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Windows7 i rezanje DVDa

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Član broj: 182309
Poruke: 19


icon Windows7 i rezanje DVDa15.09.2009. u 18:39 - pre 180 meseci
Pozdrav. Pokusao sam pre neki dan da narezem disk na Win7 i posle kad ejectujem gotov disk i ubacim ga ponovo u kompjuter, vidi ga, ali ne otvori narezane fajlove, nego me autorun pita dali da ga koristim kao neki vid USB-a ili da mu dodelim LETTER kao sto je slucaj sa hard diskovima.....u cemu je fora???? Disk, kad ga pogledam je narezan i sve izgleda ok, ali ne pokaze narezane fajlove...One diskove sto sam pre narezao na Xp-u su u redu...
Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Windows7 i rezanje DVDa15.09.2009. u 23:40 - pre 180 meseci
Windows 7 nudi nove opcije za rezanje diskova, kao i podršku za direktno rezanje ISO fajlova

Kada pošalješ fajlove za rezanje na RW disk nudi ti da prvo odabereš format, a od toga zavisi da li ćeš morati da ga prethodno formatiraš.

U prvom slučaju, uz prethodno formatiranje, moći ćeš da ga koristiš kao USB disk (nakon formatiranja se pisanje i brisanje fajlova vrši u letu)

Druga opcija je klasičan multi-session i ne zahteva prethodno formatiranje. Pošalješ željene fajlove na disk, odabereš "burn disc"... disk sesija se zatvara nakon rezanja i dodatne izmene nisu moguće. Ako je preostalo slobodnog mesta možeš da snimaš novu sesiju...

Takođe nudi opciju direktnog rezanja ISO fajlova uz mogućnost verifikacije

Windows Help:
Burn a CD or DVD in Windows Explorer

If your computer has a CD or DVD burner, you can copy files to a writable disc. This process is called burning a disc. Windows burns discs in the Live File System format or in the Mastered format, depending on which disc format you choose. For more information about deciding which format you should choose when burning a disc, see Which CD or DVD format should I use?

The following procedures explain how to use Windows Explorer to burn a data disc (a type of disc that is useful for storing, archiving, and sharing files among different computers and devices). If you want to create other types of discs, such as a DVD-Video disc (to play in a regular DVD player) or an audio CD (to play in a regular CD player), you’ll need to use a different program or feature of Windows.

To burn a disc using the Live File System format
Choose the Live File System format when you want to burn a data disc that will play in a computer running Windows XP or later.

Insert a writable disc, such as a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, or DVD+RW disc, into your computer's CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc burner.

In the AutoPlay dialog box that appears, click Burn files to disc using Windows Explorer.

If the AutoPlay dialog box doesn't appear, click the Start button , click Computer, and then double-click your disc burner.

In the Burn a Disc dialog box, type a name for this disc in the Disc title box, click Like a USB flash drive, and then click Next.

This is the option for burning a disc that uses the Live File System disc format. It might take several minutes for the disc to be formatted. When the formatting is complete, an empty disc folder opens.

Open the folder that contains the files you want to burn, and then drag the files into the empty disc folder.

To select more than one item, press and hold the Ctrl key, and then click the files you want to burn.

As you drag files into the disc folder, they are copied automatically to the disc.

After copying the files and folders, you might need to close the disc session. For more information, see Close or finalize a CD or DVD.

Instead of dragging and dropping files as described in the procedure above, you can select the files you want to burn in Windows Explorer, right-click one of the selected files, point to Send to, and then click your disc burner drive.

To burn a disc using the Mastered format
Choose the Mastered format when you need a disc that will play on any computer or in some different consumer electronic devices, such as CD, DVD, and Blu-ray Disc players, that can play digital music files, pictures, or video files.

Insert a writable disc, such as a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, or DVD+RW disc, into your computer's CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc burner.

In the AutoPlay dialog box that appears, click Burn files to disc using Windows Explorer.

If the AutoPlay dialog box doesn't appear, click the Start button , click Computer, and then double-click your disc burner.

In the Burn a Disc dialog box, type a name for this disc in the Disc title box, click With a CD/DVD player, and then click Next.

Open the folder that contains the files you want to burn, and then drag the files into the empty disc folder.

To select more than one item, press and hold the Ctrl key, and then click the files you want to burn.

On the toolbar, click Burn to disc, and then follow the steps in the wizard.

The selected files are copied to the disc. When the disc burning is complete, the disc burner tray will open and you can remove the disc. You can now use the disc in another computer or in some CD or DVD players. The disc session is already closed.

To burn a Mastered disc, you might need free space on your hard disk that's up to twice the capacity of the disc. A typical CD has a disc capacity of 650 megabytes (MB). For a typical DVD, it's about 4.38 gigabytes (GB). For a typical Blu-ray Disc, it's about 23 GB.

The time it takes to burn a Mastered disc will be reduced and require less available free hard disk space if the files and folders that you're burning are stored on the same drive as the temporary folder location (typically C:\), and the drive is formatted using the NTFS file system.

Instead of dragging and dropping files as described in the procedure above, you can select the files you want to burn in Windows Explorer, right-click one of the selected files, point to Send to, and then click your disc burner drive.

If you decide not to burn the files to a disc, you can delete the temporary files to recover hard disk space. To delete the temporary files, open the disc folder, and then click Delete temporary files on the toolbar.

The amount of free space and used disc space for a DVD-RW or DVD+RW might not be correct in Windows Explorer.

[Ovu poruku je menjao Catch 22 dana 16.09.2009. u 01:23 GMT+1]
Prikačeni fajlovi
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Član broj: 182309
Poruke: 19


icon Re: Windows7 i rezanje DVDa16.09.2009. u 19:51 - pre 180 meseci
Disk koji sam rezao nije bio RW, nego DVD-R+ a rezao sam ga sa Ashampoo Burnig Studiom. Ove opcije sa prve slike mi se javljaju posle rezanja, kada ubacim narezani disk u komp ponovo i hocu da ga otvorim...Mozda je bolje da rezem sa Windowsom nego ovim programom...
Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Windows7 i rezanje DVDa17.09.2009. u 00:34 - pre 180 meseci
^ Verovatno da ga je Ashampoo narezao kao multi-session u kom slučaju je ostalo slobodnog mesta za dodavanje novih sesija.
Postoji i verovatnoća da Ashampoo nije valjano obavio posao?!?

Što se tiče Windows 7 i programa za rezanje (CD/DVD Burning), lično instaliram isključivo dole navedene besplatne programe:

CDBurnerXP ver. 4.2.5 (3.09MB)

BurnAware Free (5.0MB)

ImgBurn (2.1MB)

Pomenuti Ashampoo sam samo probao, ali me nešto nije privukao, a i bili su mnogo dosadni sa procedurama oko besplatne verzije...

Odgovor na temu

Vladimir Vučićević
System administrator
Beograd, Srbija

Član broj: 17912
Poruke: 5324


+2827 Profil

icon Re: Windows7 i rezanje DVDa17.09.2009. u 09:07 - pre 180 meseci
ImgBurn, nova verzija, konačno ima napredniji editor diska, tako da konačno možete da pravite kompilacije kao u Neru, odnosno da pravite foldere i razvrstavate fajlove kako želite.

Zahvaljujući tome, Nero mi više, konačno ne treba!
... Vladimir Vučićević aka. Bachi
~~~ <<<<>>>> [email protected]
>>> It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice...
Prikačeni fajlovi
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93 Stefan
Stefan 93

Član broj: 208278
Poruke: 624

+13 Profil

icon Re: Windows7 i rezanje DVDa17.09.2009. u 10:51 - pre 180 meseci
bachi: Zahvaljujući tome, Nero mi više, konačno ne treba!

? Pa i pre je moglo normalno da se sredi dok su podaci još na hardu to kako će da izgleda. Velika razlika da li ćeš u tom njihovom delu koji su sad dodali ili ćeš negde napraviti folder i tu sve lepo rasporediti i onda samo dodati njegov sadržaj.
Izvinjavam se svima koje sam razgnevio svojim pisanjima. Trudiću se da se popravim.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 182309
Poruke: 19


icon Re: Windows7 i rezanje DVDa17.09.2009. u 15:32 - pre 180 meseci
Ljudi hvala na pomoci i predlozima, pokusacu i ovo i ono pa cemo videti...HVALA
Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Windows7 i rezanje DVDa17.09.2009. u 20:03 - pre 180 meseci
Dobra im je fora ovaj "Live File System" uz formatiranje RW diska, napokon da to zaista radi bez ikakvih problema. Disk je čitljiv bez dodatnih drajvera i u Windows XP, a na Win7 može da se piše, briše, menja labela diska... ne baš kao na USB, jer je ipak vidno sporije zbog pisanja u letu.

Odgovor na temu

Vladimir Vučićević
System administrator
Beograd, Srbija

Član broj: 17912
Poruke: 5324


+2827 Profil

icon Re: Windows7 i rezanje DVDa20.09.2009. u 19:39 - pre 179 meseci
93 Stefan: ? Pa i pre je moglo normalno da se sredi dok su podaci još na hardu to kako će da izgleda. Velika razlika da li ćeš u tom njihovom delu koji su sad dodali ili ćeš negde napraviti folder i tu sve lepo rasporediti i onda samo dodati njegov sadržaj.

Nisi mogao da kreiraš foldere direktno u ImgBurnu, kao što je oduvek moglo kod Neroa.
... Vladimir Vučićević aka. Bachi
~~~ <<<<>>>> [email protected]
>>> It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 182309
Poruke: 19


icon Re: Windows7 i rezanje DVDa21.09.2009. u 17:16 - pre 179 meseci
Eto narezao sam DVD i to uspesno, bez dodatnog programa, samo onim, sto nudi windows...Izgleda da Ashampoo nesto brlja. Burnaware mi se dosta svidja, tako da ako se odlucim za zasebni program bice to taj, jako jednostavno i pregledno...Puno hvala
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Windows7 i rezanje DVDa

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