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ima li/ zna li itko? tema: ASN.1

[es] :: Enterprise Networking :: ima li/ zna li itko? tema: ASN.1

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icon ima li/ zna li itko? tema: ASN.109.05.2002. u 01:41 - pre 269 meseci
Jednostavno, treba mi literatura koja na najednostavniji nacin opisuje sam ASN.1 kao i kodiranje/dekodiranje istog
Ako treba onda nema potrebe
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icon Re: ima li/ zna li itko? tema: ASN.115.05.2002. u 06:36 - pre 269 meseci
FROM: "Microsoft Encyclopedia of Networking"

Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
An International Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard that provides a mechanism for encoding human-readable symbols into condensed binary form. Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1), which is part of the X.400 and X.500 specifications, provides a standard way of formatting and encoding X.400-based e-mail messages for transmission over a network. More generally, ASN.1 is a method of specifying abstract objects that are intended for any form of serial transmission. ASN.1 is also used for defining objects in Management Information Base (MIB) files for Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP).

How It Works
ASN.1 is similar in syntax to a programming language, and it allows the definition of different data types, data structures, arrays, classes, and other structures similar to those found in the C++ programming language. The presentation layer (layer 6) of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model uses ASN.1 as the standard for specifying the syntax of information exchanged between applications at this layer. ASN.1 data types can be either simple or structured. An example of a definition of a simple data type and its value might be

EmployeeAddress ::= ISO646STRING "99 Microsoft Way"

A more complex structured data type might be

EmployeeRecord ::= SET
name [0]ISO646STRING "Bob Smith
title [1]ISO646STRING "Support Specialist"
idNumber [2]INTEGER "116427"

ASN.1 data structures are encoded as octets in hexadecimal notation. These structures are then transmitted over the network as binary information.

Microsoft Exchange Server uses ASN.1 for its X.400 Connector to provide connectivity with foreign X.400 messaging systems.

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[es] :: Enterprise Networking :: ima li/ zna li itko? tema: ASN.1

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