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Samba PDC problemi

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icon Samba PDC problemi30.06.2020. u 21:25 - pre 48 meseci

imam virtualnu mašinu (Debian 9) s instaliranom Sambom. Imam ispravan backup te virtualne mašine star cca 2 godine. U tom periodu nisu dodavani novi useri, već je samo promijenjeno par gpo-a vezanu uz sprječavanje automatskog instaliranja updatea i automatskog rebootanja.

Nedavno sam na istu virtualku dodao i ntp server jer mi je datum na windows klijentu počeo kasniti za stvarnim vremenom. Od tad pa do trenutka kad je stvar prestala raditi nije više bilo nikakvih promjena (ako ne računamo nehotični power off virtualke bez propisnog shutdowna).

Uglavnom u jednom trenutku se dogodilo da pdc više ne radi, interni samba dns također. Pokušao sam sa svojim ograničenim znanjem doći do nekog zaključka, ali google mi baš ne daje neke rezultate.


root@bh-dc:~# cat /etc/
Debian GNU/Linux 9
root@bh-dc:~# uname -a
Linux bh-dc 4.9.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.51-1 (2017-09-28) x86_64 GNU/Linux
root@bh-dc:~# samba -V
Version 4.5.12-Debian
root@bh-dc:~# tail -n 100 /var/log/samba/log.samba
  task_server_terminate: [cldapd failed to open samdb]
[2020/06/30 00:45:35.995740,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
  task_server_terminate: [ntp_signd failed to open samdb]
samba: setproctitle not initialized, please either call setproctitle_init() or link against libbsd-ctor.
[2020/06/30 00:45:35.998616,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:211(samba_terminate)
  samba_terminate of 390: nbtd failed to open samdb
[2020/06/30 00:45:36.000015,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:211(samba_terminate)
  samba_terminate of 395: dreplsrv: Failed to connect to local samdb: WERR_DS_UNAVAILABLE

[2020/06/30 00:45:36.001917,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:211(samba_terminate)
  samba_terminate of 394: kdc: krb5_init_context samdb connect failed
[2020/06/30 00:45:36.002692,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:211(samba_terminate)
  samba_terminate of 393: cldapd failed to open samdb
[2020/06/30 00:45:36.005688,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
  task_server_terminate: [dnsupdate: Failed to connect to local samdb
[2020/06/30 00:45:36.008348,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:211(samba_terminate)
  samba_terminate of 397: ntp_signd failed to open samdb
  task_server_terminate: [kccsrv: Failed to connect to local samdb: WERR_DS_UNAVAILABLE
[2020/06/30 00:45:36.035051,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
  task_server_terminate: [dns: samdb_connect failed]
[2020/06/30 00:45:36.293450,  0] ../file_server/file_server.c:46(file_server_smbd_done)
  file_server smbd daemon died with exit status 1
[2020/06/30 00:45:36.293501,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
  task_server_terminate: [smbd child process exited]
[2020/06/30 00:45:36.324410,  0] ../source4/winbind/winbindd.c:49(winbindd_done)
  winbindd daemon exited normally
[2020/06/30 00:45:36.324450,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
  task_server_terminate: [winbindd child process exited]
[2020/06/30 00:45:36.635904,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
  task_server_terminate: [Failed to startup ldap server task]
[2020/06/30 21:26:23.774691,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:115(sig_term)
  SIGTERM: killing children
[2020/06/30 21:26:23.774730,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:120(sig_term)
  Exiting pid 387 on SIGTERM
[2020/06/30 21:26:23.775809,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:120(sig_term)
  Exiting pid 391 on SIGTERM
[2020/06/30 21:26:23.777643,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:120(sig_term)
  Exiting pid 389 on SIGTERM
[2020/06/30 21:26:17.878529,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:372(binary_smbd_main)
  samba version 4.5.12-Debian started.
  Copyright Andrew Tridgell and the Samba Team 1992-2016
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.013758,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:479(binary_smbd_main)
  samba: using 'standard' process model
samba: setproctitle not initialized, please either call setproctitle_init() or link against libbsd-ctor.
samba: setproctitle not initialized, please either call setproctitle_init() or link against libbsd-ctor.
samba: setproctitle not initialized, please either call setproctitle_init() or link against libbsd-ctor.
samba: setproctitle not initialized, please either call setproctitle_init() or link against libbsd-ctor.
samba: setproctitle not initialized, please either call setproctitle_init() or link against libbsd-ctor.
samba: setproctitle not initialized, please either call setproctitle_init() or link against libbsd-ctor.
samba: setproctitle not initialized, please either call setproctitle_init() or link against libbsd-ctor.
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.032541,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
samba: setproctitle not initialized, please either call setproctitle_init() or link against libbsd-ctor.
samba: setproctitle not initialized, please either call setproctitle_init() or link against libbsd-ctor.
samba: setproctitle not initialized, please either call setproctitle_init() or link against libbsd-ctor.
samba: setproctitle not initialized, please either call setproctitle_init() or link against libbsd-ctor.
samba: setproctitle not initialized, please either call setproctitle_init() or link against libbsd-ctor.
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.052337,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.056346,  0] ../lib/util/become_daemon.c:124(daemon_ready)
  STATUS=daemon 'samba' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
  task_server_terminate: [nbtd failed to open samdb]
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.060196,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.062659,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.063273,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
  task_server_terminate: [dreplsrv: Failed to connect to local samdb: WERR_DS_UNAVAILABLE
  task_server_terminate: [kdc: krb5_init_context samdb connect failed]
  task_server_terminate: [cldapd failed to open samdb]
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.070222,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
  task_server_terminate: [ntp_signd failed to open samdb]
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.070830,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:211(samba_terminate)
  samba_terminate of 386: ntp_signd failed to open samdb
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.072679,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:211(samba_terminate)
  samba_terminate of 379: nbtd failed to open samdb
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.073435,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:211(samba_terminate)
  samba_terminate of 383: kdc: krb5_init_context samdb connect failed
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.074155,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:211(samba_terminate)
  samba_terminate of 384: dreplsrv: Failed to connect to local samdb: WERR_DS_UNAVAILABLE

[2020/06/30 21:26:18.075127,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
  task_server_terminate: [kccsrv: Failed to connect to local samdb: WERR_DS_UNAVAILABLE
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.075799,  0] ../source4/smbd/server.c:211(samba_terminate)
  samba_terminate of 382: cldapd failed to open samdb
  task_server_terminate: [dnsupdate: Failed to connect to local samdb
samba: setproctitle not initialized, please either call setproctitle_init() or link against libbsd-ctor.
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.106508,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
  task_server_terminate: [dns: samdb_connect failed]
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.380770,  0] ../file_server/file_server.c:46(file_server_smbd_done)
  file_server smbd daemon died with exit status 1
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.380823,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
  task_server_terminate: [smbd child process exited]
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.406434,  0] ../source4/winbind/winbindd.c:49(winbindd_done)
  winbindd daemon exited normally
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.406473,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
  task_server_terminate: [winbindd child process exited]
[2020/06/30 21:26:18.751500,  0] ../source4/smbd/service_task.c:35(task_server_terminate)
  task_server_terminate: [Failed to startup ldap server task]
root@bh-dc:~# samba-tool dbcheck
Invalid flag combination 0x3 for 'aCSIdentityName' in @ATTRIBUTES
Failed to connect to 'tdb:///var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb' with backend 'tdb': Unable to load ltdb cache records of tdb '/var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb'
ERROR: Failed to connect to DB at None.  If this is a really old sam.ldb (before alpha9), then try again with --force-modules

Očito je neki problem u konekciji s bazom. Kad napravim tdbdump /var/lib/samba/private/sam.ldb dobijem van dump bez grešaka.

Na novoj kopiji strgane virtualke sam pokušao napraviti update na debian testing, ali tamo samba-tool na toj verziji debiana uopće ne radi (neki konflikt sa verzijom pythona ako sam dobro shvatio)

Također, pokušao sam uzeti verziju virtualke od prije 2 godine koja radi, i zgaziti joj /var/lib/samba folder sa ovim sa virtualke koja ne radi, ali onda počnem dobivati iste greške.

Na kraju, nije mi od životne važnosti da ovo proradi jer je riječ o kućnom eksperimentu pa mi je i ova kopija stara 2 godine dovoljno dobra, ali ako je moguće pronaći grešku i osposobiti sambu da radi, želio bih to naučiti.

Hvala na pomoći!
Failure is not an option. It comes bundled with your Microsoft product.
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