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promjena kljuca windows xp

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petar petrovic

Član broj: 139266
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icon promjena kljuca windows xp30.10.2009. u 11:05 - pre 178 meseci
kupio sam polovan racunar koji ima licenciran windovs xp, ali mu je kljuc drugi nego sto je na nalepnici.ima li koji programcic da bi mogao promijeniti key i vratiti ovaj koji na nalepnici.
petrovic petar
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Janko Valencik
Software Deployer
Schneider Electric
Novi Sad

Član broj: 158605
Poruke: 3531

+553 Profil

icon Re: promjena kljuca windows xp30.10.2009. u 20:29 - pre 178 meseci
Mozda ti ovo pomogne:
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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: promjena kljuca windows xp30.10.2009. u 20:52 - pre 178 meseci
Uputstvo korak-po-korak sa slikama: Step by Step Guide to Changing the Windows XP Product Key

Trebaće ti verovatno i ovo:

Backup Registry Keys in Windows XP


The main reason you might want change the Windows XP product key is because your key is pirated or otherwise incorrect but you don't want to reinstall Windows XP to activate your new legal product key.
Here's How:

1. Click on Start and then Run.
2. In the text box in the Run window, type regedit and click OK. This will open the Registry Editor program.
3. Locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE folder under My Computer and click on the (+) sign next the folder name to expand the folder.
4. Continue to expand folders until you reach the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\Current Version\WPAEvents registry key.
5. Click on the WPAEvents folder.
6. In the results that appear in the window on the right, locate OOBETimer.
7. Right-click on the OOBETimer entry and choose Modify from the resulting menu.
8. Change at least one digit in the Value data text box and click OK. This will deactivate Windows XP.

Feel free to close Registry Editor at this point.
9. Click on Start and then Run.
10. In the text box in the Run window, type the following command and click OK.

%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a
11. When the Let's activate Windows window appears, choose Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate Windows and then click Next.
12. Click the Change Product Key button at the bottom of the window.

Don't worry about filling anything out on this screen.
13. Type your new, valid Windows XP product key in the New key: text boxes and then click the Update button.
14. You should now reactivate Windows XP by following the instructions on the Activate Windows by phone window which you should now be seeing or via the Internet by clicking the Back button and following the instructions on that screen.

If you'd rather postpone activating Windows XP until a later date, you can click the Remind me later button.
15. After activating Windows XP, you can verify that activation was successful by repeating steps 9 and 10 above.

The Windows Product Activation window that appears should say "Windows is already activated. Click OK to exit."


Winkeyfinder is an excellent alternative solution to changing the Windows XP product key code manually.

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Član broj: 107376
Poruke: 2417

Jabber: maksvel

+161 Profil

icon Re: promjena kljuca windows xp30.10.2009. u 21:01 - pre 178 meseci
Da li je sigurno da je trenutna verzija piratska (što bi bio jedini eventualni razlog da petljaš oko ovoga)?
Kod mene na poslu je bio različit serial na nalepnici od onog koji je na kompu, ali je i ovaj bio legalan, tako da na kraju nisam ništa ni dirao
Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: promjena kljuca windows xp30.10.2009. u 22:04 - pre 178 meseci
^ Piratske verzije su u 99% slučajeva XP Professional (Vista/7 Ultimate), valjalo bi na nalepnici proveriti o kojoj verziji je reč, pošto promena ključa bez instalacije od nule možda neće ni biti moguća ako su verzije različite?
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[es] :: Windows desktop :: promjena kljuca windows xp

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