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NeWBIE - (Ne)tBSD (W)are (B)urned (I)n (E)conomy

[es] :: BSD :: NeWBIE - (Ne)tBSD (W)are (B)urned (I)n (E)conomy

[ Pregleda: 3483 | Odgovora: 0 ] > FB > Twit

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Gojko Vujovic
Amsterdam, NL

Član broj: 1
Poruke: 13651

+165 Profil

icon NeWBIE - (Ne)tBSD (W)are (B)urned (I)n (E)conomy21.01.2006. u 10:16 - pre 224 meseci
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I am one of the developers of NeWBIE (or simply Newbie). This acronym is
pronounced just like the word "newbie" and stands for
(Ne)tBSD (W)are (B)urned (I)n (E)conomy.

Newbie is a NetBSD live CD similar in spirit to the well-known FreeSBIE live
CD, which you mention on your site. Newbie currently caters to the
desktop-user (i.e. with applications for web browsing, chat, multimedia,
document editing, etc) but will also serve as a core for creating a
NetBSD-based live CD for network security auditing.

We would appreciate it if you give it a try and provide us with some feedback.
If you feel the CD could be of interest to the visitors of your site, please post
a link to the website of Newbie. You can read more about the CD at

Thank you very much for your attention and if you have any questions feel
free to send an email to haidut@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

best regards,

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[es] :: BSD :: NeWBIE - (Ne)tBSD (W)are (B)urned (I)n (E)conomy

[ Pregleda: 3483 | Odgovora: 0 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.