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Zi predictive text suite

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Bad Habbit

Član broj: 1099
Poruke: 1551


icon Zi predictive text suite02.02.2006. u 13:28 - pre 224 meseci
About the Zi Predictive Text Suite
Faster text entry

The Zi Predictive Text Suite will dramatically reduce the time it takes for you to complete text entry on the 12 button keypad of your Series 60 phone - and spell words accurately! The suite includes Zi’s two predictive text input systems, eZiTap™ for intelligent multi-tap entry and eZiText® for one-touch entry and prediction. It comes equipped for English prediction with four additional languages sold separately.

Increase text entry speed anywhere

Zi Predictive Text Suite is not just for SMS. It can be used to enter text in many applications, including messaging (SMS and MMS), Web browsing, calendar, phone book, notes and others.

Most advanced feature set on the market for true user personalization - all combined in one package

Word completion for all words
Two flexible predictive text systems:
eZiText for one-touch entry and prediction
eZiTap for multi-tap entry and prediction
Multiple candidate display
Learning & personalization
Next word prediction
Dual language messaging (for English, French, German, Spanish, Swedish)
User configurable options menu for above features

Word completion with the multiple candidate display

Dual language messaging (for English, French, German, Spanish, Swedish)

User configurable options menu
Phone model support

The Zi Predictive Text Suite supports the following Nokia Series 60 handset models. Additional handsets will to be announced soon.

Da li znate nesto vise o ovome? Deluje veoma primamljivo. Da li je neko probao?
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Član broj: 6086
Poruke: 8299


+349 Profil

icon Re: Zi predictive text suite02.02.2006. u 14:30 - pre 224 meseci

Komentari na sajtu mi ne deluju ohrabrujuće :)

Imao sam eZi tap na P910 i više je smetao, nego što je koristio..ali možda može da bude od koristi s obzirom da ovde pričamo o S60 telefonima.
d520 C35 A40 S45i SL45i ME45i 3650 6600 SX1 P800
S65 P910i Wizard W810i P990i BlueAngel
6280 E61 iPhone Treo750 MioA701 KG275 iPhone3G
5000 E51 iPhone3GS Desire DesireHD E71
7110 iPhone4 Note Nexus Bold9780
100 Nexus4 Nexus5 Q10 Z3C
iPhone5C OnePlus2 S4 S7E HT70 Power5 Mate20Pro S22U Fold4 S23U
Odgovor na temu

Bad Habbit

Član broj: 1099
Poruke: 1551


icon Re: Zi predictive text suite02.02.2006. u 15:05 - pre 224 meseci
A kako je radio sa srpskim jezikom? Zasto ti je smetao? Ja sam skinuo neku trial verziju za engleski jezik i mogu da ti kazem da jako lepo radi. Za engleski jezik to nije interesantno zato sto vec postoji podrsak u telefonu, ali za srpski mi je neverovatna zelja da imam.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 6086
Poruke: 8299


+349 Profil

icon Re: Zi predictive text suite02.02.2006. u 15:21 - pre 224 meseci
Ako misliš da ga učiš srpski, zaboravi. On se mora skinuti sa jednim od jezika..po svoj prilici će to biti engleski, jer baza za srpski ne postoji (postoji samo za one koje si i sam naveo: English, French, German, Spanish, Swedish).

It comes equipped for English prediction with four additional languages sold separately

A onda, ti kucaš srpske reči, a on predlaže engleske. Nećete se baš slagati :)

Smetao mi je jer kako god okreneš, nema tog AI-a koji će zameniti dobru staru qwerty tastaturu :)
d520 C35 A40 S45i SL45i ME45i 3650 6600 SX1 P800
S65 P910i Wizard W810i P990i BlueAngel
6280 E61 iPhone Treo750 MioA701 KG275 iPhone3G
5000 E51 iPhone3GS Desire DesireHD E71
7110 iPhone4 Note Nexus Bold9780
100 Nexus4 Nexus5 Q10 Z3C
iPhone5C OnePlus2 S4 S7E HT70 Power5 Mate20Pro S22U Fold4 S23U
Odgovor na temu

Bad Habbit

Član broj: 1099
Poruke: 1551


icon Re: Zi predictive text suite02.02.2006. u 15:39 - pre 224 meseci
Moj cale na SE t630 ima ugradjen srpski t9 i mogu da ti kazem da ti radi iznad svih mojih ocekivanja.

Sto se ovog programa tice, pogledaj oco
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[es] :: Smartphone :: Symbian OS :: Zi predictive text suite

[ Pregleda: 3792 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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