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icon Re: Amerika (ni)je (vise) Amerika ?03.08.2010. u 14:57 - pre 169 meseci
odgovor na ovo pitanje kao i mnoga druga videcete u sledecim dokumentarcima
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icon Re: Amerika (ni)je (vise) Amerika ?09.11.2010. u 17:34 - pre 166 meseci
RussiaToday | November 09, 2010

US Black Debt Hole: 'We want you all bankrupt!'

There is no possibility of agreement at the upcoming G20 summit because the U.S. is declaring financial war on other countries, believes American economist Michael Hudson. The U.S. has been pushing China to revalue its currency -- at a time when Washington has been pumping billions of dollars into its economy -- a move viewed by other countries as an attempt to deliberately weaken the greenback. The issue of exchange rates is expected to be one of the toughest discussion points at the G20 summit in South Korea later this week. Michael Hudson, a renowned economist and Wall Street financial analyst and advisor, says the meeting in Seoul will not bring an end to global currency wars. "The U.S. is going to China and saying 'we want you to commit economic suicide just like Japan did. We want you to follow the same way: we want you to re-value your currency, we want you to squeeze your companies, we want you to go bankrupt so we can make our profit at your expense," says Hudson.

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Igor Gajic

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icon Re: Amerika (ni)je (vise) Amerika ?25.01.2011. u 15:10 - pre 163 meseci
Malo da ozivim temu:

State bankruptcy bill imminent, Gingrich says

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation that would allow U.S. states to file for bankruptcy will likely be introduced in Congress within the next month, Newt Gingrich, the former speaker of the House of Representatives and a powerful Republican party figure, told Reuters on Friday.

Although Gingrich, considered responsible for the "Republican Revolution" of the 1990's, is no longer in office, he has deep ties to Congress and is frequently named as a potential presidential contender in 2012.

For months he has championed letting states file for bankruptcy in order to handle their long-term budget problems despite resistance from states and investors in the $2.8 trillion municipal bond market.

"We're faced with the danger that the states are going to try to show up and say to Washington: You have to give us money," Gingrich said. "And I think we have to have an alternative that allows us to say no."

While he declined to comment on who might introduce legislation, Gingrich said there was support in both the House and the Senate. He said lawmakers have been looking into the idea for three or four months.

Gingrich first publicly broached the idea in November, the same month the Republican party won control of the House in mid-term elections, largely on promises of reducing spending.

But the legislation will likely face an uphill battle with Democrats still in control of the Senate and the White House.

Because states are sovereign, they cannot declare bankruptcy as cities can, and most have provisions in their constitutions that make defaulting on debt next to impossible.

And California -- a state which Gingrich said would likely turn to Congress for financial help along with New York and Illinois -- said on Friday it has no interest in using bankruptcy to solve its fiscal problems.

California, the eighth largest economy in the world, would not benefit from the legislation, Treasurer Bill Lockyer said.

"States didn't ask for it. We don't want it. We don't need it," Lockyer said. "Bankruptcy would devastate states' ability to recover from the recession and make the infrastructure investments that create good jobs."

Struggling to close a $25 billion budget gap, California already holds Moody's Investors Service's lowest state credit rating -- a distinction it shares with Illinois.

"Just the availability of a bankruptcy option and the potential bond default could severely damage state credit ratings and destroy the trust of bondholders," said New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli.

Last week, the municipal bond market suffered a sharp sell-off on fears of defaults by cities and other issuers.

Representative Xavier Becerra, a member of the House Democratic leadership, said the bankruptcy idea is not new.

"But it has never been taken seriously until now because Republicans are insistent on doing nothing to help the states," he told reporters on Friday. "I don't think that is a realistic solution. I don't believe it is a necessary solution."

Hit hard by the deepest recession since the Great Depression, states' economies remain weak, even though the recession ended in mid-2009. State revenues are well below the levels reached before the recession, and high unemployment has driven up spending on public services.

Lawmakers from both parties are concerned Congress may have to step in again with an expensive fix. There is little appetite on Capitol Hill for a repeat of the $814 billion economic stimulus plan passed in 2009.

But along with the recession states are faced with permanent budget problems, including pension obligations they cannot cover estimated to total at least $700 billion.

Filing for bankruptcy would allow them to renege on their pension promises and other obligations to state employees.

"The very fact of the bill existing... allows governors to sit down with unions and say: 'Look you, negotiate with us or I'm taking the state into bankruptcy,'" Gingrich said.

Under bankruptcy an employer can negate labor contract provisions, and state bankruptcy "may be a way to put additional pressure on public employee service unions to negotiate," said Howard Cure, director of municipal research at Evercore Wealth Management in New York.

Still, said National Governors Association Executive Director Raymond Scheppach, no state is asking for the option of filing for bankruptcy in court.

"The state would be tied up in terms of its own budgeting and running of state government. And who wants to give the responsibility of running state government to the courts?" he said.

(Additional reporting by Thomas Ferraro in Cambridge, Maryland, Jim Christie in San Francisco and Joan Gralla in New York; Editing by Leslie Adler

Jos malo i USofA su zvanicno gecrkt !
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Član broj: 339519
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icon Re: Amerika (ni)je (vise) Amerika ?13.02.2019. u 09:00 - pre 65 meseci
Novi rekord državnog duga Sjedinjenih Država – 22,012 triliona dolara.
Državni dug Sjedinjenih Država prvi put u istoriji te zemlje premašio je 22 triliona dolara.
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dummy workshop

Član broj: 339178
Poruke: 397

+138 Profil

icon Re: Amerika (ni)je (vise) Amerika ?13.02.2019. u 09:49 - pre 65 meseci
ov a tema ima 126 meseci , to je preko 10 godina. Dakle ovde vec 10 godina samo sto nije propala Amerika.
I saw a USO last night.
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