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Kako swf file u Power Point prezentaciju

[es] :: Flash :: Kako swf file u Power Point prezentaciju

[ Pregleda: 6275 | Odgovora: 2 ] > FB > Twit

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icon Kako swf file u Power Point prezentaciju07.12.2005. u 08:35 - pre 226 meseci
Kako se može ubaciti swf file u Power point prezentaciju?
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Kukrika Stojan
Banja Luka

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icon Re: Kako swf file u Power Point prezentaciju28.12.2005. u 12:53 - pre 225 meseci
Trvd je oras vocka cudnovata, neslomi ga al' zube polomi!
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icon Re: Kako swf file u Power Point prezentaciju05.01.2006. u 01:31 - pre 225 meseci
Evo nesto iz SWiSHMax-ovog helpa, da li ce pomoci-ne znam.

Using SWiSH with PowerPoint
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This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to use your SWiSH (.swf) Movie in a PowerPoint presentation.

Note: PowerPoint cannot embed your .swi (SWiSH working file format) Movie. You will need to export your SWiSH Movie to the Flash Player file format (.swf)

Exporting your SWF from SWiSH

1. Start with the Movie you created in the first tutorial or open "first.swi" from the Samples Menu

2. Uncheck the 'Offset Movie to suit use as a Movie Clip' option on the SWF section of the Export Panel

3. Press the 'Export to SWF' button on the Export Toolbar, or select Export | SWF from the File Menu. You should now see the 'Export to SWF' dialog box

Note: If this button is not visible, select View | Toolbars. This menu will enable you to turn on the Export Toolbar

4. Choose the folder where you want to export the .swf file, enter a file name of " first.swf " (without quotes) and press the 'Save' button

To Embed a SWiSH .swf Movie into PowerPoint

1. Open PowerPoint and and select the project where you wish to place your Movie. Create a new slide

2. On your Main Menu bar select View | Toolbars | Visual basic. This will display the 'Visual Basic' Toolbar

3. Select the 'Control' Toolbox icon and open the 'Control' Toolbox

4. Select the 'More Controls' icon and scroll down the list to Shockwave Flash Object

Note: What you are doing is inserting an Active X control. You must use the Shockwave Flash Object to see your .swf Movie

5. You will notice that your mouse pointer has changed to a cross hair cursor. Draw out a rectangle on your slide (the size can be adjusted later)

6. Right-click on the rectangle you have just drawn and select Properties. This will open a list of Movie properties that you can apply

7. To embed your Movie, make the following changes:

· Embed Movie: change this value to True

· Loop: change to False (if you want your .swf Movie to loop, leave this parameter as True)

· Movie: type in the absolute path of your .swf movie ( c:/movie_directory/movie_name.swf )

8. Test your Movie by selecting Slide show | View show. You will see your .swf Movie playing on the slide you placed it on

9. Adjust the size to suit your requirements by clicking on the Movie to turn on the drag control points. Drag the Movie boundaries to the dimensions you require and save the presentation

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[es] :: Flash :: Kako swf file u Power Point prezentaciju

[ Pregleda: 6275 | Odgovora: 2 ] > FB > Twit

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