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FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike

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(HARDTOP topic, by Milan Gligorijevic)
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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon nLite 1.4.7 izašao01.07.2008. u 22:44 - pre 194 meseci
Čuvena alatkica za pravljenje vlastitih, "custom" instalacionih, butabilnih diskova u najnovijoj verziji:
nLite 1.4.7 installer (2.53MB)
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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike11.07.2008. u 00:44 - pre 194 meseci
Vrlo detaljan članak na 9 strana, o tome kako pomoću nLite da napravite custom instalacioni XP disk (uključiv i ubacivanje potrebnih SATA i ostalih drajvera)

Slipstreaming Windows XP

Dati su svi potrebni linkovi za preuzimanje (nLite, SP3, drivers pack)

Posebno je zanimljiv drivers pack, koji može da se preuzme sa linka:
Slipstream Windows XP driver pack
uploaded May 22, 2008 and downloaded 1052 times

Filed under:

Every driver you need to slipstream Windows XP onto any major hardware platform.

Click Here to Download (5.14MB)

Published by Icrontic

Ako me ne bude mrzelo da detaljno prevedem i poskidam sve sličice možda osvane ovde kao poseban, detaljan tutorijal... (a možda ima neko brži i vredniji za taj posao?)

[Ovu poruku je menjao Catch 22 dana 11.07.2008. u 02:09 GMT+1]
Prikačeni fajlovi
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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — Napravite vlastiti XP SP3 Recovery Disc03.09.2008. u 21:31 - pre 192 meseci
Kompletno uputstvo kako da napravite vlastiti XP SP3 Recovery Disc na sajtu poznatog IT časopisa "PC Magazine"

Build an XP SP3 Recovery Disc


Build an XP SP3 Recovery Disc
ARTICLE DATE: 07.14.08

By David A. Karp

Odds are your computer came with a recovery disc, a CD with all the programs and drivers that were installed on your PC's hard drive when it was new. And odds are you have absolutely no idea where that disc is.

The good news is that it probably doesn't matter. First of all, the recovery media most PC manufacturers provide is designed for a singular purpose: to restore your computer to the state it was in when you bought it. This process typically involves wiping your hard drive (say bye-bye to your spreadsheets and vacation photos) and then reinstalling Windows and the handful of programs originally included with your system. Unless you're simply preparing the whole kit and caboodle to sell on eBay, this is probably not something you will ever need.

Second, the hardware drivers on your recovery CD are almost certainly out of date, either made obsolete by newer and better versions available online, or simply irrelevant to new hardware you've subsequently installed.

Instead of fretting about the old recovery CD you lost (or perhaps never got), why not take a few minutes and make one of your own?

Ideally, a recovery disc should act as a safety net should anything disagreeable happen to your PC's hard drive or its data. (Think crash, virus, spyware attack, driver corruption, and so on.) A good recovery disc allows you to reinstall Windows to fix a minor problem or rebuild your PC from scratch to recover from a major one.

Here's the problem: Once you upgrade your XP installation to Service Pack 3, Windows won't ever allow you to install an older version (including earlier editions of XP) without either wiping the hard drive clean or installing to a different drive. Even if you do install "fresh," you'll still have to then endure a separate SP3 upgrade. The solution is to create a new hybrid installation disc from whatever installer CD you have and a special version of SP3, using a process known as slipstreaming (etymology: fluid mechanics, or the "Hope and Fear" episode of Star Trek: Voyager.)

Step 1: Take Stock

To prepare a recovery CD, you'll need only three things: a Windows XP install CD (any edition), a valid Windows product key, and about 1.5 gigabytes of free space on your hard drive. Of course, as with many recipes, procuring the ingredients is often the hardest part.

The install CD can be any version, including Service Pack 2, Service Pack 1, or the original release from 2001. If you already have a disc labeled "Windows XP with Service Pack 3" (as opposed to merely an SP3 update disc), then you don't need this procedure. Go ahead and read another story.

The CD can be difficult to come by if you bought your PC with Windows preinstalled, mostly because so many manufacturers omit Microsoft's installer CD these days in favor of some sort of customized "express install" recovery disc. (This is done for a variety of reasons, including to simplify customer support and also, in the penny-pinching tradition, to reduce Microsoft licensing fees.) Some PC manufacturers are service-conscious enough to send a true XP CD to any customer who asks for one, but if you're not so lucky, you can get a genuine disc on eBay for as little as $10.

The 25-digit key, of course, you should already have handy if you own a legal license to the software. If XP came with your PC, it's printed on a sticker somewhere on the PC case; if you bought XP, it's on a sticker on the CD sleeve. (You may also have been compulsive enough to save the hologram-laden Certificate of Authenticity, which should have the key as well.) If you can't find it, contact your PC's manufacturer or, barring that, Microsoft for a proper key. You might also try the simply awesome (and awesomely named), open-source Magical Jelly Bean Key Finder, a tiny little utility whose sole purpose is to find the registration keys hidden away in your Registry.

Step 2: Slipstream Service Pack 3

To create a slipstreamed XP SP3 CD, first create a new folder called XP in the root folder of your hard drive. Insert your original XP CD, start Windows Explorer, and then navigate to your CD drive. Highlight everything in the root folder of the CD, and copy all of it to the C:\XP folder you just created.

Next, create a second new folder alongside C:\XP, and name it SP3. Go to, type sp3 network install into the search box, and click the link for Windows XP Service Pack 3 Network Installation Package for IT Professionals and Developers in the search results. Download the 324MB file, WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU.exe, and save it to the new C:\SP3 folder.

From the Start menu, select Run (or press Windows key-R). Type the following command at the prompt and click OK:

c:\sp3\WindowsXP-KB936929-SP3-x86-ENU /integrate:c:\xp

Type the entire command on one line with only a single space between ENU and /integrate—there should be no spaces surrounding the colons.

If all goes well, the process should take a minute or two and then conclude with a simple "Completed" message box. Otherwise, if you see an error, here's what it means:

Failed to copy some or all of the files necessary for integrated install: This can happen for any number of reasons, most likely because you mistyped the /integrate command. But do make sure you have plenty of free hard drive space, and that all of the files from your older XP CD are present in the C:\XP folder.

…is not recognized as an internal or external command: Either you mistyped the SP3 update filename, or you didn't save it in the C:\SP3 folder.

…is not a valid Win32 application: This error usually means the file you downloaded is corrupt, or has not finished downloading. Delete the file and try downloading again.

…not the correct version: You're trying to slipstream the U.S. English version of the SP3 update with a non-English copy of Windows XP, or vice versa. Just return to the Microsoft download page, choose your language from the Change language list, and download the correct file. —next: Steps 3-4 >

Step 3: Automate the Install

Now if you want to be really slick, you can set up what Microsoft calls an answer file to enter your product key automatically so you don't have to type it manually later on. On your original Win XP CD (Professional Edition only), navigate to the \Support\Tools folder, double-click DEPLOY.CAB, and then double-click Setupmgr.exe to open the Windows Setup Manager Wizard. When prompted, choose Create a new answer file and then Windows Unattended Installation. For the User Interaction Level, choose Provide defaults, and when asked about the Distribution Folder, answer No. Finally, you'll see a new window, into which you can specify defaults; select Providing the Product Key on the left and then type your product key in the text fields on the right.

When you're done, save the file Unattend.txt into your C:\XP folder. For additional information, open the Setupmgr.chm file, also found in DEPLOY.CAB.

Step 4: Bootstrap and Burn

You're not done with your old XP disc yet; you still need to pull the boot loader off the old disc so you can make the new one bootable.

The easiest way to do this is using ImgBurn, available free from Install ImgBurn, start the app, and click Write files/folders to disc on the first screen. Choose the Advanced tab, followed by the Bootable Disc tab, and from the Extract Boot Image list select the drive containing your XP disc. Click the Save icon and save the BootImage.ima file to your C:\SP3 folder.

Now it's time to burn a new CD. You'll need CD-burning software capable of creating a bootable CD, such as ImgBurn, Nero Burning ROM (part of Nero 8 Ultra Edition), or Roxio Media Creator, and you'll need to customize the burning settings carefully.

If you're using Roxio or Nero, choose Bootable CD or CD-ROM (Boot), respectively, from the list of project types. Or, if you're using ImgBurn, choose the Advanced tab, followed by the Bootable Disc tab, and turn on the Make Image Bootable option.

Next, use 0x7C0 for the load segment, and 4 for the sector count. Make sure you're using the Joliet file system, and if prompted to choose a bootable disc emulation type, select no emulation. Specify the BootImage.ima file you just created as the boot image; copy the CD volume label from your original XP CD, and paste it as the disc label for your new project.

Drag the entire contents of the C:\XP folder into your CD project and burn the CD. For good measure, use a Sharpie pen to write your XP key right on your CD, and then put the disc in a safe place for that rainy day.

Copyright (c) 2008Ziff Davis Media Inc. All Rights Reserved.

[Ovu poruku je menjao Catch 22 dana 03.09.2008. u 22:43 GMT+1]
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jack of all trades / master of none

Član broj: 194991
Poruke: 3


icon Re: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike24.09.2008. u 06:12 - pre 192 meseci
Evo neke informacije o Sysprep-u, nisam video da je neko pominjao , pa evo

Šta je Sysprep?

Sysprep is a tool that is designed for system administrators, Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs), and others who must automatically deploy the Windows XP operating system on multiple computers. - How to use the Sysprep tool to automate successful deployment of Windows XP (samo jedan primer)

Inače jako lepo radi u kombinaciji sa ghost-om , da ne bi sad ovde pravio copy-paste zid teksta svako koga ova tema zanima neka malo progugla

Koristio sam ga mnogo , ali kako je ovaj thread naslovljen "za početnike" da ne drvim mnogo , po mom mišljenju nešto što bi svaki wannabe admin trebalo da ima na umu , toliko od mene


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Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Re: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike25.06.2009. u 12:55 - pre 182 meseci
Kompletna tema o Sysprep-u:
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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike15.09.2009. u 08:31 - pre 180 meseci
MS Windows® XP SP2 spisak fontova na instalacionom CD-u
Prikačeni fajlovi
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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Parted Magic: Promena postojećih particija18.09.2009. u 00:40 - pre 180 meseci
Postupak izmene postojećih particija programom Parted Magic, bez formatiranja diska i gubitka podataka!

Za naknadnu izmenu veličine i rasporeda particija najbolje je da koristiš besplatni Parted Magic

Trenutno aktuelna finalna verzija je (96MB)
Kada ga preuzmeš dobićeš iso fajl od kojeg treba da narežeš CD. Pošto će narezani CD biti butabilan jednostavno sa njega podigneš sistem i izvršiš promenu veličina postojećih particija kroz veoma jednostavan i logičan grafički interfejs.

1. Klikneš na ikonicu programa GParted da ga pokreneš

2. Odabereš disk (ako imaš više od jednog HDD-a u sistemu)

3. Klikneš na Resize / Move

4. U dijalog prozoru odrediš nove parametre za veličinu particije

4.a Možeš da koristiš i "hvataljku" uz desnu ivicu trake i da je pomeraš mišem do željene veličine.
Žutim je označen prostor koji zauzimaju tvoji podaci. Vodi računa da nova veličina ima dovoljno mesta da sadrži ovaj deo oznaćen žutim!
Kada si tačno podesio željenu veličinu, klikni na taster [Resize / Move] u donjem desnom uglu

5. Pogledaj grafički prikaz izvršenih promena, pre nego što potvrdiš izvršenje zadatih izmena
(Ovde još uvek možeš da odustaneš, pošto se nikakve fizičke izmene na particijama nisu desile)
Klikni na [Apply] da potvrdiš vršenje izmena

6. Potvrdi još jednom da želiš da izvršiš izmene

7. Sačekaj da se sve operacije obave o čemu ćeš biti obavešten novim dijalog prozorom

8. Klikni na Details ako želiš detaljan izveštaj o izvršenim promenama

Nakon ovoga zatvori program i odaberi restart sistema. Windows će ti ponuditi da izvrši proveru diska (Check disk) i to mu obavezno dopusti da uradi.

U gore navedenom primeru je ilustrovan slučaj smanjivanja primarne particije.
Ono što ti želiš da uradiš se neznatno razlikuje:
Želiš da povećaš C: particiju na račun smanjivanja D: particije.
- Postupak je potpuno identičan jedino što ćeš prvo smanjiti D: particiju povlačenjem levog graničnika u desno
- Ovim ćeš napraviti nealocirani (unallocated) prostor između postojećih particija
- Sada ćeš C: particiju proširiti na taj nealocirani prostor povlačenjem desnog graničnika skroz u desno do mesta spajanja sa početkom D: particije
- Na kraju potvrdiš izvršenje svih zadatih operacija sa Apply i sačekaš da GParted obavi posao
- Restartuješ... pustiš da Windows čekira disk, kada se Win podigne i prepozna nove particije, tražiće ponovni restart i to je to!

Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike19.09.2009. u 22:08 - pre 180 meseci
^ Upravo je izašla nova verzija Parted Magic 4.5 (79.0MB)

[Ovu poruku je menjao Catch 22 dana 20.09.2009. u 00:42 GMT+1]
Prikačeni fajlovi
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Be Back Soon

Član broj: 40443
Poruke: 1720

ICQ: 250629747

+75 Profil

icon Re: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike13.11.2009. u 10:13 - pre 178 meseci
Link koji vodi do mnogo veoma korisnih upustava:

- Windows Update Site Problems
- Repair System Restore
How To Uninstall SP2 Using the Recovery Console
How To Use The Automatic Recovery Feature to Recover From a Bad SP2 Install
How To Remove SP2 using a Repair Install
How To Access Safe Mode
How To Access Last Known Good Config
How To Backup, Edit and Restore the Registry - Microsoft
How To Create a Boot Disk to Start Windows XP
How To Create a Slipstreamed version of XP
How To Fix :NTLDR is missing press any key to restart
How To Fix and "Invalid Boot.ini" or "Windows could not start........Hall.dll "error
Cannot Start Windows XP if the System or Software Hive Is Missing or Damaged
Password Problems and Windows XP
How To Fix The Cryptographic Service Error - Fix for "Error:Setup could not verify the integrity of the file Update.inf. Make sure the Cryptographic service is running on this computer"
System Cannot Access CD-Rom, CD-Recorder or DVD Devices
Error Messages After Removing Easy CD Creator from XP
Introduction to using System File Checker - SFC /SCANNOW
SFC (System File Checker) has a problem running - SFC /SCANNOW keeps asking for the XP CD
How to log on to Windows XP if you forget your password
How To Take Ownership of a File or Folder
How To Access Recovery Console
Recovery Console in Windows XP
How To Backup, Edit and Restore the Registry in XP .
How To Create a Set of Emergency Floppies - If your computer can not boot from a CD-Rom create a 6 floppy disk set that corresponds to your version of Windows XP. Click here for Home Edition Click here for Pro Edition
How To Create a bootable CD to access the Recovery Console
How To Repair Boot sector
How To Format
How To Partition
How To Exit the Recovery Console
How To Run a Repair Install
How To Uncover Windows XP Product Key
How To Change The Product ID
A better boot diskette for WinNT/2000/XP
Has XP Been Activated?
Tweaks&Fixes - From

Jedno od njih je i reparacija Wina:

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 71794
Poruke: 20046

+1651 Profil

icon Re: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike27.02.2010. u 22:09 - pre 174 meseci
Jedino izdanje koje možemo da preporučimo je ono koje može da se kupi kod prodavca softvera. Nikakve piratske verzije se niti preporučuju niti ovde piše o njima.
Odgovor na temu

Republika Srpska

Član broj: 147658
Poruke: 441

+14 Profil

icon Re: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike28.07.2010. u 11:33 - pre 169 meseci
Catch 22: Postupak izmene postojećih particija programom Parted Magic, bez formatiranja diska i gubitka podataka!

Za naknadnu izmenu veličine i rasporeda particija najbolje je da koristiš besplatni Parted Magic

Trenutno aktuelna finalna verzija je (96MB)
Kada ga preuzmeš dobićeš iso fajl od kojeg treba da narežeš CD. Pošto će narezani CD biti butabilan jednostavno sa njega podigneš sistem i izvršiš promenu veličina postojećih particija kroz veoma jednostavan i logičan grafički interfejs.

1. Klikneš na ikonicu programa GParted da ga pokreneš

2. Odabereš disk (ako imaš više od jednog HDD-a u sistemu)

3. Klikneš na Resize / Move

4. U dijalog prozoru odrediš nove parametre za veličinu particije

4.a Možeš da koristiš i "hvataljku" uz desnu ivicu trake i da je pomeraš mišem do željene veličine.
Žutim je označen prostor koji zauzimaju tvoji podaci. Vodi računa da nova veličina ima dovoljno mesta da sadrži ovaj deo oznaćen žutim!
Kada si tačno podesio željenu veličinu, klikni na taster [Resize / Move] u donjem desnom uglu

5. Pogledaj grafički prikaz izvršenih promena, pre nego što potvrdiš izvršenje zadatih izmena
(Ovde još uvek možeš da odustaneš, pošto se nikakve fizičke izmene na particijama nisu desile)
Klikni na [Apply] da potvrdiš vršenje izmena

6. Potvrdi još jednom da želiš da izvršiš izmene

7. Sačekaj da se sve operacije obave o čemu ćeš biti obavešten novim dijalog prozorom

8. Klikni na Details ako želiš detaljan izveštaj o izvršenim promenama

Nakon ovoga zatvori program i odaberi restart sistema. Windows će ti ponuditi da izvrši proveru diska (Check disk) i to mu obavezno dopusti da uradi.

U gore navedenom primeru je ilustrovan slučaj smanjivanja primarne particije.
Ono što ti želiš da uradiš se neznatno razlikuje:
Želiš da povećaš C: particiju na račun smanjivanja D: particije.
- Postupak je potpuno identičan jedino što ćeš prvo smanjiti D: particiju povlačenjem levog graničnika u desno
- Ovim ćeš napraviti nealocirani (unallocated) prostor između postojećih particija
- Sada ćeš C: particiju proširiti na taj nealocirani prostor povlačenjem desnog graničnika skroz u desno do mesta spajanja sa početkom D: particije
- Na kraju potvrdiš izvršenje svih zadatih operacija sa Apply i sačekaš da GParted obavi posao
- Restartuješ... pustiš da Windows čekira disk, kada se Win podigne i prepozna nove particije, tražiće ponovni restart i to je to!

Ovako , htjeo sam da Smanjim D i povećam C particiju, međutim kad probam da D smanjim i to sa lijeve strane, povučem lijevi klizač ali nemam mogućnost kliknuti "Resize/Move" ostaje zasjenčen...dok kad pomjerim klizač sa desne strane onda je moguće kliknuti "Resize/Move"....smijem li u tom slučaju pomjeriti lijevi klizač koliko mi je potrebno prostora za C i onda još malo pomjeriti desni da bih dobio mogućnost kliknuti "Resize/Move" to jest da li će to imati efekta???
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 71794
Poruke: 20046

+1651 Profil

icon Re: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike28.07.2010. u 13:14 - pre 169 meseci
Pomeri desni koliko ti je prostora potrebno pa onda taj ostatak particije pomeri udesno i povećaj c particiju. Nije isto kada skraćuješ sa desne i kada hoćeš sa leve.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 180041
Poruke: 8


icon Re: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike01.10.2010. u 12:08 - pre 167 meseci
Samo bih želio da dodam, da sam zahvaljujući Vašim uputstvima uspješno odradio slipstreaming XP-a, to jest ubacio VIA SATA drajver, te bih naveo, kao VRLO VAŽNO, da se SATA drajveri moraju tražiti na sajtu proizvođača kontrolera, u mom slučaju je to VIA, a ne na sajtu proizvođača matične ploče ili hard diska, te da je odličan alat za rad sa particijama hard diska integrisan u Windows 7

[Ovu poruku je menjao maximilijan0 dana 01.10.2010. u 13:20 GMT+1]

[Ovu poruku je menjao maximilijan0 dana 01.10.2010. u 13:21 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 48094
Poruke: 507

+5 Profil

icon Re: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike29.10.2010. u 17:52 - pre 166 meseci
E sad,ne bi bilo lose da se dodaju i neka uputstva i pomoc za rad sa win 7.
Konkretno me zanima kako popraviti osteceni win 7.
U xp se to radilo nakon ponude za konzolu R,a pre ciste instalacije.
Nekad sam posao zavrsavao i preko erd comandera2008 biranjem stavke file repair
Na win 7 sam probao,i nudi mi samo opciju popravke sa konzole preko R ili cistu instalaciju.
zanima me kakva je tu procedura?
Zanima me jos jedan problem koji mi se nakd desio.
Mislim da sam instalirao cistu instalaciju viste ,pa mi se nisu pokretale particije,sem C,a i ona kilavo.
Morao sam ubiti viruse ,pa me zanima,posto me sada win 7 zeza(ima ih...)kako da popravim win 7 bez ciste instalacije i kako se koristi njen MS win 7repair disk koji sam skinuo sa neta.Da li je bolja popravka preko tog njihovog repair diska za win7 ili preko instalacionog DVD.
Mislim da erd comander2008 tu ne pomaze jer popravlja samo XP.
Moze li malo o ovoj temi ?
Hvala na svemu izlozenom
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 70350
Poruke: 2348

+5071 Profil

icon Re: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike29.10.2010. u 20:45 - pre 166 meseci
ERD Commander za Win7 (ERD 6.5):
Odgovor na temu

Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
Poruke: 6907

+437 Profil

icon Re: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike30.10.2010. u 21:17 - pre 166 meseci
dimnicar: E sad,ne bi bilo lose da se dodaju i neka uputstva i pomoc za rad sa win 7.
Konkretno me zanima kako popraviti osteceni win 7.
U xp se to radilo nakon ponude za konzolu R,a pre ciste instalacije.
Nekad sam posao zavrsavao i preko erd comandera2008 biranjem stavke file repair
Na win 7 sam probao,i nudi mi samo opciju popravke sa konzole preko R ili cistu instalaciju.
zanima me kakva je tu procedura?

Startovanje Bootrec.exe alata:

To run the Bootrec.exe tool, you must start Windows RE. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Put the Windows Vista or Windows 7 installation disc in the disc drive, and then start the computer.
2. Press a key when you are prompted.
3. Select a language, a time, a currency, a keyboard or an input method, and then click Next.
4. Click Repair your computer.
5. Click the operating system that you want to repair, and then click Next.
6. In the System Recovery Options dialog box, click Command Prompt.
7. Type Bootrec.exe, and then press ENTER.

Kada dodjete do konzole imate nekoliko komandi za popravku u command promptu.


Bootrec.exe /FixMbr
Bootrec.exe /FixBoot
Bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd

U krajnjem slucaju ako nista ne upali mozete iskoristiti i sledecu komandu:

Bootsect.exe /nt60 all /force
Odgovor na temu

Goran Mijailovic

Član broj: 12684
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icon Re: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike14.09.2012. u 10:26 - pre 143 meseci
Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcuts for Non-Touchscreen Users

Windows + PrtScn
Pressing the Windows button plus the Print Screen button will take a screenshot of what is currently on your machine’s screen, saving it to the hard drive as a .png file in the new Screenshots folder. Not pressing the Windows key will still take a screenshot, but will only copy the shot to the clipboard.

Windows + Z
In previous versions of Windows, clicking with the right mouse button would bring up an options menu for whatever program you were working in. The Windows + Z shortcut serves this same purpose.

Windows + Tab
This shortcut works similar to the familiar Alt + Tab shortcut, but works for Metro apps. Instead of switching between windows, it switches between apps listed on the left side of the screen.

Windows + D
Some people might prefer the older style Windows desktop. This shortcut is a quick way to get to a more familiar-looking desktop. To return to the Metro style desktop, one can simply press the Windows button by itself.

Windows + I
If you need to access the system options, this shortcut is definitely your friend. Also, Windows 8 defaults to putting your computer or tablet to sleep rather than shutting it down and powering it off. By using this shortcut, you will be able to find the hidden option to power the system down completely.

Windows + Full Stop/Period
Pressing Windows + Full Stop will snap the current Metro app to the right of the screen, locking it there and allowing you to continue working on the left side. This is particularly useful for keeping an eye on Twitter.
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[es] :: Windows desktop :: FAQ: Sve o Windowsu — obavezno za početnike
(HARDTOP topic, by Milan Gligorijevic)
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