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Samsung LE32C530 Samy go channel editor

[es] :: Elektronika :: TV uređaji :: Samsung LE32C530 Samy go channel editor

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icon Samsung LE32C530 Samy go channel editor04.01.2011. u 07:26 - pre 164 meseci
Pozdrav, da li je neko uredjivao listu kanala preko racunara, naime u pitanj je Samsungov LCD LE32C530, ima opciju izvoza kanala na stik i taj fajl nasao sam na interneru otvara Samy Go editor, sredis listu i vratis u TV!
E sad meni nece da otvori taj fajl .scm javlja neku gresku, (file not.... map... tako nesto) da li neko zna o cemu se ovde radi?
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icon Re: Samsung LE32C530 Samy go channel editor30.07.2011. u 01:19 - pre 157 meseci
Duže sam bio odsutan, vidim da nema odgovora, pa ako nije bajata tema...
Za Samsung serije "C" (32C530) treba koristiti "SamyGO-ChanEdit-v45c_x86.jar", za sve verzije win-a.
Normalno, treba da je instalirana "sveža" java da se pokrene fajl .jar, a da se ne otpakiva nekim arhiverom. Znači na fajl se dvoklikom otvori editor.
Prethodno se iz TV-a unese lista kanala po proceduri. Na USB se dobije fajl "channel_list_LE32C530_1001.scm".
Taj fajl se uveze u editor - a onda se radi šta se želi.

Ali - mogu se editovati SAMO DIGITALNI kanali, a ne i analogni!

Ovo nije propust, jer "po Evropi" se raskrstilo s analognim signalom. I ako se "preti" kod nas da će na proleće biti završena idila s anolgnim signalima, osim 4 kanala RTS, u vazduhu nema još nijednog "nacionalnog" emitera.
Od ova četiri dostupna kanala, na području emitovanja Tornja na Avali, samo je jedan u full HD.

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icon Re: Samsung LE32C530 Samy go channel editor10.10.2011. u 19:40 - pre 155 meseci
Postoje i neki drugi editori koji su pisani u C# pa nije potrebna java ali treba probati.

Kod mene na Samsungu LE32D550 radi ovaj:

Samsung TV - Channel list editor receives update
Samsung Channel List Editor 1.01 Teaser

After yet quite overwhelming feedback on my article on channel lists Samsung TV's I want to give a quick update here again. As luck would have it, there am I in yesterday came across the info that lifted the Samsung Channel List Editor to a new version, so it was so is also possible now, channel lists, Samsung D-Series TVs on to work PC.

The latest version seems to be well with the number 1.01 and can here be loaded. The functionality seems to have changed fundamentally, however, be said as the television now, he supports the current 2011 series.

Samsung Channel List Editor V. 1:01

Like its predecessor, also shines the application is not just a pretty interface and superior usability, but they do what they want. Although there are some alternatives, such as the SamToolbox or SamyGO ChanEdit , but in my opinion is the Channel List Editor easier to handle by Samsung and has better results.
Digital and analog channels mix

Since the first contribution to the topic discussed diligent about is whether and if so how because digital and analog channels mix into the channel list can be (eg 1 ARD HD, 2 ZDF HD, 3 RTL, ...), here very briefly some remarks to - because that definitely works!

Channel list Channel list editor in the import
Find an available channel number field (for example, was with me freely around 300 overall)
Desired station manually renumber all, eg ARD HD -> 301, ZDF HD -> 302, RTL -> 303 etc.
Then the station you want to add a favorites list.
Now should be the transmitter in the desired order in the list, namely mixed explicitly.
(~ ~)( o o )(~ o)

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[es] :: Elektronika :: TV uređaji :: Samsung LE32C530 Samy go channel editor

[ Pregleda: 4162 | Odgovora: 2 ] > FB > Twit

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