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IE nesiguran 98% vremena u 2004.

[es] :: Advocacy :: IE nesiguran 98% vremena u 2004.

[ Pregleda: 2524 | Odgovora: 8 ] > FB > Twit

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Član broj: 1021
Poruke: 1388


icon IE nesiguran 98% vremena u 2004.23.03.2005. u 23:32 - pre 234 meseci
Sad bi opet rekao nesto ali ce me dr Zidoo obrisati....heh, nema veze.....enjoy people..:):):):)


Global security consultancy ScanIT shows Microsoft's Internet Explorer was "unsafe" for 98% of 2004, while rival browser Mozilla was "unsafe" for only 15%...

The figures come from 195,000 internet users who checked their systems for vulnerabilities using ScanIT’s free online Browser Security Checker in 2004.

The checker’s findings showed surfers using Mozilla’s Firefox browser enjoyed the shortest "exposure period" where a patch for known vulnerabilities in the browser was unavailable.

By comparison, the scanner showed Microsoft's IE enjoyed only seven days without being subject to any known vulnerabilities, between 12 and 19 October.

"This means fully patched IE was known to be unsafe for an incredible 98 per cent of 2004," ScanIT's CEO David Michaux says.

"And for 200 days in 2004 – that’s some 54 per cent of the time - there was a worm or virus exploiting one of those un-patched vulnerabilities," he added.

The Mozilla Firefox, Netscape Navigator and Camino browsers combined left a smaller window for prospective attack than the more widely-used IE.

There were only 56 days in 2004 (15 per cent of the year) where there was a publicly-known vulnerability – a remote code execution - in Mozilla’s browser and no patch to fix it.

Users of the Opera browser experienced 65 days (17 per cent of the year) exposed to un-patched remote code execution vulnerabilities, according to ScanIT’s browser checker results.

The new results show a huge rise in the number of surfers using Mozilla’s Firefox browser over IE since ScanIT’s previous browser checker report for 2003.

Alla Bezroutchko, ScanIT's Senior Security Engineer, suggests the upsurge in popularity for Mozilla is partly due to the advantages it enjoys over IE, including better public disclosure of vulnerabilities.

"Security researchers seem to be more inclined to report Firefox vulnerabilities to the Mozilla development team than IE flaws to Microsoft because of a better general attitude towards them.

“Mozilla’s Bug Bounty Program, which pays users $500 for reporting critical security bugs, is also a major incentive," Bezroutchko adds.

Internet browser security is a growing concern both for home and business users, who are equally at risk from spyware, adware and malicious attack while online.

Un-patched vulnerabilities in web browsers gained commercial value in 2004 as hackers and virus writers found ever more efficient ways of capitalising on the loopholes bad browser security provides.

These include stealing users’ personal information, including bank details, and sending spam emails via their private address books.

ScanIT is continuing to develop its free Browser Security Test as part of a wider security package to protect broadband business and personal users from such attacks.

zidoo:neka malo opustenije

Edit> Pih...nisi mogao da odolis da brises...:)

[Ovu poruku je menjao axez dana 25.03.2005. u 16:01 GMT+1]
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Član broj: 4716
Poruke: 5096

+51 Profil

icon Re: IE nesiguran 98% vremena u 2004.24.03.2005. u 02:40 - pre 234 meseci
Evo mojih rezultata sa tog testa:

Browser Security Test Results
Dear Customer,

The Browser Security Test is finished. Please find the results below:

High Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Medium Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Low Risk Vulnerabilities 0

Koristim Maxthon, a sada ću da probam i sa običnim IE. Koristio sam opciju "Run all available tests" (ukupno 37 testova).
Commercial-Free !!!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 4716
Poruke: 5096

+51 Profil

icon Re: IE nesiguran 98% vremena u 2004.24.03.2005. u 02:50 - pre 234 meseci
Rezultat testa sa IE:

Browser Security Test Results
Dear Customer,

The Browser Security Test is finished. Please find the results below:

High Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Medium Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Low Risk Vulnerabilities 0

Ako nisam pogrešio pa pokrenuo pogrešan, test je na adresi

Pozdrav i nek' mi neko samo kaže da Majkrosoftova inicijativa za sigurnost ne daje rezultate :)
Commercial-Free !!!
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 32
Poruke: 7781

+6455 Profil

icon Re: IE nesiguran 98% vremena u 2004.24.03.2005. u 07:35 - pre 234 meseci
Standardan IE, Windows auto update ukljucen...

Browser Security Test Results
Dear Customer,

The Browser Security Test is finished. Please find the results below:

High Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Medium Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Low Risk Vulnerabilities 0

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Odgovor na temu

Beograd, Yugoslavia

Član broj: 3372
Poruke: 2598

ICQ: 167621705

+4 Profil

icon Re: IE nesiguran 98% vremena u 2004.24.03.2005. u 13:55 - pre 234 meseci
Browser Security Test Results

Dear Customer,

The Browser Security Test is finished. Please find the results below:
High Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Medium Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Low Risk Vulnerabilities 0

Losa ova Opera 8....:)
Internet ne cini ljude glupima. Internet cini ljudsku glupost dostupnijom (TM by me)

Webhost Hosting Services
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Dejan Lozanovic
Dejan Lozanovic

Član broj: 691
Poruke: 2325


+75 Profil

icon Re: IE nesiguran 98% vremena u 2004.24.03.2005. u 18:44 - pre 234 meseci
Ljudi pustite sada tu pricu bez rupa, kada sajticc proverava stare bugove iz 2004, naravno da je to patchovano :)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 28764
Poruke: 564


icon Re: IE nesiguran 98% vremena u 2004.25.03.2005. u 12:35 - pre 234 meseci
Evo kakva je situacija na mojoj staroj masini P200... Teram IE 5.01, zato sto mi brze radi od IE 5.5 && IE6, i rezultati su posle svih mogucih windows updatea za Win98 sledeci:

High Risk Vulnerabilities 3
Medium Risk Vulnerabilities 3
Low Risk Vulnerabilities 2

Naravno, da instaliram noviji IE, ne pada mi na pamet! Vise puta sam probao, i mnogo sporo radi masina... Resenje ce biti jedino u nekoj starijoj Operi ili ce me kao i do sada - boleti uvo, pa cu naknadno cistiti eventualno neki nakupljeni virus...

Sto znaci, da je i IE 5.5 (a mozda cak i IE 6) u neku vrstu "patch", a ne samo novija verzija...
Welcome to the real (binary) world, neo(01)...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 22363
Poruke: 428


icon Re: IE nesiguran 98% vremena u 2004.25.03.2005. u 13:15 - pre 234 meseci
Evo ista vijest na MikroVestima:

Nego, Firefox 1.0.0 ima:

High Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Medium Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Low Risk Vulnerabilities 0
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 318
Poruke: 1043

+3 Profil

icon Re: IE nesiguran 98% vremena u 2004.25.03.2005. u 20:34 - pre 234 meseci

Your browser reports to be:

Browser name: MSIE
Version: 6.0
Platform: Windows NT 5.1


Browser Security Test Results
Dear Customer,

The Browser Security Test is finished. Please find the results below:

High Risk Vulnerabilities 4
Medium Risk Vulnerabilities 5
Low Risk Vulnerabilities 0

Win XP SP1 + dva-tri puta radjen Windows Update.
Bas me zanima kakvi bi bili rezultati za prosecnog Win* korisnika (recimo da smatram da ja spadam u ovu grupu, bar sto se tice update-ovanja).
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Advocacy :: IE nesiguran 98% vremena u 2004.

[ Pregleda: 2524 | Odgovora: 8 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.