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IT posao i radna dozvola preko neta?

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Član broj: 111162
Poruke: 2


icon IT posao i radna dozvola preko neta?11.09.2006. u 18:01 - pre 216 meseci
Razmisljam o nacinu da odem u Australiju (ili Kanadu) na duze, ali vize su veliki problem. Imigraciona se ceka bas dugo, a za obicnu radnu treba poziv firme iz te zemlje.

Zanima me da li je neko uspeo da dobije radnu vizu a da nema vezu ili pak prijatelje / familiju da mu to srede, vec cisto aplicirajuci na poslove preko neta? Cujem da i postdiplomske nisu lose, ali ne znam koliko je moguce studirati i moci zaraditi za zivot? Zavrsio sam ETF (racunare) i imam godinu ipo iskustva i dobre reference.

Pomagajte ljudi, svaki savet je dobrodosao.
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Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: IT posao i radna dozvola preko neta?16.09.2006. u 21:08 - pre 216 meseci

The jobs in IT advertised in the IT industry job listings are those IT Jobs in the Australia that regularly include developer jobs, IT support jobs and management jobs. If you want to find software engineer jobs, programmer jobs, IT helpdesk jobs, systems analyst jobs or datawarehousing jobs then look in the jobs in IT advertised in the IT industry job listings. Graduate Jobs covering all IT disciplines are regularly advertised in the job listings for jobs in IT.

The IT industry job listings are wide-ranging and encompass many disciplines including; Application Development, Change Management, IT Customer Support, Database Analysis, Datawarehousing, Documentation, Datawarehouse, Network Support, SAP Basis, Service Desk, Service Management, Software Applications, Software Development, Support Desk, Technical Authoring, Technical Operations, Technical Support, VB Development, Web Applications, IT HelpDesk, ITIL, IT Project Management, IT Support, IT Operations, Release Management, Software Support, Support, Systems Analysis, Systems Engineering, Technical Analysis, Web Development. When you search for IT Jobs you can choose to select the IT industry tick box to limit your job search to find Australia IT Jobs.

Within these IT disciplines the following IT Jobs are regularly featured in the job listings. Analyst Programmer, Application Support Engineer, Business Systems Analyst, Change Manager, Customer Support Engineer, Database Analyst, Datawarehouse Developer, Technical Support Analyst, SQL DBA, SAP Developer, Application Developer, VB.NET Developer, Service Delivery Manager, Systems Engineer, Technical Analyst, Technical Support Consultant, Technical Support Engineer, Network Support Analyst, Network Support Engineer, Change Analyst, Technical Author, Java/J2EE Developer, Software Architect, Applications Engineer, Software Test Engineer, Support Engineer, Technician, Network Engineer, Operations Engineer, Operations Manager, Analyst Programmer, IT Graduate, HelpDesk Analyst, IT Project Manager, Security Consultant, Support Analyst, Support Engineer, Systems Engineer, Operations Manager, Oracle DBA, Release Manager, Software Developer, Software Engineer, VB Developer, VB.NET Developer, Web Developer.

Register one or more of your CVs or resumes, and use these Job Boards to search for current opportunities in the IT&T sector.

Sto se tice studiranja u Australiji mozda na sledrcem sajtu pronadjete nesto odgovarajuce.

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Član broj: 106234
Poruke: 386

+3 Profil

icon Re: IT posao i radna dozvola preko neta?17.09.2006. u 11:09 - pre 216 meseci
Differentiate yourself ... with an IT Masters in Linux - AUSTRALIA

Take your IT career to a new level with industry Certification and a University qualification. Novell has partnered with Charles Sturt University to develop an industry relevant Masters that includes the following unique combination of features:

- Achievement of Novell’s premium industry credential for Linux Engineers – the Novell Certified Linux Engineer certification (delivered by EXCOM) – included as an integral component of the Masters.

- A Masters level qualification from Charles Sturt University, Australia’s 8th largest public university and with over 35,000 students studying remotely, one of the world’s largest suppliers of distance education.

- Flexible entry requirements that recognise the industry experience of existing IT professionals.

The Master of Networking and Systems Administration

- Entrance Requirements: Preference will be given to these applicants that have a degree in any discipline and at least two years experience in the IT industry. Applicants will generally be expected to have a degree in any discipline and at least two years experience in the IT industry. Preference will be given to these applicants. Applicants without an undergraduate degree wishing to be considered for admission into either the Master of Networking and Systems will need to have at least four years experience in the IT industry as a Senior Network Manager or System Administrator.

- Structure: Students will need to pass a total of twelve subjects to complete the Masters. The Industry Certification subjects are delivered by Excom Education, the only Novell Premier Training Partner in Australia & New Zealand.

- Credit:Academic credit is available to students who can provide proof that they have passed relevant industry examinations. Prospective students can register at the IT Masters Website to estimate their credit entitlements - the actual level of credit awarded will be confirmed upon acceptance into the Masters.Scholarships:You could be awarded 1 of 3 Novell Linux

- Scholarships.See for details.


Australia Employer Demanded Skills The EXpress IT Program options incorporate certification and training which is designed around the continuous feedback we receive from IT managers/employers on what their minimum skill level requirements are when hiring entry-level IT professionals. Through industry surveys and our experience in IT, we know that solid hardware and software skills (obtained in the A+ Certification training) are considered prerequisites to IT employers, along with good networking skills in a Microsoft environment, due to its huge presence in the world (skills obtained in the MCP Certification training). Coupled with the ability to support and manage a range of customers, problem solve and effective communication skills (obtained in the HDA Certification), these skills are all required to be considered ‘employable’ in the current IT market. EXCOM’s EXpress IT Program provides you with a variety of training and certification options, enabling candidates to meet and/or exceed these employer demanded requirements.

EXCOM is committed to getting you a job in IT.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 111162
Poruke: 2


icon Re: IT posao i radna dozvola preko neta?18.09.2006. u 12:42 - pre 216 meseci
Zraj, hvala puno na informacijama, znao sam za neke sajtove ali ne i za gomilu drugih. Ovo za faxove sam malo pretrazivao ali je tesko naci stipendije preko njih, uglavnom se rucno trazi research direktno kod profesora, pa onda apliciranje i tako dalje.

Video sam da ima puno poslova, ali moje glavno pitanje je bilo da li je neko prakticno uspeo da aplicira i da dobije posao i radnu dozvolu? Vidim da ko ima dozvolu moze da bira posao, a ko nema izgleda da mu nema spasa nego da ceka godinu i kusur za imigracionu.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 185823
Poruke: 60

+1 Profil

icon Re: IT posao i radna dozvola preko neta?12.01.2010. u 19:17 - pre 176 meseci
Pogledajte moju temu

Zavisno gde hocete da idete ima agencija koje traze i manje novca (NZ oko 500 E). Kontaktirajte me ako vas jos nesto interesuje.

Ko drugome jamu kopa sam u New York
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[es] :: Vodič za emigraciju :: IT posao i radna dozvola preko neta?

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