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Potential Solutions & Updates to the Google Sandbox Theory

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[ Pregleda: 3643 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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Boris Krstović

Član broj: 7594
Poruke: 2458


+771 Profil

icon Potential Solutions & Updates to the Google Sandbox Theory19.02.2005. u 10:24 - pre 235 meseci
Evo nekih saveta kako maksimalno ublaziti (izbeci?) efekte sandbox-a:


Details on Sites Known to Escape
Sadly, there are only two sites that I have recently seen escape that I am permitted to comment on and mention names. I have knowledge of many others, but cannot share them except anonymously.

The first site I'll mention is one I have not been shy about mentioning in the past - www. avatarfinancial. com. It's a site that I have been optimizing for since April of 2004 and was actually my first foray into professional SEO on my own. The site has the following features that have allowed it to crawl into many top rankings at multiple engines:

1. Links - 7100 @ Yahoo!, 1530 @ Google, 16,360 @ MSN (although that count seems erroneous)
2. Anchor text - #1 allinanchor positions for every keyword targeted
3. Links from top sites - 25+ of the top 100 pages in Google's SERPs for various kw phrases link to the site, including many in the top 30 and several in the top 10.
4. On-Page Optimized including high term weight on page for primary terms
5. Use of high C-Index related terms on the site (mostly naturally occurring) and throughout the link building process, especially in the latter stages.
6. Links from major hubs - there are 6-10 major hub sites in my SERPs, of which nearly all (or perhaps all) link to
7. Content - I and my boss write the articles for the site, the early ones tend to be of poorer quality, but the latter ones have improved steadily (since I learned about the importance of content)

The second sites is this one -, which appears to be ranking very highly for terms like 'msn beta search' and 'seo tools'. I have little explanation, but I assume it is because of you, my faithful readers, who have built the links for me. I certainly have not added any manually, except in my signature links at SEO forums (but I don't do that for the search engines' sake). I like to think of SEOmoz/SOCEngine as living proof that a site can succeed with purely natural link building.

Jeff, one day you’ll understand that it’s harder to be kind than clever.
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Član broj: 27942
Poruke: 32


icon Re: Potential Solutions & Updates to the Google Sandbox Theory20.02.2005. u 17:23 - pre 235 meseci
možda bi bilo korisno da se koji od tih tekstova bar ukratko objasni na svima poznatom jeziku, pritom ne mislim na engl. :), jer ovak čemu služi forum postanju engl. članaka?
Odgovor na temu

Boris Krstović

Član broj: 7594
Poruke: 2458


+771 Profil

icon Re: Potential Solutions & Updates to the Google Sandbox Theory20.02.2005. u 18:01 - pre 235 meseci
Skoro svi ljudi koji se bave SEOm ili developmentom sa ovih prostora imaju dovoljno znanje engleskog jezika da protumace ovakav i slicne clanke.

Sa druge strane, razumem te u potpunosti. Ja licno nemam vremena da se bavim prevodjenjem ovakvih stvari - ako neko ima vremena, volje i znanja da ovaj clanak prevede - samo napred ;)

Jeff, one day you’ll understand that it’s harder to be kind than clever.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 27942
Poruke: 32


icon Re: Potential Solutions & Updates to the Google Sandbox Theory20.02.2005. u 18:12 - pre 235 meseci
ja ga znam dobro al se još uvijek znam izgubit čitajući, ima dosta neki put tehničkih termina
Odgovor na temu

Dejan Katašić
Novi Sad

Član broj: 13216
Poruke: 4533


+5 Profil

icon Re: Potential Solutions & Updates to the Google Sandbox Theory20.02.2005. u 19:13 - pre 235 meseci
... ja počnem da čitam i vidim: "opet neka teorija"...
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Pretraživači i SEO :: Potential Solutions & Updates to the Google Sandbox Theory

[ Pregleda: 3643 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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