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John Carmack's blog: Cell phone adventures

[es] :: GameDev - Razvoj Igara :: John Carmack's blog: Cell phone adventures

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Branimir Karadžić
Seattle, WA

Član broj: 14953
Poruke: 1630


+11 Profil

icon John Carmack's blog: Cell phone adventures28.03.2005. u 19:10 - pre 234 meseci
In fact, I think it would be an interesting environment for beginning programmers to learn on. I started programming on an Apple II a long time ago, when you could just do an “hgr” and start drawing to the screen, which was rewarding. For years, I’ve had misgivings about people learning programming on Win32 (unix / X would be even worse), where it takes a lot of arcane crap just to get to the point of drawing something on the screen and responding to input. I assume most beginners wind up with a lot of block copied code that they don’t really understand.

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Član broj: 4891
Poruke: 1101


icon Re: John Carmack's blog: Cell phone adventures29.03.2005. u 12:48 - pre 234 meseci
Off topic...

Carmack se u slobodno vreme bavi izradom svemirskih brodova...
Cime se ostali programeri bave u slobodno vreme? Imate li neki hobi?

Ja nemam hobi i mslim da bi trebalo da poradim na tome...

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上海, 中国

Član broj: 1811
Poruke: 1342

ICQ: 14293955

+48 Profil

icon Re: John Carmack's blog: Cell phone adventures29.03.2005. u 13:54 - pre 234 meseci
Heh, stvarno bi trebalo aktivirati neki hobi... ..pored citanja i slicnog.
Ja nikako da ponovo krenem sa skejtom, a stoji kuci i skuplja prasinu!
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Bojan Nastic

Član broj: 12041
Poruke: 895

+4 Profil

icon Re: John Carmack's blog: Cell phone adventures29.03.2005. u 14:04 - pre 234 meseci
Ne znam zashto nije pomenut Mophun engine za mobile devices. Probao sam sve ono shto je Karmak nabrojao (J2ME i Brew), ali mi je i dalje Mophun najblizhi "pravom" old-school game programiranju.

OT :
Imam par hobija, ali nemam vremena za njih.
Kad se nadje par sati dnevno, uglavnom zaglavim sa klavijaturama i Cubase/Reason baterijom :)

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Vladimir P. Filipovic

Član broj: 52688
Poruke: 75



icon Zasto je John Carmack faca29.03.2005. u 15:16 - pre 234 meseci
On eto tako da ne bi zardjao, da ne bi upao u kolotecinu jedne vrste programiranja, sedne i pokusa da isprogramira nesto drugacije od onoga cime se inace u to vreme bavi.

To je ok, ali samo po sebi nije nista narocito. To svi radimo, manje ili vise, ako nam programiranje nije kuluk.

Ali on od svog prvog rada napravi i projekat koji proda i na kojem zaradi pare. Znaci, sedne covek, razmisli kakvu bi igricu za mobilni mogao da napravi, porazgovara s par ljudi i eto na putu je novi proizvod. Zadovoljstvo i posao u jednom.

(Sto se tice hobija, toliko sam ih vec napustio obecavajuci sebi da cu im se vratiti, da nemam vise hrabrosti da se upustam u nove. Jedva se grcevito drzim ovih koji su ostali. Mozda da zaradim na brzaka milion dolara za mesec-dva pa da onda krenem da se zajebavam)
Odgovor na temu

Branimir Karadžić
Seattle, WA

Član broj: 14953
Poruke: 1630


+11 Profil

icon Re: John Carmack's blog: Cell phone adventures05.04.2005. u 19:34 - pre 234 meseci
Evo još jedna interesantna vest u vezi id-a.
Speaking of the possibility of full-scale console support, Hollenshead said, “Well, that's really more of a financial question than anything else. Over the past few years, PC game sales have either declined a little bit or stayed relatively flat, while console game sales have seen mostly double-digit growth. I don't know if we'll be releasing multiple SKUs at the same time, but as for PS3 and Xbox 2 and so on, yes, we will continue our development effort on the consoles. John Carmack has been playing around with the tech on the new consoles for a bit now. I obviously can't talk about that as it's all under wraps, but I think developing for multiple consoles will happen at id."

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Dark Icarus
Goran Lalić

Član broj: 19775
Poruke: 428

+2 Profil

icon Re: John Carmack's blog: Cell phone adventures07.04.2005. u 16:53 - pre 234 meseci
Samo nam još fali da se Karmak prešalta na konzole, FPSima na PCu ionako ne ide dobro u poslednje vreme... mislim u idejnom smislu naravno.

P.S. Hobi? Pa meni programiranje jeste hobi...
In a game of chess you must never let your opponent see your pieces - Zap
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[es] :: GameDev - Razvoj Igara :: John Carmack's blog: Cell phone adventures

[ Pregleda: 4882 | Odgovora: 6 ] > FB > Twit

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