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KzU-42 Electronic message encryptor

[es] :: Elektronika :: KzU-42 Electronic message encryptor

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Dušan Šulović
Na krevetu

Član broj: 35637
Poruke: 1371

Sajt: www.MotoBoem.RS

+460 Profil

icon KzU-42 Electronic message encryptor26.05.2016. u 05:45 - pre 98 meseci
"KzU-42 is a stand-alone digital message encryption and decryption device, developed in the former Yugoslavia around 1985 and built by the Rudi Čajavec factory in Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina). It was intended for manually encoding and decoding textual messages (telegrams) which were send by means of courier, morse code, digital telegraphy (teleprinter) or verbally over radio or telephone. Used by the Yugoslav National Army (JNA). Also known as 3215-1083-1094."

Vise od 30 godina je veoma dug period u Elektronici, meni ovaj uredjaj i dan danas svojom sofistikacijom izgleda moderan, a vama?

Evo sta autori sajta kazu za drugi uredjaj isto proizveden u "Rudi Cajevcu" :

Considering the age of the device, the circuits are surprisingly modern and well-designed. The KzU-63 consists of three eurocard-size PCBs (10 x 16 cm) with a single-row DIN connector at one of the short sides. These DIN connectors are slotted directly into one of the three sockets that form the backplane which connects the boards to each other and to the front panel controls.

Stane Dolanc: "Bavljenje tehnikom treba da postane svakodnevna potreba coveka.."
Prikačeni fajlovi
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Član broj: 89012
Poruke: 932

+81 Profil

icon Re: KzU-42 Electronic message encryptor26.05.2016. u 09:20 - pre 98 meseci
Čemu li mu služi onaj "pressure valve" sa desne strane?
Odgovor na temu

Dušan Šulović
Na krevetu

Član broj: 35637
Poruke: 1371

Sajt: www.MotoBoem.RS

+460 Profil

icon Re: KzU-42 Electronic message encryptor26.05.2016. u 10:36 - pre 98 meseci
goran_68: Čemu li mu služi onaj "pressure valve" sa desne strane?

Interesantno pitanje :-) Meni je dobar ovaj detalj za KzU-63:

"The backup battery is mounted inside the frame of the front panel and is used for retaining the cryptographic keys. Removing the front panel, cuts the backup power to the PCBs and destroys the keys. The 3.6V AA-size Tadiran lithium battery was sufficient for many years of operation, which is why the wires are directly soldered to it. The battery was probably never swapped during the lifetime of the device. The one shown here was installed in 1989 and still has 3.6V (in 2015). "
Stane Dolanc: "Bavljenje tehnikom treba da postane svakodnevna potreba coveka.."
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Ivica Antolović E74ZI
44°50′N 18°03′E

Član broj: 3011
Poruke: 4673

ICQ: -27

+1146 Profil

icon Re: KzU-42 Electronic message encryptor26.05.2016. u 12:38 - pre 98 meseci
Čemu li mu služi onaj "pressure valve" sa desne strane?

Nisam zavirivao u unutrasnjost toga ali s vezi ventila mislim da je uradjeno kao na vecini profesionalnih ODU jedinica RF linkova.Buduci da je i taj KZU a i radijski linkovi izvedeni da imaju vodonepropusno kuciste.Takodje elektronska oprema JNA je trebala da ispostuje tu zastitu i tome se pridavala velika paznja.

Taj ventil je u sustini rupica u kucistu a u unutrasnjosti uredjaja tankom silikonskom cjevcicom spojena silikonka vrecica.Na taj nacin se vanjski pritisak izjednacuje sa unutrasnjim ali i dalje sve mehanicke i vodonepropusne osobine zadrzavaju.
Ja sam iz BiH sporo "kontam"pa molim za razumijevanje!
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Elektronika :: KzU-42 Electronic message encryptor

[ Pregleda: 1851 | Odgovora: 3 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.