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Group: Linux potentially infringes 283 patents

[es] :: Advocacy :: Group: Linux potentially infringes 283 patents

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Dragan Petrovic

Član broj: 448
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ICQ: 112117969

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icon Group: Linux potentially infringes 283 patents02.08.2004. u 09:03 - pre 242 meseci
Linux potentially infringes 283 patents, including 27 held by Microsoft but none that have been validated by court judgments, according to a group that sells insurance to protect those using or selling Linux against intellectual-property litigation.

Of the 283 patents, 98 are owned by Linux allies, OSRM said, including 60 from IBM, 20 from Hewlett-Packard and 11 from Intel. The months-long review examined versions 2.4 and 2.6 of the kernel, or heart, of Linux, Ravicher said.

Though OSRM's patent protection won't start until the beginning of 2005, it has set pricing: $150,000 per year for coverage of lawsuit and settlement costs of up to $5 million, Ravicher said.
Odgovor na temu

Ivan Savčić
YUnet International
Beograd, Zvezdara

Član broj: 717
Poruke: 939

ICQ: 27215173


icon Re: Group: Linux potentially infringes 283 patents02.08.2004. u 12:20 - pre 242 meseci
Ovo može da se smatra FUDom s obzirom koliko je nevažećih i loših patenata, koji padaju čim se pojave na sudu. Kad pogledamo i kakve se gluposti patentiraju, ne čudi me što čovek kaže ovo:
In Ravisher's opinion, 283 patents could be a basis for Linux infringement lawsuits, but that leaves open the question of whether a court would find actual infringement or whether the patent would ruled invalid. Of patents challenged in court, about half are found to be invalid, Ravicher said.

Invalid patents... A ovo ne citiramo?
That number isn't unusually high for a package comparable to Linux, he added. Microsoft, for example, faces several patent suits, he said.

Pametan čovek...
Linux founder and leader Linus Torvalds has taken that approach. "Finding patent infringement has always been a responsibility of the patent holders," he said in a 2003 interview. "It is a fact that I do not encourage engineers to look up patent information."

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Tomislav Djokic
u penziji

Član broj: 6736
Poruke: 8305


+210 Profil

icon Re: Group: Linux potentially infringes 283 patents02.08.2004. u 12:45 - pre 242 meseci
Jaka smo mi civilizacija, do qrca - koljemo se i ubijamo na sve strane, a u pauzama glumimo finocu - "intelektualna svojina", trt, mrt... A tocak, ko je patentirao tocak? A mir, ko je patentirao mir? Ta dvojica mora da su sad vrlo bogati ljudi... Citam - Ameri bacili dvojicu ljudi u reku! Ono mucenje u zatvorima je kao imalo neku svrhu - dobijanje informacija (opet ta IT) ali ovo je totalno bez veze, bacili ih tek tako. Onda odu kuci pa izigravaju pripadnike najnaprednije demokratije u kojoj je sve podlozno zakonima i regulativi, ukljucujuci i patente.
Na svetu postoje samo 2 OS-a: 1. Mint, 2. svi ostali!
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Advocacy :: Group: Linux potentially infringes 283 patents

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