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Problem oko pppd -a

[es] :: Linux :: Problem oko pppd -a

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Član broj: 550
Poruke: 164

ICQ: 84032332

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icon Problem oko pppd -a03.01.2004. u 16:07 - pre 249 meseci
Prvo da pozelim svima lepu Novu Godinu....

Imam SUSE 8.2 na masini i externi modem Intel V92 external...
Problem sa kppp je sto se nakaci i odjednom prekine vezu i izbaci poruku:

The pppd daemon died unexpectedly!
Exit status:16

Negde na forumu sam naisao na slican problem i neko je napisao:

chmod 4755 `whereis kppp` 2>/dev/null

probao sam i to ali nepomaze i ne znam sta je u pitanju?

Unapred hvala!
Odgovor na temu

Vladimir Mitrovic
Vracar Beograd

Član broj: 7454
Poruke: 73

ICQ: 145634382


icon Re: Problem oko pppd -a04.01.2004. u 16:08 - pre 249 meseci
huh, ja sam imao isti problem, koliko se secam zez je bio u pppd-ovoj skripti, otvori ppp setup (ne secam se tacno gde je idi man-uj to) pa nesto budzi dok ne proradi.
eto, sve sam ti rekao
i am NOT your father!
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Član broj: 550
Poruke: 164

ICQ: 84032332

+3 Profil

icon Re: Problem oko pppd -a04.01.2004. u 21:32 - pre 249 meseci
Cackao sam i sad mi je exit code:3


ok probacu wvdial.......

Hvala puno.......
Odgovor na temu

Ilić Aleksandar
Simplicity d.o.o.

Član broj: 2954
Poruke: 3859

ICQ: 4849714

+68 Profil

icon Re: Problem oko pppd -a06.01.2004. u 00:13 - pre 249 meseci
Cackao sam i sad mi je exit code:3
ok probacu wvdial.......
Hvala puno.......

Da si citao dokumentaciju, mozda biprobao jos nesto
man pppd

i tamo lepo pise:
The exit status of pppd is set to indicate whether any error was detected, or the reason
for the link being terminated. The values used are:

0 Pppd has detached, or otherwise the connection was successfully established and
terminated at the peer's request.

1 An immediately fatal error of some kind occurred, such as an essential system
call failing, or running out of virtual memory.

2 An error was detected in processing the options given, such as two mutually
exclusive options being used.

3 Pppd is not setuid-root and the invoking user is not root.

4 The kernel does not support PPP, for example, the PPP kernel driver is not
included or cannot be loaded.

5 Pppd terminated because it was sent a SIGINT, SIGTERM or SIGHUP signal.

6 The serial port could not be locked.

7 The serial port could not be opened.

8 The connect script failed (returned a non-zero exit status).

9 The command specified as the argument to the pty option could not be run.

10 The PPP negotiation failed, that is, it didn't reach the point where at least one
network protocol (e.g. IP) was running.

11 The peer system failed (or refused) to authenticate itself.

12 The link was established successfully and terminated because it was idle.

13 The link was established successfully and terminated because the connect time
limit was reached.

14 Callback was negotiated and an incoming call should arrive shortly.

15 The link was terminated because the peer is not responding to echo requests.

16 The link was terminated by the modem hanging up.

Ili ti, ako si stigao do kraja poruke treba da uradis chmod +s `which pppd`
ili chmod +s /usr/sbin/pppd
i nisi trebao nista da cackas za kppp

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 550
Poruke: 164

ICQ: 84032332

+3 Profil

icon Re: Problem oko pppd -a07.01.2004. u 18:14 - pre 249 meseci

Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Linux :: Problem oko pppd -a

[ Pregleda: 3911 | Odgovora: 4 ] > FB > Twit

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