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John Carmack & Megatexture

[es] :: GameDev - Razvoj Igara :: John Carmack & Megatexture

[ Pregleda: 3245 | Odgovora: 5 ] > FB > Twit

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icon John Carmack & Megatexture02.05.2006. u 20:53 - pre 221 meseci
JC je dao mali interview i ispricao neke novosti o buducem engineu na kome radi.

Interesantan je deo posvecen optimizaciji terena.

Odgovor na temu

Filip Strugar
Filip Strugar

Član broj: 9871
Poruke: 383

+1 Profil

icon Re: John Carmack & Megatexture03.05.2006. u 12:23 - pre 221 meseci
Answer: Level of detail wise, the terrain does not render with any sophisticated geometry morphing situation. That’s one of those things that for years I think most of the research that’s gone into has been wasted. Geometry level of detail on terrain…there have been thousands of papers written about it, and I honestly don’t think it’s all that important. The way the hardware works, you’re so much better off setting down a static mesh that’s all in vertex and index buffers, and just letting the hardware plow through it, rather than going through and having the CPU attempt to do some really clever cross blended interpolation of vertices.

Ovo zvuci sasvim realno - toliko truda oko raznih roam-ova i slicnih dynamic CPU-based LOD tehnika, a sve besmisleno (osim za neke ekstremne situacije) jer, a) GPU je extra brz i moze da iscrta 1-level mesh sa toliko trouglova da neki CPU-based algoritam, iako ima LOD, daje losije rezultate, i b) CPU-based mesh generation zahteva dynamic mesh update (makar dinamcni index buffer), a to je dodatni performance killer.
Odgovor na temu

上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Re: John Carmack & Megatexture04.05.2006. u 04:49 - pre 221 meseci
To i jeste sasvim realno. Primera radi, glavni Jocini konkurenti koriste LOD za teren i to je jedan od
glavnih bottleneck-ova u njihovom "next-gen" endžinu.
Odgovor na temu

Filip Strugar
Filip Strugar

Član broj: 9871
Poruke: 383

+1 Profil

icon Re: John Carmack & Megatexture04.05.2006. u 08:14 - pre 221 meseci
tosa: To i jeste sasvim realno. Primera radi, glavni Jocini konkurenti koriste LOD za teren i to je jedan od
glavnih bottleneck-ova u njihovom "next-gen" endžinu.

E, a sta je sa njima? Pominjao si da im loshe ide.

Dobro, zato postoje i druge LOD tehnike koje koriste best of the both worlds.... Uskoro izlazi SDK ;)
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Pesic

Član broj: 7659
Poruke: 2209



icon Re: John Carmack & Megatexture04.05.2006. u 11:58 - pre 221 meseci
Filip Strugar: Uskoro izlazi SDK ;)

Ajde, ajde, svi to cekamo. :)
Mass murder ain’t just painless,
Now we’ve made it cute.

The Church Of The Holy Transistor
Odgovor na temu

Auckland, NZ

Član broj: 17156
Poruke: 81


icon Re: John Carmack & Megatexture05.05.2006. u 11:34 - pre 221 meseci
Filip Strugar: Dobro, zato postoje i druge LOD tehnike koje koriste best of the both worlds.... Uskoro izlazi SDK ;)

Cek malo, zar taj SDK jos nije gotov??? Ah ti lenji programeri...
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: GameDev - Razvoj Igara :: John Carmack & Megatexture

[ Pregleda: 3245 | Odgovora: 5 ] > FB > Twit

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