profil

icon Re: iseljenje iz Srbije12.01.2010. u 18:29 - pre 176 meseci
Pogledajte moju temu

Zavisno gde hocete da idete ima agencija koje traze i manje novca (NZ oko 500 E). Kontaktirajte me ako ste zainteresovani.

Ko drugome jamu kopa sam u New York
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Vodič za emigraciju :: iseljenje iz Srbije

[ Pregleda: 13262 | Odgovora: 8 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.