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Some knowledge about VoIP

[es] :: VoIP :: Some knowledge about VoIP

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icon Some knowledge about VoIP20.09.2005. u 10:13 - pre 228 meseci

What is VoIP/Internet Voice?

VoIP allows you to make telephone calls using a computer network, over a data network like the Internet. VoIP converts the voice signal from your telephone into a digital signal that travels over the internet then converts it back at the other end so you can speak to anyone with a regular phone number. When placing a VoIP call using a phone with an adapter, you'll hear a dial tone and dial just as you always have. VoIP may also allow you to make a call directly from a computer using a conventional telephone or a microphone.

How Can I Place a VoIP Call?

Depending on the service, one way to place a VoIP call is to pick up your phone and dial the number, using an adaptor that connects to your existing high-speed Internet connection. The call goes through your local telephone company to a VoIP provider. The phone call goes over the Internet to the called party's local telephone company for the completion of the call. Another way is to utilize a microphone headset plugged into your computer. The number is placed using the keyboard and is routed through your cable modem.

if your guys have any question about VoIP,pls email me,maybe I can help you.
VoIP phone,USB Skype phone,Voice gateway provider.
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icon Re: Some knowledge about VoIP21.09.2005. u 19:42 - pre 228 meseci
Can I use GPRS and sat-link(proxy) for VoIP?
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[es] :: VoIP :: Some knowledge about VoIP

[ Pregleda: 3647 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

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