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Problem sa XMMS playerom i minimiziranjem

[es] :: Linux desktop okruženja :: Problem sa XMMS playerom i minimiziranjem

[ Pregleda: 4136 | Odgovora: 5 ] > FB > Twit

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Član broj: 14351
Poruke: 54

ICQ: 345457856


icon Problem sa XMMS playerom i minimiziranjem06.11.2005. u 14:50 - pre 227 meseci
Svaki put kad minimiziram XMMS samo mi se player minimizira a playlist i equalizer ostanu na desktopu. Kako da namestim da mi se i playlist i equalizer minimiziraju zajedno sa playerom. Koristim SUSE 9.1 ; XMMS 1.2.10 a KDE 3.2
Odgovor na temu

Miloš Malović
Platform engineer, Supplyframe

Član broj: 2423
Poruke: 2105

ICQ: 98797759

+11 Profil

icon Re: Problem sa XMMS playerom i minimiziranjem06.11.2005. u 19:46 - pre 227 meseci
Obrisi folder .xmms iz home direktorijuma, ponovo pokreni program i vidi da li je sada sve ok.
↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A B A [select] [start]
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Član broj: 14351
Poruke: 54

ICQ: 345457856


icon Re: Problem sa XMMS playerom i minimiziranjem07.11.2005. u 00:18 - pre 227 meseci
Ne vredi.
Xmms ponovo kreira .xmms folder. Dzaba ga ja brisem.
Procitao sam negde da se treba psdesiti neki docket plugin u xmms-u ali ga ja ne mogu naci.
Odgovor na temu

Milan Jovanovic
Beograd RS / Aurora IL

Član broj: 2557
Poruke: 353


+17 Profil

icon Re: Problem sa XMMS playerom i minimiziranjem07.11.2005. u 02:32 - pre 227 meseci
Problem je sa KDE-om. Taj problem ces jedino resiti ako instaliras tray plugin za XMMS ili jos bolje ako instaliras noviju verziju KDE-a. A taj bug je mislim ispravljen u prvoj sledecoj verziji KDE-a - 3.2.1 ili tako nesto.
Odgovor na temu

Vladimir Vrzić

Član broj: 85
Poruke: 3866


+4 Profil

icon Re: Problem sa XMMS playerom i minimiziranjem07.11.2005. u 12:48 - pre 227 meseci
Preporučujem da koristiš drugi plejer. XMMS je malo vreme pregazilo.
int rand(void);

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.

Upali lampicu — koristi Jabber!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 14351
Poruke: 54

ICQ: 345457856


icon Re: Problem sa XMMS playerom i minimiziranjem08.11.2005. u 22:22 - pre 227 meseci
Nasao sam resenje>>>

XMMS to System Tray

In Winamp Agent you have the ability to set your player to show only in the system tray and not in the taskbar. In XMMS this can be done with xmms-status-plugin.

emerge xmms-status-plugin
Next, if your XMMS is running, we need to restart it to make plugin available.

Configuring the plugin
From the XMMS menu choose Options->Preferences or press Ctrl+P to access preferences
Choose "General Plugins" tab and you should see Status Docklet
Select the plugin and press "Configure"
Defaults are fine but change them however you prefer
In the "Button actions" I recommend you keep "Toggle All Windows" on for some button so you can pop XMMS from the systray
Press "Ok"
Now you have your plugin configured.

Configuring KDE
Now we need to tell KDE to hide XMMS from the taskbar.

Open KDE Control Center
Choose Desktop
Choose Window-Specific Settings
Press "New"
Press "Detect" button under Detect Window Properties
Your cursor should change into a crosshair. Click on XMMS (not on the taskbar!)
You've detected the XMMS properties. Make sure you select "Use Window class (whole application)"
Press "Ok" and change to the Preferences tab
Select "Skip taskbar", select Apply Initially from dropdown list and select the cross on the right side of dropdown list.
Press "Ok"
You're done! Restart XMMS to apply the changes.

You may find "Option->Always On Top" and "Options->Show an all desktops" useful :)

If you want the XMMS window to come on top when you click on the status docklet but you don't want it to stay always on top you can do this:

Go to the Window-Sepecific Settings for XMMS
Change to the Workarounds tab
Click on "Focus Stealing Prevention". Choose "Force" from the first dropdown menu and "None" from the other dropdown list.
Press "Ok" and then "Apply"
Also note that if you use Gnome, the taskbar will not be shown by default, when using this plugin.

Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Linux desktop okruženja :: Problem sa XMMS playerom i minimiziranjem

[ Pregleda: 4136 | Odgovora: 5 ] > FB > Twit

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