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[XP] usb flash drive problem??

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Član broj: 91573
Poruke: 3


icon [XP] usb flash drive problem??14.04.2006. u 17:37 - pre 221 meseci
Pozdrav! imam problem koji mi je iskrsao sto se tice usb 2.0 flash drive-a...Windows XP (SP1) ga prepoznaje po ubacivanju i takodje mogu da ga vidim normalno ako odem u "computer management" ali kada odem u my computer to nije slucaj....prosto,kao da ne postoji
Probao sam da reinstaliram usb root hub 2.0,usb 2.0 drivere,da repairujem Windows ali problem se i dalje javlja.Inace imam 3 usb flash drive-a i sa svakim nastaje isti problem dok drugi uredjaji (adsl modem,stampach itd.) koji koriste taj isti npr. usb port najnormalnje rade...!
Takodje sam i ubacivao usb flash u druge portove...menjao drive letter u disk managementu ali nista...
inace imam intel plochu

[Ovu poruku je menjao jedikid dana 14.04.2006. u 18:56 GMT+1]
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icon Re: [XP] usb flash drive problem??14.04.2006. u 23:26 - pre 221 meseci
Pa probaj da u address bar-u ukucas njegovo slovo praceno sa dve tacke npr. H:

Samo ti sinko (administratore) radi svoj posao.
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Član broj: 91573
Poruke: 3


icon Re: [XP] usb flash drive problem??15.04.2006. u 03:20 - pre 221 meseci
uspeo sam da mu pristupim iz disk managementa menjavsi lettere ali ga i dalje ne vidim u my computer prozoru
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Član broj: 52088
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icon Re: [XP] usb flash drive problem??05.07.2008. u 11:22 - pre 194 meseci
jaoo.. nikakvo rjesenje, a i ja imam isti problem i iste simptome... da li je ovo neko rijesio?
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Član broj: 52088
Poruke: 6


icon Re: [XP] usb flash drive problem??05.07.2008. u 11:33 - pre 194 meseci
Evo rjesenja, ali na engleskom... Bolje ista nego nista:
I think i have a solution for this problem.

I had the same problem and looked around the internet for a solution, but nothing solved my problem. All the answers suggested testing the usb stick on another computer or using the disk management to assign a new drive letter, but these procedures didn't solve my problem.

I had Daemon tools (virtual CD) previously installed on my system, and the installation was corrupted. I think it was after i repaired windows using the repair procedure from the original CD, which actually installs windows again over the existing one. After that Daemon Tools stopped working, disappeared from the "add/remove programs" list, but somehow stayed on the system and caused trouble...

I think what was causing the problem is not Daemon tools itself (i used ver 4.0.3), but the ScsiPassThrough-driver (SPTD) that is installed with it (ver 1.25). Someohow it confuses windows with the drive letters. (according to daemon tools "SPTD is also used in some proprietary security, antivirus and monitoring applications...") so maybe you could have the same problem even if you don't have daemon tools installed. Anyway, you may want to try these steps anyway, they might solve your problem.

i couldn't re-install daemon tools, since i got error when installing the sptd driver.

How to fix the problem:

1. download the stand-alone sptd driver from here:

2. start the computer in safe mode.

3. click start->run... browse and select the installer from where you saved it, and add the word remove at the end of the line (so you will have something like (in my case i placed the installer on the desktop):
"C:Documents and SettingsUser01Desktopsptdinst_x86.exe" remove
and click ok.

restart the computer normally.
After i did this, i plugged in the usb stick and VIOLA! it works!

You should be able to reinstall daemon tools if you wish to. If you still have problems with installing it, restart the computer again to safe mode and do the following:

4. repeat step 3 but change the word "remove" to "add" like this:
"C:Documents and SettingsUser01Desktopsptdinst_x86.exe" add
and click ok.

5. restart again normally and install daemon tools.

I hope it helps...
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Novi Sad

Član broj: 26012
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icon Re: [XP] usb flash drive problem??06.07.2008. u 13:45 - pre 194 meseci
Postoje dva nacina kako se deaktivira:
1. Cupanje nepopularan nacin (jednom su mi u foto radnji uscupali tako da kuci nije jedno vreme hteo kompjuter da prepozna USB) GENIJALCI
2. Regularno deaktiviranje

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[es] :: Windows drajveri :: [XP] usb flash drive problem??

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