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Google kao moguca konkurencija eBay-u?

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icon Google kao moguca konkurencija eBay-u?27.10.2005. u 07:02 - pre 227 meseci
Dakle, izgleda da Google razmatra veoma lep nastup na internetu: razvija konkurenciju PayPal-u, a evo sada i za aukcije eBay-u. Citam na internetu samo pozitivne reakcije na ovo :)) Evo clanka:

"EBay Stock Falls on Concern That Google May Soon Add
Online Auctions
Oct. 25 (Bloomberg) --

Shares of EBay Inc., the world's largest Internet
auctioneer, fell as much as 5.6 percent on concern
Google Inc. may soon introduce a new feature that
allows users to sell products online.

Bear Stearns Cos. analyst Robert Peck said today in a
note that Google has been testing a Web site that
looked like an on online marketplace, similar to that
of San Jose, California-based EBay. Peck cited screen
shots of a product called Google Base that were posted
on a Web log.

``Should this proposed product be utilized as
speculated, we would think that it is a large
incremental positive for Google and a large
incremental negative for EBay,'' Peck wrote today. He
said he had been unable to confirm the plans with the

The move signals Google's intention to expand further
beyond Web search. Adding online auctions or sales
would enable Mountain View, California-based Google to
tap its base of 400 million monthly users, posing a
threat to EBay. Chief Executive Officer Eric Schmidt
said in June that Google is developing a payment
service. That may rival EBay's PayPal payment product.

Google spokespeople Steve Langdon and Lynn Fox didn't
immediately return calls seeking comment. EBay doesn't
comment on rumors or speculation, spokesman Hani Durzy
said in an e-mail.

EBay shares fell $1.85 to $37.57 at 12:57 p.m. in
Nasdaq Stock Market composite trading. They fell 32
percent this year before today. Google shares fell
$3.53 to $345.12, after rising 81 percent this year
before today.

Peck cut his recommendation on Ebay shares to
``peerperform'' from ``outperform'' in September. At
the time he discussed the possibility of Google
starting a rival product.

Peck wasn't available for an interview, Bear
spokeswoman Monica Orbe said.

Classified Ads?

Google may use Google Base as a classified ads site,
UBS AG analyst Benjamin Schachter said in a report.
That would compete with EBay and sites such as, he said.

The screen shots showed a page that enabled users to
input details of a product for sale. ``Google Base is
Googles' database into which you can add all types of
content. We'll host your content and make it
searchable for free,'' the site says, according to the
screen shots cited by Peck and Schachter.

Google's users rose 38 percent in August, according to
Reston, Virginia-based ComScore Networks Inc.

EBay said Oct. 19 that listings rose 32 percent in the
third quarter to 458.6 million and registered users
rose 35 percent to 168.1 million. PayPal had 86.6
million total accounts at the end of the period, 53
percent more than a year ago."

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icon Re: Google kao moguca konkurencija eBay-u?27.10.2005. u 07:08 - pre 227 meseci
Ja to u potpunosti podrzavam. Glavni razlog je to sto koju god oblast da su pokrili, napravili su daleko najbolju uslugu u odnosu na sve postojece rivale (firme/usluge).
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Srdjan Jankovic
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icon Re: Google kao moguca konkurencija eBay-u?28.10.2005. u 08:59 - pre 227 meseci
Google polako ulazi na razlicita trzista i zaista ne trebamo da se zacudimo ukoliko do kraja 2006. godine on osvane u potpuno drugacijem izgledu - izgledu portala. Pregovori sa Comcast-om i njihovim odeljenjem portala to potvrdjuju.

Sto se tice konkurencije eBay-u, vrednost deonica ove kompanije kvartalno opada, a ulazak Google-a kao konkurencije sigurno bi zestoko uzdrmao najvecu aukcijsku kucu na svetu.

Videcemo koliko ce Google-ovci paznje posvetiti aukcijama, posto po meni, usluga Froogle nije dovoljno iskoriscena, a pitanje je sta bi se moglo desiti s aukcijama. poslovni portal

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