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Ekstremna popravka pojacala - JBL L8400P

[es] :: Elektronika :: Ekstremna popravka pojacala - JBL L8400P

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Aleksandar Đokić

Član broj: 13478
Poruke: 4793

+638 Profil

icon Ekstremna popravka pojacala - JBL L8400P13.11.2014. u 17:52 - pre 117 meseci
Mislm da ce vam se svideti.



Kako je uspeo da uklopi - svaka cast.
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Član broj: 37217
Poruke: 12059

+5251 Profil

icon Re: Ekstremna popravka pojacala - JBL L8400P13.11.2014. u 18:47 - pre 117 meseci
Ovo je prakticno neophodno, mada je mogao i novu celu plocu da uradi.

Ali, svaka pohvala za trud(mada mi nedostaju neke sitne smd komponentice nakon reparacije), a NAJveca pohvala za:

The inferior electrolytic bipolar caps were replaced with polypropylene which will NEVER fail again! Placement is a bit tricky, as these parts are much larger and axial leaded. Leads MUST be kept short as possible to reduce stray inductance and other losses. Q: Why were these parts not used in initial design? A: Because the original parts cost less than $1.00 each. The replacements used here cost about $12.00 each!!! (A MASSIVE cost increase!) (so this repair was over 50$ in caps alone, VS the 4$ in original manufacturer cost parts.) Remember folks... al that matters to the manufacturer is that it will live through it's warranty and nothing else. That is where their responsibility ends.
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[es] :: Elektronika :: Ekstremna popravka pojacala - JBL L8400P

[ Pregleda: 1545 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

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Lista poslednjih: 16, 32, 64, 128 poruka.