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Borland C++ Builder 9 (uskoro na trzistu)

[es] :: C/C++ programiranje :: Borland C++ Builder 9 (uskoro na trzistu)

[ Pregleda: 4487 | Odgovora: 5 ] > FB > Twit

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Vladimir Stefanovic

Član broj: 15100
Poruke: 4903


+639 Profil

icon Borland C++ Builder 9 (uskoro na trzistu)11.05.2004. u 19:49 - pre 245 meseci
Konacno malo lepih vesti za ljubitelje ovog alata. Mislilo
se da ce se stati na verziji BCB6. Vest jos nije ozvanicena
na Borland-ovom sajtu ali se uskoro ocekuje.

Kazu da ce izaci kada i Delphi 9.


Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 7996
Poruke: 484

+1 Profil

icon Re: Borland C++ Builder 9 (uskoro na trzistu)12.05.2004. u 07:43 - pre 245 meseci
Da, vijest se "prosula" vrlo brzo, maloprije naletjeh i ja na istu ovdje (a stvarno bi bila lijepa vijest)...
Izgleda da je apsolutno nezvanicna najava u pitanju (tacnije, "prisluskivanje razgovora" momaka iz Borlandovog Quality Assurance tima)... Mislio sam da se radi o C++BuilderX-u pretvorenom u potpuni RAD alat kad ono:
Kenneth de Camargo: "Could be BCX, though. And no fixes for BCB."
Robert Ehteshamzadeh: "BCB means VCL with a snappy IDE written in native code, and IDE extensions are written in C++ or Pascal, not Java."

Des O'Toole: "Could be a development of BCB6 or 'that other' VCL package."
Robert Ehteshamzadeh: "...VCL is back in vogue."

Tom Boser: "Bring C++Builder up to the Delphi level when the next major version of Delphi for Win32 comes out."
Robert Ehteshamzadeh: "That is the current plan."

Nek' smo mi zivi i zdravi, Delphi9 cemo svakako docekati... :)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 7996
Poruke: 484

+1 Profil

icon Re: Borland C++ Builder 9 (uskoro na trzistu)13.05.2004. u 07:04 - pre 245 meseci
:) Izgleda da se zaista "nesto valja iza brda"
Puni tekst je ovdje
Robert Ehteshamzadeh (C++ QA) was of course right when he posted on the C++ newsgroups that an open letter on C++/VCL support is planned for next week. He said he's not sure of the content, but that several BCB issues are currently being addressed - as in staff is already working on fixes/features. That's all true.

Don't hold Robert to next week. But it is coming. It will come out as soon as possible. And the current plan is to publish it late next week. We know it's been a long time coming. We want to make sure it's right this time. The letter will be coming from the C++ core team, and not from the execs or the marketing department.

I've been talking to John Ray Thomas (C++ product manager) about this for quite some time, ever since it was first promised actually, and believe me, he wants this to be right.

So, in spirit of the new Borland policy and openness, the open letter is currently being written by John Ray Thomas. It will be reviewed by the C++ core team next week, and posted for your information as soon as possible. I will keep you posted on it's progress. Hopefully J.T. will let me share some juicy details even before it's ready. ;)

Well, anyway, there you have it. There is finally some good news on the horizon. Real Soon Now.

Thanks for still being a loyal Borland C++ customer.
Odgovor na temu

X Files
Vladimir Stefanovic

Član broj: 15100
Poruke: 4903


+639 Profil

icon Re: Borland C++ Builder 9 (uskoro na trzistu)14.05.2004. u 13:53 - pre 245 meseci
Izvod iz ng-a (newsgroup):

> Robert Ehteshamzadeh (Borland QA) wrote:
> > An open letter is planned for next week. I'm not sure of the content,
> > but several BCB issues are currently being addressed.

OPEN LETTER je ono sto se ceka - ostalo su nagadjanja.
Odgovor na temu

Dejan Lekić
senior software engineer, 3Developers
London, UK

Član broj: 234
Poruke: 2534


+2 Profil

icon Re: Borland C++ Builder 9 (uskoro na trzistu)14.05.2004. u 20:17 - pre 245 meseci
Iako ovo nema veze sa temom evo linka: . Na ovaj link sam naisao trazeci informacije o novom Borland C++ Builder-u... :)
Dejan Lekic
software engineer, MySQL/PgSQL DBA, sysadmin
Odgovor na temu

X Files
Vladimir Stefanovic

Član broj: 15100
Poruke: 4903


+639 Profil

icon Re: Borland C++ Builder 9 (uskoro na trzistu)14.05.2004. u 20:56 - pre 245 meseci
Nema puno konkretnih informacija. Ono sto ima mozes
da pronadjes na borland builder newsgroups 'non-technical'
na primer. Takodje ima nesto i na 'cbuilderx'.

P.S. Danas retko ko ima Win98 kao alternativu :)
Cak ga vise ni virusi/crvi nece ;)


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[es] :: C/C++ programiranje :: Borland C++ Builder 9 (uskoro na trzistu)

[ Pregleda: 4487 | Odgovora: 5 ] > FB > Twit

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