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molim za pomoc oko setovanja satelitskog interneta !!!

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icon molim za pomoc oko setovanja satelitskog interneta !!!03.07.2006. u 19:52 - pre 219 meseci
Posto sam tek prikljucio satelitsku antenu i dvb karticu TehniSat SkyStar usb, nikako mi ne uspijeva da se prikljucim na internet, sve je podeseno kako treba svi parametri su unijeti ali kad pokusam da prodjem proxy test javlja mi gresku;
No reception of the announcement channel.
a ovo je log file od proxy testa
ASTRA-NET Proxy Client Setup
Proxy Client Installation Checker version: 2.2, 12/06/2003

Log starting 03.07.2006, 20:27

Testing OS...
Info : Operating system: Windows XP, version 5.1 build 2600, Service Pack 2

Testing PCI-BIOS for DVB-Satellite adapters...
Warning: No DVB-Satellite adapter found by PCI-BIOS.

Checking DVB-Satellite adapter in device manager...
OK : "B2C2 Broadband Receiver USB Adapter adapter for USB" was recognized by the device manager.

Testing device manager information for DVB hardware...

Checking registry parameters of DVB adapter...
OK : "B2C2 Broadband Receiver USB Adapter adapter for USB": device class assignment is correct.
OK : "B2C2 Broadband Receiver USB Adapter adapter for USB" was recognized by the device manager.

Listing available DVB-Satellite network adapters ...
OK : B2C2 Broadband Receiver USB Adapter

Testing device manager information for DVB network adapters...

Testing network adapters...
OK : DVB network adapter "B2C2 Broadband Receiver USB Adapter" of type "Ethernet (802.3)" is active.
OK : At least one active DVB-Satellite network adapter was found.
OK : "B2C2 Broadband Receiver USB Adapter" has a deactivated binding to "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks".
OK : "B2C2 Broadband Receiver USB Adapter" has a deactivated binding to "QoS Packet Scheduler".
OK : "B2C2 Broadband Receiver USB Adapter" has a deactivated binding to "Client for Microsoft Networks".
OK : "B2C2 Broadband Receiver USB Adapter" is actively bound to "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)".
Info : IP address of DVB adapter: ""
Info : MAC address of DVB adapter: "00:D0:D7:0F:32:5C"
OK : Parameter "interface_address" successfully modified in the configuration file "Recv.ini".
OK : Parameter "multicast_receive_interface" successfully modified in the configuration file "Recv.ini".
OK : The "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" is bound to the selected DVB-network adapter!

Testing device manager information for DVB network adapters...
OK : Service provider for TAPI (kernel mode) is installed.
OK : Dial-up connection "Intrenet CG" found.
OK : Dial-up connection "Bluetooth DUN Connection" found.
OK : Dial-up connection "Internet connection" found.

Looking for automatically configurable internet applications...
OK : The standard browser "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" is available.
OK : "Microsoft Internet Explorer" version 6.0.2900.2180, proxy via "Intrenet CG" configured.
OK : Proxy for "Microsoft Internet Explorer" via connection "Intrenet CG" was configured successfully.
OK : "Microsoft Internet Explorer" version 6.0.2900.2180, proxy via "Intrenet CG" configured.

Starting proxy test...
Error : Error found in proxy configuration file:
Faulty configuration, please check the log file!

Starting proxy test...
OK : No errors in proxy configuration file found
OK : All necessary sockets and ports could be opened.
Error : No reception of the announcement channel
Timeout while testing!
Error : TCP connection to the Satellite Access Server could not be established:
The ETCP server is unable to resolve the name passed into an IP address (DNS problem).

Looking for automatically configurable internet applications...
OK : The standard browser "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" is available.
OK : "Microsoft Internet Explorer" version 6.0.2900.2180, proxy via "Intrenet CG" configured.
OK : Proxy for "Microsoft Internet Explorer" via connection "Intrenet CG" was configured successfully.
OK : "Microsoft Internet Explorer" version 6.0.2900.2180, proxy via "Intrenet CG" configured.

Starting proxy test...
OK : No errors in proxy configuration file found
OK : All necessary sockets and ports could be opened.
Error : No reception of the announcement channel
Timeout while testing!
Error : TCP connection to the Satellite Access Server could not be established:
The ETCP server is unable to resolve the name passed into an IP address (DNS problem).

A kada ipak pokusam da koristim internet explorer javlja gresku;

Bad Gateway
The enhancement client proxy could not communicate with the server proxy.
The reason is: Remote side reported: An outstanding acknowledge pdu was not received in time (probably high udp data loss)

If you contact your satellite service provider because of this message, please include a copy of your Log File.

Ovo mu je taj log fajl
Log File:

Level: NoneQuietNormalVerbose (used for new log entries)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:00:36.984:Program started =============
MSG:2006-07-03 18:00:36.984:Watchdog starting... [4512]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:00:36.984:Watchdog started [4512].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:00:37.718:Starting new child...
MSG:2006-07-03 18:00:37.718:Started new child [2420].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:00:38.000:proxy.exe starting... [2420]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:00:38.000:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:00:38.000:proxy.exe running [2420].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:00:50.828:Connected to ETCP server
MSG:2006-07-03 18:00:52.125:Disconnect from announcement channel `ASTRANET', address completed (parameter change)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:18.062:proxy.exe shutting down... [2420]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:18.109:Child quits properly. Shutting down.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:18.312:proxy.exe stopped [2420].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:19.671:proxy.exe starting... [4380]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:19.671:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:19.671:proxy.exe executing test 0
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:19.671:proxy.exe finished test 0 successfully.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:19.671:proxy.exe stopped [4380].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:20.468:proxy.exe starting... [5860]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:20.468:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:20.468:proxy.exe executing test 1
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:25.468:proxy.exe shutting down... [5860]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:25.531:proxy.exe finished test 1 successfully.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:25.531:proxy.exe stopped [5860].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:26.296:proxy.exe starting... [4620]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:26.296:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:26.296:proxy.exe executing test 2
ERR:2006-07-03 18:01:56.281:proxy.exe test 2 timed out.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:56.281:proxy.exe shutting down... [4620]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:56.296:proxy.exe failed test 2 (reason=11).
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:56.296:proxy.exe stopped [4620].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:57.218:proxy.exe starting... [5260]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:57.218:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:01:57.218:proxy.exe executing test 3
ERR:2006-07-03 18:02:01.468:Login to server proxy failed: Unknown user name
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:01.468:proxy.exe shutting down... [5260]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:01.531:proxy.exe finished test 3 successfully.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:01.531:proxy.exe stopped [5260].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:02.546:proxy.exe starting... [3464]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:02.546:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:02.546:proxy.exe executing test 4
ERR:2006-07-03 18:02:04.328:Login to server proxy failed: Username and/or password were not configured.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:04.328:proxy.exe shutting down... [3464]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:04.375:proxy.exe failed test 4 (reason=12).
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:04.375:proxy.exe stopped [3464].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:05.078:Program started =============
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:05.078:Watchdog starting... [3352]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:05.078:Watchdog started [3352].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:05.843:Starting new child...
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:05.843:Started new child [2140].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:06.125:proxy.exe starting... [2140]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:06.125:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:02:06.125:proxy.exe running [2140].
WRN:2006-07-03 18:03:10.781:Cannot connect to ETCP server: Missing password
MSG:2006-07-03 18:03:18.593:Connected to ETCP server
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:06.171:proxy.exe shutting down... [2140]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:06.203:Disconnect from announcement channel `ASTRANET', address completed (shutdown)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:06.218:proxy.exe stopped [2140].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:06.234:Child quits properly. Shutting down.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:08.093:proxy.exe starting... [1000]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:08.093:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:08.093:proxy.exe executing test 0
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:08.093:proxy.exe finished test 0 successfully.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:08.093:proxy.exe stopped [1000].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:09.156:proxy.exe starting... [820]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:09.156:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:09.156:proxy.exe executing test 1
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:14.156:proxy.exe shutting down... [820]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:14.218:proxy.exe finished test 1 successfully.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:14.218:proxy.exe stopped [820].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:14.953:proxy.exe starting... [4592]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:14.953:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:14.953:proxy.exe executing test 2
ERR:2006-07-03 18:04:44.953:proxy.exe test 2 timed out.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:44.953:proxy.exe shutting down... [4592]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:44.953:proxy.exe failed test 2 (reason=11).
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:44.953:proxy.exe stopped [4592].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:45.656:proxy.exe starting... [4580]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:45.656:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:45.656:proxy.exe executing test 3
ERR:2006-07-03 18:04:49.609:Login to server proxy failed: Unknown user name
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:49.609:proxy.exe shutting down... [4580]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:49.656:proxy.exe finished test 3 successfully.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:49.656:proxy.exe stopped [4580].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:50.328:proxy.exe starting... [5312]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:50.328:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:50.328:proxy.exe executing test 4
ERR:2006-07-03 18:04:52.031:Login to server proxy failed: Username and/or password were not configured.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:52.031:proxy.exe shutting down... [5312]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:52.093:proxy.exe failed test 4 (reason=12).
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:52.093:proxy.exe stopped [5312].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:52.750:Program started =============
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:52.750:Watchdog starting... [2500]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:52.750:Watchdog started [2500].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:53.515:Starting new child...
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:53.515:Started new child [5624].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:53.843:proxy.exe starting... [5624]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:53.843:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:04:53.843:proxy.exe running [5624].
WRN:2006-07-03 18:05:45.640:Cannot connect to ETCP server: Missing password
MSG:2006-07-03 18:05:51.015:Connected to ETCP server
MSG:2006-07-03 18:09:07.812:Connected to ETCP server
MSG:2006-07-03 18:10:08.828:Closing association: Remote side reported: An outstanding acknowledge pdu was not received in time (probably high udp data loss)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:13:50.578:Connected to ETCP server
MSG:2006-07-03 18:14:57.625:Closing association: Remote side reported: An outstanding acknowledge pdu was not received in time (probably high udp data loss)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:16:36.359:Connected to ETCP server
MSG:2006-07-03 18:17:37.406:Closing association: Remote side reported: An outstanding acknowledge pdu was not received in time (probably high udp data loss)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:27:59.593:proxy.exe shutting down... [5624]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:27:59.640:Disconnect from announcement channel `ASTRANET', address completed (shutdown)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:27:59.656:proxy.exe stopped [5624].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:27:59.656:Child quits properly. Shutting down.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:01.515:proxy.exe starting... [5756]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:01.515:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:01.515:proxy.exe executing test 0
ERR:2006-07-03 18:28:01.515:File recv.ini, line 34: Invalid host or address "etcp_port_forwarding|server_name" (value="")
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:01.515:proxy.exe failed test 0 (reason=7).
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:01.515:proxy.exe stopped [5756].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:02.531:Program started =============
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:02.531:Watchdog starting... [3232]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:02.531:Watchdog started [3232].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:03.312:Starting new child...
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:03.312:Started new child [4636].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:03.625:proxy.exe starting... [4636]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:03.625:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
ERR:2006-07-03 18:28:03.625:File recv.ini, line 34: Invalid host or address "etcp_port_forwarding|server_name" (value="")
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:04.468:proxy.exe shutting down... [4636]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:18.390:proxy.exe stopped [4636].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:18.375:Child quits properly. Shutting down.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:19.781:proxy.exe starting... [4536]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:19.781:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:19.781:proxy.exe executing test 0
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:19.781:proxy.exe finished test 0 successfully.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:19.781:proxy.exe stopped [4536].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:20.437:proxy.exe starting... [5144]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:20.437:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:20.437:proxy.exe executing test 1
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:25.437:proxy.exe shutting down... [5144]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:25.546:proxy.exe finished test 1 successfully.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:25.546:proxy.exe stopped [5144].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:26.281:proxy.exe starting... [6048]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:26.281:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:26.281:proxy.exe executing test 2
ERR:2006-07-03 18:28:56.281:proxy.exe test 2 timed out.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:56.281:proxy.exe shutting down... [6048]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:56.281:proxy.exe failed test 2 (reason=11).
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:56.281:proxy.exe stopped [6048].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:57.078:proxy.exe starting... [828]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:57.078:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:28:57.078:proxy.exe executing test 3
WRN:2006-07-03 18:28:57.078:Lookup of address of ETCP server "" failed (Valid name, no data record of requested type.).
ERR:2006-07-03 18:28:57.078:Login to server proxy failed: No (valid) address configured and none received
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:13.625:proxy.exe shutting down... [828]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:13.687:proxy.exe failed test 3 (reason=23).
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:13.687:proxy.exe stopped [828].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:14.453:Program started =============
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:14.453:Watchdog starting... [3168]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:14.453:Watchdog started [3168].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:15.406:Starting new child...
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:15.406:Started new child [5752].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:15.750:proxy.exe starting... [5752]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:15.750:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:15.750:proxy.exe running [5752].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:26.390:proxy.exe shutting down... [5752]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:26.421:Disconnect from announcement channel `ASTRANET', address completed (shutdown)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:26.453:proxy.exe stopped [5752].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:26.468:Child quits properly. Shutting down.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:27.968:proxy.exe starting... [3724]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:27.968:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:27.968:proxy.exe executing test 0
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:27.968:proxy.exe finished test 0 successfully.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:27.968:proxy.exe stopped [3724].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:28.609:proxy.exe starting... [4484]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:28.609:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:28.609:proxy.exe executing test 1
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:33.609:proxy.exe shutting down... [4484]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:33.687:proxy.exe finished test 1 successfully.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:33.687:proxy.exe stopped [4484].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:34.375:proxy.exe starting... [4924]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:34.375:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:29:34.375:proxy.exe executing test 2
ERR:2006-07-03 18:30:04.359:proxy.exe test 2 timed out.
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:04.359:proxy.exe shutting down... [4924]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:04.375:proxy.exe failed test 2 (reason=11).
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:04.375:proxy.exe stopped [4924].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:05.375:proxy.exe starting... [5432]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:05.375:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:05.375:proxy.exe executing test 3
WRN:2006-07-03 18:30:05.375:Lookup of address of ETCP server "" failed (Valid name, no data record of requested type.).
ERR:2006-07-03 18:30:05.375:Login to server proxy failed: No (valid) address configured and none received
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:21.921:proxy.exe shutting down... [5432]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:21.968:proxy.exe failed test 3 (reason=23).
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:21.968:proxy.exe stopped [5432].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:22.656:Program started =============
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:22.656:Watchdog starting... [4772]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:22.656:Watchdog started [4772].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:23.625:Starting new child...
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:23.625:Started new child [1676].
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:23.968:proxy.exe starting... [1676]
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:23.968:proxy.exe version is 2.3.0a (200303101125200) win32-i86pc (Windows XP Professional, Version 5.1.2600, Service Pack 2 on a 1-processor (GenuineIntel, Pentium III (Model 10, Stepping 0)) system)
MSG:2006-07-03 18:30:23.968:proxy.exe running [1676].

Ako neko zna kako bih ovo mogao da podesim bio bih mu vrlo vrlo vrlo zahvalan
Odgovor na temu

Milan Jovanovic
Kos. Mitrovica

Član broj: 89218
Poruke: 146


icon Re: molim za pomoc oko setovanja satelitskog interneta !!!09.07.2006. u 11:55 - pre 218 meseci
Ti kao da pokusavas da se nakacis na neki svemirski internet. Koja chooda koji proksijiii!!! :))) Probaj bez proksija mozda upali.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 100283
Poruke: 3


icon Re: molim za pomoc oko setovanja satelitskog interneta !!!09.07.2006. u 17:43 - pre 218 meseci
Ne mogu da vjerujem da niko ne zna kako ovo da podesim... Kaziprst tebi hvala na odgovoru, ali vjeruj da ja nebih ni pomisljao da koristim proxy kad bi sve radilo kako treba, ustvari valjda trebam da prodjem taj astra proxy test da bih se uopste mogao konektovati na net.Sto mi nikako ne uspijeva , a sto je najgore ne mogu da nadjem nikog ko umije ovo da rijesi i kaze mi sto da uradim.
Internet explorer jos javlja gresku;

Bad Gateway
The enhancement client proxy could not communicate with the server proxy.
The reason is: Remote side reported: An outstanding acknowledge pdu was not received in time (probably high udp data loss)

sto god ovo bilo...
Ako je neko imao slican problem molim ga da mi javi kako ovo da rijesim
Odgovor na temu

Milan Jovanovic
Kos. Mitrovica

Član broj: 89218
Poruke: 146


icon Re: molim za pomoc oko setovanja satelitskog interneta !!!10.07.2006. u 13:31 - pre 218 meseci
Ne znam kako bih mogao da ti pomognem ali ne mozes valjda da se nakacis na proxy server ako nisi konektovan na net, izgleda ti nije ispravan onda gateway!
Odgovor na temu

Don Aca
Aleksandar Jovanovic

Član broj: 14656
Poruke: 9


icon Re: molim za pomoc oko setovanja satelitskog interneta !!!10.07.2006. u 17:42 - pre 218 meseci
Cek, cek, glupo pitanje :

si se konektovo na net (ono dial-up, gprs ili slicno) ?
posto ti satelitski net ustvari narodski receno "ubrzava surfovanje"
tj ti vec moras da imas neku vrstu interneta ...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 100283
Poruke: 3


icon Re: molim za pomoc oko setovanja satelitskog interneta !!!10.07.2006. u 19:58 - pre 218 meseci
Na net sam do sada bio spojen preko dial-upa,tako ga i sada koristim i on radi kako treba, kupio sam dvb karticu pa sam logicno i pokusao da se prikljucim na net. uplatio vrijeme cak se i ulogujem uspjesno ali nikako ne uspijevam da ubrzam internet,sve je isto kao i bez sat.neta. Sto se tice gateway-a pokusao bih i to da podesim ali kako nisam bas strucan oko tih stvari pokusacu to da nadjem mada ne znam kako da ga podesim, ali u svakom slucaju hvala puno, pokusat cu nesto ...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 12580
Poruke: 1630

+4 Profil

icon Re: molim za pomoc oko setovanja satelitskog interneta !!!10.07.2006. u 20:04 - pre 218 meseci
kod koga si se pretplatio na astra net? Ima nekih divljaka po cg,koji to preprodaju,u svakom slucaju,oni su duzni da ti podese komp...
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[es] :: ISP :: molim za pomoc oko setovanja satelitskog interneta !!!

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