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Net debug u Windows 7

[es] :: .NET :: Net debug u Windows 7

[ Pregleda: 1247 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

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Član broj: 11398
Poruke: 180


icon Net debug u Windows 726.01.2010. u 11:12 - pre 175 meseci
Pozdrav svima

Skoro sam presao na Windows 7 64 i poceo da pravim novi program (managed D3D, VB, Net 2.0) u VS 2008.

Sve radi super osim Debug-a tj kada se desi neka greska, samo u "Immediate window" dobijam poruke tipa:
"A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in ....exe"
a ako probam da pauziram program dobijam:
"No Symbols are loaded for any call stack frame. The cource code cannot be displayed."

Kada taj isti projekt startujem u Win XP 64, debug radi normalno, tj baci me na liniju gde se desio exception.

Sta treba da se promeni u VS ili u Win 7 da bi debuger radio normalno?

Poz svima i unapred hvala.
Hear all, trust nothing!
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Član broj: 11398
Poruke: 180


icon Re: Net debug u Windows 728.01.2010. u 12:15 - pre 175 meseci
Uh, jedva sam nasao.

Ako nekome zatreba:

Sorry for the delay in responding. In the project you provided the exceptions are being thrown inside a form_load event. The reason this behavior occurs on the x64 version of Windows and not the x86 version of Windows is this results from a design decision by the Windows team for the x64 version of the operating system. The issue is that user mode exceptions are not allowed to transition though kernel frames on an x64 operating system (which is what happens inside a form_load event), so the debugger cannot catch them as "User Unhandled".

The workaround for this issue is to Enable First Chance exceptions (Debug -> Exceptions)

Best Regards,
Andrew Hall
Visual Studio Debugger

Hear all, trust nothing!
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[es] :: .NET :: Net debug u Windows 7

[ Pregleda: 1247 | Odgovora: 1 ] > FB > Twit

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