Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.

Muke po Accessu i update qveriju

[es] :: Access :: Muke po Accessu i update qveriju

[ Pregleda: 3169 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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Član broj: 63062
Poruke: 54


icon Muke po Accessu i update qveriju08.05.2006. u 12:03 - pre 221 meseci
Imam pitanje za "gurue od Accessa"

Nakon što se instalira Service Pack 2 na Office 2003 u qverijima koji trebaju da update-iraju određene linkane excel tablice javlja se poruka: "Operation must use an updateable query" i qveri ne radi.
Da li netko zna što bi to bilo i kako otkloniti "kvar"? Nije rješenje odgovor tipa: nemoj instalirati SP2 za Office 2003.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 63062
Poruke: 54


icon Re: Muke po Accessu i update qveriju10.05.2006. u 09:39 - pre 220 meseci
Pa jel moguće da se nitko nije sreo s takvim problemom ili da ne zna rešenje?? Nemrem belivet... pomagajte...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 81691
Poruke: 33


icon Re: Muke po Accessu i update qveriju24.05.2006. u 09:11 - pre 220 meseci
poruka neme veze sa servis packom upit koji hoces da azuriras ne moze se azurirati.Pregledaj neku od knjiga za access .Postoji objasnjenje koje vrste upta se ne mogu azurirati .To je jednostavno tako pitanju su njcesce upiti sa total poljem ali mislim da ima jos nekih.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 63062
Poruke: 54


icon Re: Muke po Accessu i update qveriju24.05.2006. u 10:00 - pre 220 meseci
Hvala [tabi] na pokušaju... ali... i te kako je to vezano u SP2 za Office 2003. Pitanje sam "davno" postavio, a i ja sam se malo više pozabavio s tim problemom i evo što pronađoh:

In Microsoft Office Access 2003 or in Microsoft Access 2002, you cannot change, add, or delete data in tables that are linked to a Microsoft Excel workbook.

Additionally, you may experience this behavior when any one of the following conditions is true:• You build a query to retrieve data from tables that are linked to an Excel workbook.
• You build a form that accesses data from tables that are linked to an Excel workbook.
• You use DAO or ADO to update tables programmatically that are linked to an Excel workbook.
You receive the following message when you perform a query to update records in a linked Excel workbook:
Operation must use an updateable query
You receive the following message when you use DAO to programmatically update tables that are linked to an Excel workbook:
Runtime Error '3027' Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
When you try to update the linked data in ADO, the message is the same, but the error number may be similar to the following:
-2147217911 (80040e09)

Kao uzrok stavljau da je:

This expected behavior occurs when either of the following conditions is true: • You have installed Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 2 (SP2) or any Access 2003 updates that were released after Office 2003 SP2.

For more information about Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 2, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
887616 ( Description of Office 2003 Service Pack 2
• You have installed the update for Access 2002 (KB904018) that is dated October 18, 2005.

For more information about the update for Access 2002 (KB904018), click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
904018 ( Description of the update for Access 2002: October 18, 2005

ako nekog interesira kompletno Microsoftovo pojašnjenje problema neka pogleda na (ne stavih link :-)))
s tim da zaključujem da nema (ne znam!!) rješenje, osim naravno ne instaliranje SP2 za Office 2003, odnosno zakrpe KB901018 za Xp office ukoliko KORISTITE LINKANE excel tablice koje popunjavate iz accessa, odnosno ono što oni nude kao rješenje: improt tablice u acces pa kasnije export ... što mi baš i nije neko rješenje....
i to je to...
Pozdrav ekipi
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 69494
Poruke: 695

+8 Profil

icon Re: Muke po Accessu i update qveriju24.05.2006. u 11:58 - pre 220 meseci
Zagorec, ja ti to rijesavam na sasvim drugi nacin.

1. Iz accessa otvorim excel tablicu
2. Citam tabelu u accesu i popunjavam celije u excelu

Pa eto ti i kod koji puni execel a mozes i obrnuto
Mozda ti pomogne

Tu dolje citam iz dvije tablice i punim u excel

PPDEF = Application.CurrentProject.Path
PPopen = PPDEF + "\prazna.xls"
dput = Dir(PPopen)

If Len(dput) < 3 Then
Exit Sub
End If

Set objexcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objexcel.Workbooks.Open (PPopen)

objexcel.Application.Visible = True
'objexcel.Parent.Windows(1).Visible = True

Dim dato11 As Database
Dim rek11 As Recordset
Set dato11 = CurrentDb
Dim sqlupit11 As String
sqlupit11 = "select * from finstatement"
Set rek11 = dato11.OpenRecordset(sqlupit11)

kolona = 1

Do While Not rek11.EOF

objexcel.Cells(1, kolona).Value = rek11.Fields("CompanyName").Value
objexcel.Cells(2, kolona).Value = rek11.Fields("CurrencyUnit").Value
objexcel.Cells(3, kolona).Value = rek11.Fields("Currency").Value
objexcel.Cells(4, kolona).Value = rek11.Fields("startdate").Value
objexcel.Cells(5, kolona).Value = rek11.Fields("enddate").Value
objexcel.Cells(6, kolona).Value = rek11.Fields("version").Value

statid = rek11.Fields("statementid").Value

Dim dato2 As Database
Dim rek2 As Recordset
Set dato2 = CurrentDb
Dim sqlupit2 As String
sqlupit2 = "select * from finitem where statementid=" & statid
Set rek2 = dato2.OpenRecordset(sqlupit2)

red = 10

Do While Not rek2.EOF
objexcel.Cells(red, kolona).Value = "'" & rek2.Fields("accountid").Value
objexcel.Cells(red, kolona + 1).Value = rek2.Fields("Accountvalue").Value
red = red + 1
Set dato2 = Nothing

kolona = kolona + 2

Set dato11 = Nothing

objexcel.Application.Visible = False
' objexcel.Parent.Windows(1).Visible = False

objexcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = False

odmjdefault = "FPuvozIPA_" + Format(DATUMOD, "mm") + "_" + Format(datumdo, "mm") + "_" + Format(datumdo, "yyyy")
odmj = InputBox("Unesi ime .XLS datoteke", "EXPORT PODATAKA", odmjdefault)

PPDEF = Application.CurrentProject.Path
ppexcel = PPDEF + "\" + odmj
dput = Dir(ppexcel)

If IsNull(odmj) Or odmj = "" Then
odmj = odmjdefault
End If

If Len(dput) < 3 Then

Kill (ppexcel + "\" + odmj)
End If

objexcel.Workbooks(1).SaveAs PPDEF + "\" + odmj
objexcel.Application.DisplayAlerts = True

MsgBox "Podaci su prepisani u " + PPDEF + "\" + odmj + ".XLS"

Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Access :: Muke po Accessu i update qveriju

[ Pregleda: 3169 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

Postavi temu Odgovori

Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.