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Bootabilni XP PRO

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Bootabilni XP PRO

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Majstor Majstorovic

Član broj: 16696
Poruke: 69


icon Bootabilni XP PRO09.12.2005. u 19:13 - pre 225 meseci
Kada ukucam u Command Prompt c:\bcd dobijam "bcd" is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.
Pridrzavao sam se uputstava:" Bart`s way to create bootable CD-Room".
Da li neko zna u cemu je problem?
Inace hocu bootabilni XP PRO SP1.

Pozdrav Majstor344
Odgovor na temu

Milan Gligorijevic

Član broj: 73740
Poruke: 5273


+80 Profil

icon Re: Bootabilni XP PRO09.12.2005. u 19:18 - pre 225 meseci
Ako je to "bcd" folder onda moras cd c:\bcd
Odgovor na temu

Majstor Majstorovic

Član broj: 16696
Poruke: 69


icon Re: Bootabilni XP PRO09.12.2005. u 19:50 - pre 225 meseci
Uradio sasm tako,pa onda bcd wxppro i dobio:"Renaming bcd.sam into bcd.cfg,The System cannot find the file specified".I to se vrti non stop.
Sta da radim dalje?

Pozdrav Majstor344
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 16068
Poruke: 653



icon Re: Bootabilni XP PRO09.12.2005. u 20:27 - pre 225 meseci
Majstore sta ce ti bartPE za radjenje Bootabilnog XP CD-a.!

Ti ako imas sve Fileove iz XP cd-a i integrirao si SP1. Tebi jos samo Fali IMAGE ili ti ga Bootabilna slika.
Mozes ju skinuti ovdje.!

A Progaram za Radjenje s tom sliku .ISO file
xxxrugby: "We are all philosophers, when question is about politics!"
Odgovor na temu

Majstor Majstorovic

Član broj: 16696
Poruke: 69


icon Re: Bootabilni XP PRO09.12.2005. u 21:01 - pre 225 meseci
ne snalazim se bas najbolje sa ovim tvojim uputstvima.

Pozdrav Majstor344
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 16068
Poruke: 653



icon Re: Bootabilni XP PRO09.12.2005. u 21:29 - pre 225 meseci
Ovo ce ti radit samo s XP-om to ti je zbog BOOT.IMG koji je za Win XP.!!! Tako da ako zelis neki drugi CD osim XP-a napravit moras nac drugi BOOT.IMG


CDIMAGE GUI is just a frontend for the original CDIMAGE commandline tool. The GUI includes it's own CDIMAGE, so you wont need to download it. However if you wish to download just the commandline version, it's listed below.

The CDIMAGE GUI file you'll be downloading is preconfigured with the recommended switches, so all you'll have to change is the directories, volume label, and boot sector path



Making the Changes

After downloading the GUI EXE, run the file and tell it the directory you wish the CDIMAGE GUI files to be stored. I'll be using C:\CDIMAGE as my directory.

* Start up the file cdimagegui.exe and the very first screen should be

# These two boxes are very important.

* The first box is the source directory for your files. You can either type in the path yourself, or click the disk button and browse to it.
* The second box is the destination ISO file. Just enter the path for you ISO file, and make sure it's not in your source directory.

# Click the Configuration button on the left, then click the Boot tab on the top, and you'll recieve this screen

# Change the path in the box to point to the included boot.img file in the CDIMAGE GUI distrobution.
This bootsector is usable for Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows 2003 CDs, however not the 64bit versions.
# Click the Creation tab at the top, and recieve this box

# The box at the bottom with WXPVOL_EN will be what your CD label will become. Type in anything there you want.
# To finish off this creation, click the Creation on the left, and click the Start Image Creaton button near the bottom right.

The ISO file created here can be used to burn in any CD burning program you like. Just select the "Burn Image" option or "Burn ISO" option in the software and select this ISO file. You will not have to set any boot parameters as they are already included in this ISO file.

[Ovu poruku je menjao xxxrugby dana 09.12.2005. u 22:32 GMT+1]

[Ovu poruku je menjao xxxrugby dana 09.12.2005. u 22:41 GMT+1]
xxxrugby: "We are all philosophers, when question is about politics!"
Odgovor na temu

Majstor Majstorovic

Član broj: 16696
Poruke: 69


icon Re: Bootabilni XP PRO10.12.2005. u 20:18 - pre 225 meseci
@xxxrugby,hvala na uputsvima.
Uspeo sam da napravim bootabilni XP,proverio na praznom disku i sve radi.
Hvala jos jednom.

Pozdrav Majstor344
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Biševac
Zubin Potok

Član broj: 62435
Poruke: 979


+39 Profil

icon Re: Bootabilni XP PRO25.07.2008. u 18:26 - pre 194 meseci
Da li ovaj postupak vazi i za vistu?
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Bootabilni XP PRO

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