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greska prilikom konekcije:error 720

[es] :: SOHO Networking :: greska prilikom konekcije:error 720

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Deda Mraz

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icon greska prilikom konekcije:error 72020.06.2005. u 18:33 - pre 231 meseci
Prilikom konektovanja na internet javlja mi se sledeca poruka:
Error 720: No PPP control protocols configured
iako mi je podeseno Type of dial-up server I am calling:PPP Windows 95/98/NT/2000,Internet
probao sam da ponovo kreiram konekciju i opet se javilo isto.
Any ideas why?
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Saša Bjelić

Član broj: 94313
Poruke: 10


icon Re: greska prilikom konekcije:error 72020.12.2007. u 12:04 - pre 201 meseci
Imam trenutno isti problem koji me izluđuje .
Ako si rešio nešto sa error 720 , piši..

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Bosna i Hercegovina

Član broj: 86881
Poruke: 453

+1 Profil

icon Re: greska prilikom konekcije:error 72020.12.2007. u 12:12 - pre 201 meseci

Brojčane oznake grešaka kod ADSL spajanja

Error 691: Access denied because username and/or password is invalid on the domain.
Potrebno je provjeriti korisničke podatke, tj. korisničko ime/username i lozinku/password.

Error 718: PPP Timeout.
Provjerite Vaše korisničko ime i lozinku. Korisničko ime bi trebalo biti u obliku korisničko ime@iskon-dsl i zapisano malim slovima. Sve lozinke su osjetljive na velika i mala slova pa pazite kako ih unosite i pripazite da Caps Lock tipka na tipkovnici nije slučajno pritisnuta.

Error 718: može značiti da je došlo do fizičkog problema sa vezom (uređaj ili kabel).
Ako koristite Windows 2000 i WinPPPoE softver, provjerite da niti jedan protokol nije povezan sa TCP/IP protokolom koji koristi DSL usluga. Pokušajte ukloniti WinPPPoE protokol i ponovno kreirati konekciju pomoću "Network and Dial-up Connections" koristeći ispravne podatke za spajanje.

Error 678: There is no answer.
Veza nije u mogućnosti prepoznati mjesto za spajanje - kablovi, USB - odspajanja zbog drugih komponenti, preporuka reinstalacija modema i PPPoE protokola.

Error 797: A connection to the remote computer could not be stablished because the modem was not found or was busy.
Operativni sustav ne vidi mrežnu karticu.

Error 651: Your modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error.
Veza nije fizički spojena (kablovi, neispravan modem).

Error 769: The specified destination is not reachable.
Navedena greška se pojavljuje ako pokušavate uspostaviti PPPoE konekciju preko mrežne kartice koja nije osposobljena (enabled) ili nije pravilno instalirana. Pogledajte: MS KB Q316395.

Error 720: No PPP control protocols configured.
Javlja se kod nedostupne IP adrese ili razlog greški može biti TCP/IP protokol. Savjetujemo vam reinstalaciju TCP/IP i restart računala.

Error 651: The Modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error. Svaki sljedeći pokušaj javlja istu grešku.
Rebootajte (ugasite i upalite) računalo i greška tj. problem će u potpunosti nestati.

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 31721
Poruke: 54


icon Re: greska prilikom konekcije:error 72026.03.2010. u 13:01 - pre 173 meseci
Mozda nekom pomogne, reinstalacija TCP/IP protokola na winXP

How to Reinstall TCP/IP on Windows XP
ds_aprill23278 Contributor
By April L'Orange, eHow Contributing Writer
Article Rating: (2 Ratings)

The TCP/IP stack is a collection of protocols that allow your computer to communicate with other computers. It's the protocol used by the Internet and the protocol most often used in local area networks. If your TCP/IP stack is corrupt, you may be unable to use other resources on your network or the Internet. Reinstalling TCP/IP is the easiest way to fix this.
Difficulty: Moderate
Things You'll Need:

* Windows XP installation files (on disk or hard drive)

Step 1

Click your "Start" button. Click "Run." Type "cmd" without the quotes. Click "OK." A command prompt will open.
Step 2

Type the following: netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt. Press "Enter." Once the process is complete, restart your computer. Test to see if you still experience a problem.
Step 3

Run a repair of your Windows XP installation if you're still having difficulties. This will reinstall TCP/IP as part of the repair process. You will need your Windows XP installation files, either on CD or on your hard drive.
Step 4

Insert your Windows XP CD or double-click "setup.exe" in the directory on your hard drive. On-screen instructions will guide you through the process. Be sure to choose to repair your existing installation, rather than creating a new installation. The repair process looks much like the normal Windows XP installation process and will probably take 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the speed of your computer.
Step 5

Write down your Windows XP product key. The product key should be on the COA sticker on the front, side or bottom of your computer. When the repair process prompts you, enter the product key. Choose to keep all your existing settings for computer and workgroup or domain names. At the end of the repair process, the computer will start Windows.
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[es] :: SOHO Networking :: greska prilikom konekcije:error 720

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