Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.

PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.

[es] :: PDA Uređaji :: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.

[ Pregleda: 8743 | Odgovora: 16 ] > FB > Twit

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Član broj: 12554
Poruke: 8


icon PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.15.09.2006. u 07:05 - pre 216 meseci
Da li je neko probao koristiti PDA kao univerzalni daljnski i kakva su iskustva.Zanima me koji model PDA,koji software, koliki mu je domet i slicno.

Citao sam na netu da neki imaju kvalitetniji infracrveni port tj CIR( consumer ir), pa da neki softvare ne prepoznaje taj CIR i slicno.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 2415
Poruke: 8514

+11 Profil

icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.15.09.2006. u 07:33 - pre 216 meseci
Sve se svodi na to kakav je IR port. Ako je onaj bolji, koji je kompatibilan sa daljinskim radice ti kako valja.

Na mom Fujitsu-Siemens Loox 718 sa RemoteControlII radi sasvim lepo. Kolega je probao sa nekim Asusom (onim jeftinim) i takodje radi OK).
Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 34646
Poruke: 58

+7 Profil

icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.15.09.2006. u 08:06 - pre 216 meseci
A sto se programa tice probaj Novii Remote Deluxe, ubedljivo je najbolji. Ima cak i mogucnost "ucenja" sa daljinskog koji imas
Odgovor na temu

Srdjan Bukvic

Član broj: 19503
Poruke: 171

ICQ: 71785636

+5 Profil

icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.15.09.2006. u 08:12 - pre 216 meseci
Svaki PDA, koji ima naravno IR i radi na WM2003se ili WM2005 moze da radi kao daljinski za sve uredjaje u kuci koji imaju IR prijemnik
Jedino ti je bitno da imas dobar software za to ...
najbolji koji sam ikada video i najnoviji (moze da se crackuje :))jeste NoviiRemote Deluxe ver 4.1,(izdanje je 2006.07. tako da je poprilicno novsoftware-modernog izgleda)
U ovom programu, pored njegovih predefinisaih uredjaja(podrska za poznatije proizvodjace), mozes i sam da ubacis i memorises bilo koji daljinski upravljac...

btw, sa HP hx4700, domet je oko 10tak metara...
Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 18803
Poruke: 83


icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.15.09.2006. u 10:31 - pre 216 meseci
Razlika je jedino u dometu sa cir radi normalno kao svaki drugi daljinski a sa fir ima daleko kraci domet
Odgovor na temu

Srdjan Bukvic

Član broj: 19503
Poruke: 171

ICQ: 71785636

+5 Profil

icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.15.09.2006. u 17:27 - pre 216 meseci
cir, fir?
mozes objasniti razliku..?nisam cuo da se IR dele na te dve kategorije
Odgovor na temu

Nemanja Milošević
Novi Sad

Član broj: 86992
Poruke: 1104

+1 Profil

icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.15.09.2006. u 18:34 - pre 216 meseci
Cir (Computerized Infrared Remote) je noviji od Fir (Far Infrared) pa je samim tim i brži.

Evo za šta se koristi (osim za prenos podataka) :

FIR infrared ray energy is a part of the natural light spectrum of sunlight minus the skin damaging UV, which is why NASA spacecraft have utilized this heat. In Asia and Europe it has already revolutionized health and beauty products.

Far Infrared ray is a form of light energy from the sun. It falls within the same family of Infrared rays in the light spectrum. But due to its longer wavelengths, FIR cannot be seen by human eyes, just like the Ultraviolet rays. The energy is absolutely ESSENTIAL & BENEFICIAL for human beings and all living things in the world.

FIR has the ability to penetrate, refract, radiate & reflect. The human body can absorb FIR because of its deep penetrating ability. When FIR penetrates through the skin to the subcutaneous tissues, it transforms from light energy into heat energy. The thermal effect within the deep layers of tissue cause blood vessels in capillaries to dilate, promoting better blood circulation, and the heat produced helps to get rid of body toxins and metabolic wastes through sweating.

The advantage of the FIR sauna over a conventional sauna is that a conventional sauna heats the air in the chamber to a very high temperature, which in turn heats our body, while a FIR sauna works differently. Neither oxygen molecules nor nitrogen molecules in the air can block the FIR wave; therefore, the FIR unique wave length penetrates directly into the body a couple of inches. It makes us feel quite warm and we perspire profusely, but our skin is not hurt by the hot air. Some heavy metals accumulate under our skin and the FIR sauna is very good for sweating out heavy metal deposits under our skin.

Toshiba Qosmio F50-125 - Powered
by Dell Axim X50v (WM2005/Official A02) :
Nokia Lumia 920.1 WP8.1 GDR1 Cyan
DevUnlock : Toshiba Encore WT8-A-102 -
Windows 8.1 Pro
Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 18803
Poruke: 83


icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.15.09.2006. u 18:56 - pre 216 meseci
Mislim da prethodni odgovor nije tacan CIR je consumer ir a FIR je fast infra red (omogucava vece brzine uz manji domet)
Odgovor na temu

Nemanja Milošević
Novi Sad

Član broj: 86992
Poruke: 1104

+1 Profil

icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.16.09.2006. u 10:33 - pre 216 meseci
Ako moj odgovor nije tačan, hoćeš li nam ti reći pravi ?
Toshiba Qosmio F50-125 - Powered
by Dell Axim X50v (WM2005/Official A02) :
Nokia Lumia 920.1 WP8.1 GDR1 Cyan
DevUnlock : Toshiba Encore WT8-A-102 -
Windows 8.1 Pro
Odgovor na temu

kevin schultz
Zemun PH

Član broj: 90296
Poruke: 168



icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.16.09.2006. u 12:16 - pre 216 meseci
na palmu je najbolji novii remote i to deluxe verzija,koji ima ogromnu bazu kodova za sve postojece iole poznatije proizvodjace tv,dvd,resivera,muzickih sitema isl,
a takodje funkcija learn mu radi besprekorno(uperi se daljinski upravljac uredjaja u palm ,pritisne zeljeno dugme-komanda na daljincu i isto virtuelno zeljeno na palmu i on nauci da je to virtuelno dugme za tu funkciju)
radi na svim palmovima koji koriste 5.x PalmOS i koji imaju iR.
Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 18803
Poruke: 83


icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.16.09.2006. u 16:02 - pre 216 meseci
Q: What infrared types are there? What does CIR/FIR mean? Do all non-CIR PDA's have bad IR range?

A: Not all PDA's have IR (Infrared) LED's (Light Emitting Diodes) that are sufficiently strong. For example, the Dell Axim x5 series has exceptionally bad ones. On the other hand, the 'original' iPAQ series (31xx/36xx/37xx – see for example the articles PPCT, iPAQ HQ, AximSite, PPC Magazine, FirstLoox, BrightHand), old (pre-e750) Toshibas and all the other Dell Axims have very good LED's with great range (3-4 metres at least).

In some devices, there is even dedicated support for CIR (Consumer InfraRed): the iPAQ 39xx, the 5450 and the rx3xxx series and the Pocket Loox 720. They have very good range.

Another, commonly known IR type, FIR, means Fast Infrared. The most widely known PDA to have FIR is the iPAQ hx4700. FIR has nothing to do with CIR; actually, the hx4700 has pretty bad IR range.

If you have a PDA that has very bad IR range (and, certainly, no CIR), you may want to buy add-on hardware to help this situation.

There're two kinds of hardware, as far as remote controller apps are concerned: two Compact Flash (CF) cards and the Total Remote audio dongle.

1. The two CF cards are that of UltraMote and the PDA-IR - CF IR Extender from The latter doesn't have its own software; the WinCESoft RemoteControl II and PDAwin TVRemote both support it. (It's strange the homepage of neither of these apps explicitly mention this.) Unfortunately, it only supports the Compaq iPAQ 36xx, 37xx, 38xx and 39xx, Toshiba e740 and Dell Axim series. Please note that this is because CF-based solutions (UltraMote too!) are highly proprietary. This is why they don't work in all CF-enabled Pocket PC's (or, even in the original PCMCIA sleeve). The explanation of this can be found in Don Stratton's (author of Total Remote) comments here. Therefore, always make sure before purchasing any of them.

2. The Total Remote audio dongle must be plugged in the 3.5 jack of the PDA. (Note that you'll need the new mushroom-like version of this dongle to be able to use in the 5450/5550/5150, which have very recessed audio outputs at the bottom. The old dongle couldn't be used in thise devices. Make sure you get the new version if you buy it second-hand!)

Because this dongle uses the audio output of the PDA, it'll greatly depend on the audio amplifier, which is almost useless (at least to drive the dongle) in Dell Axim's. This is not a problem in Axims starting with x3 because they all have excellent IR range without any additional hardware; the x5, however, is really problematic.

Also, changing the bass/tremble/3D setting (where applicable) seem to greatly affect the usability of this hardware extender.

All in all, you will really want this thread before ordering the dongle and the full version of Total Remote.

Odgovor na temu

Nikola Kovač
Istocno Sarajevo

Član broj: 43589
Poruke: 45


icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.16.09.2006. u 23:12 - pre 216 meseci
I kao uvijek do sada, svaka tema mora da preraste u svadju... No nebitno, mislim da smo svi vec navikli na to.
Sto se tice Pocket Pc racunara i programa za upravljane aparatima (ne ulazim u raspravu koju vrstu IR-a koristi moj racunar jer sam laik u tome, i da li one uopste postoje), ja imam Pocket Pc Fujitsu Siemens LOOX 720 + Novii Remote Deluxe ver. 3.2 i mogu reci da sam zadovoljan rezultatima!
Pozdrav svima!

ASUS A6000 + FujitsuSiemens Pocket Pc LOOX 720
Odgovor na temu

Nemanja Milošević
Novi Sad

Član broj: 86992
Poruke: 1104

+1 Profil

icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.17.09.2006. u 12:05 - pre 216 meseci
Nešto sam razmišljao pa sam se setio jednog zanimljivog eksperimeta sa Novii - em :

Ako neko od vas koristi jedan od onih daljinskih za PC mogao bi da uploaduje codebase na neki free-hosting server( i da nam kaže koji softver koristi pa da vidimo kako bi radio virtuelni daljinski za PC.

(Ne znam da li postoji neki program za to, a i da postoji sigurno nije besplatan.)

Toshiba Qosmio F50-125 - Powered
by Dell Axim X50v (WM2005/Official A02) :
Nokia Lumia 920.1 WP8.1 GDR1 Cyan
DevUnlock : Toshiba Encore WT8-A-102 -
Windows 8.1 Pro
Odgovor na temu

kevin schultz
Zemun PH

Član broj: 90296
Poruke: 168



icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.17.09.2006. u 21:36 - pre 216 meseci
malo iskacem iz teme
ne zamerite,
znam da sam video negde na palmgearu bas program koji je trazen u prethodnom postu,ali ne ogu da se stim kako se zove ,pa evo nekih drugih resenja
BlueRemote 1.2
Remote control your PC by turning your Palm into a Bluetooth peripheral! BlueRemote turns your Palm device into a standard Bluetooth mouse and keyboard. Works with most operating systems, including Microsoft Windows XP, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux. The

a pazite ovo

ili ovo
The Remote Commander allows the PalmOS device to pretend to be the mouse and keyboard of the PC. You can have one or more people connected using their own PalmPilots, with each PalmPilot taking turns moving the mouse, clicking and "typing" (using Graffiti or our special on-screen keyboard). This works with any PC application. From the Pebbles research project which is studying how this might be useful in meetings. The software runs on any PC Windows platform, and PalmOS 3.5 and up. The software is free. Please let us know your ideas for enhancing the software and what it might be useful for.(ovaj je freeware)

ili ovo
uMMC 2.0.1
Use your Palm PDA to control WinAmp on a PC running Windows.

ili ovo
LibertyControl (For Palm) 1.01
Imagine having the liberty to remotely control your laptop or desktop with your Palm PDA using bluetooth. LibertyControl gives you a world of opportunity to control : PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, your windows media player playlist, PC Keyboard and Mouse.

Odgovor na temu

Srdjan Bukvic

Član broj: 19503
Poruke: 171

ICQ: 71785636

+5 Profil

icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.17.09.2006. u 21:43 - pre 216 meseci
sa mobilnim telefonom k700i, bez posebnog programa postoji remote desktop u opciji conectivity, i joypad na telefonu ti je cursor od misha....

ovo je slicna fora , samo u varijanti PDA, sto je super+ono da moze vise korisnika odjednom da operise po jednom kompu razlicite stvari...stvarno korisno...ima da probam.,,
^^ :)
Odgovor na temu

Nemanja Milošević
Novi Sad

Član broj: 86992
Poruke: 1104

+1 Profil

icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.18.09.2006. u 11:30 - pre 216 meseci
kevinsugar79: malo iskacem iz teme
ne zamerite,
znam da sam video negde na palmgearu bas program koji je trazen u prethodnom postu,ali ne ogu da se stim kako se zove ,pa evo nekih drugih resenja
BlueRemote 1.2
Remote control your PC by turning your Palm into a Bluetooth peripheral! BlueRemote turns your Palm device into a standard Bluetooth mouse and keyboard. Works with most operating systems, including Microsoft Windows XP, Mac OS X and GNU/Linux. The

a pazite ovo

ili ovo
The Remote Commander allows the PalmOS device to pretend to be the mouse and keyboard of the PC. You can have one or more people connected using their own PalmPilots, with each PalmPilot taking turns moving the mouse, clicking and "typing" (using Graffiti or our special on-screen keyboard). This works with any PC application. From the Pebbles research project which is studying how this might be useful in meetings. The software runs on any PC Windows platform, and PalmOS 3.5 and up. The software is free. Please let us know your ideas for enhancing the software and what it might be useful for.(ovaj je freeware)

ili ovo
uMMC 2.0.1
Use your Palm PDA to control WinAmp on a PC running Windows.

ili ovo
LibertyControl (For Palm) 1.01
Imagine having the liberty to remotely control your laptop or desktop with your Palm PDA using bluetooth. LibertyControl gives you a world of opportunity to control : PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, your windows media player playlist, PC Keyboard and Mouse.


Da li postoji rešenje i za Windows Mobile 2003 SE ?
Toshiba Qosmio F50-125 - Powered
by Dell Axim X50v (WM2005/Official A02) :
Nokia Lumia 920.1 WP8.1 GDR1 Cyan
DevUnlock : Toshiba Encore WT8-A-102 -
Windows 8.1 Pro
Odgovor na temu

kevin schultz
Zemun PH

Član broj: 90296
Poruke: 168



icon Re: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.18.09.2006. u 14:28 - pre 216 meseci
ja sam dobio ove podatke kucajuci PC REMOTE na polju search na sajtu palmgear,ti to isto uradi samo idi na
a za otkljucavanje

Odgovor na temu

[es] :: PDA Uređaji :: PDA kao univerzalni daljinski.

[ Pregleda: 8743 | Odgovora: 16 ] > FB > Twit

Postavi temu Odgovori

Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.