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Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?

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Vladimir Vučićević
System administrator
Beograd, Srbija

Član broj: 17912
Poruke: 5324


+2827 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?30.07.2009. u 08:12 - pre 181 meseci
Pa imaš trial od max 120 dana ako koristiš rearm, kakva sad lova? MS me je baš iznenadio sa Windows 7. Em su dali betu za free, em rc1, em sad daju RTM da koristiš free 120 dana.

Ne pada mi na pamet da aktiviram windows sve dok ne prođu 120 dana. :)
... Vladimir Vučićević aka. Bachi
~~~ <<<<>>>> [email protected]
>>> It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice...


Član broj: 71794
Poruke: 20046

+1651 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?30.07.2009. u 09:17 - pre 181 meseci
Jaki smo mi beta/RC testeri a i ima nas pola sveta. ;) Oni ozbiljni će da dobiju a ostali će da kupe ... tj opet valjda imaš onih 30 dana do aktivacije a i malo odlaganje.

93 Stefan
Stefan 93

Član broj: 208278
Poruke: 624

+13 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?30.07.2009. u 12:24 - pre 181 meseci
Ćao svima, nabavio sam 7600.16385.090713-1255_x86fre_client_en-us_Retail_Ultimate-GRMCULFRER_EN_DVD, ta i zonicova su na istom sajtu postavljene kao prave RTM verzije. Ali imam problem, kada sam pokušao da je napišem na DVD+RW sa ImgBurn, non-stop je pokušavalo neke stvari po nekoliko puta da napiše i na kraju nije moglo do kraja i zeznulo mi je disk. Do čega je kvar? Do diska ili programa? Ne mogu trenutno da bacam gomilu diskova trebaju mi za filmove.
A kako da napravim sa USB-a instalaciju? Podigo sam tu sliku u Daemon Tools-u i kopirao sve na USB, i kad sam ušao u Boot Menu uopšte nije video komp da mi je USB uboden. Nikad ovo nisam radio, tako da nemojte da se smejete ako sam uradio neku glupost :)
Izvinjavam se svima koje sam razgnevio svojim pisanjima. Trudiću se da se popravim.


Član broj: 193077
Poruke: 134

+1 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?30.07.2009. u 12:33 - pre 181 meseci
Evo covek je sve lepo objasnio.


Član broj: 67398
Poruke: 599

+7 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?30.07.2009. u 12:51 - pre 181 meseci
Stefane, taj ISO fajl sam bez problema spržio sa odličnim besplatnim programom CDBurnerXP, preuzmi ga odavde: .Ni jedan disk mi do sada nije upropastio, koristim ga svakodnevno.

[Ovu poruku je menjao Milan86 dana 30.07.2009. u 16:44 GMT+1]

[Ovu poruku je menjao Milan86 dana 30.07.2009. u 16:48 GMT+1]


Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

+5 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?30.07.2009. u 13:16 - pre 181 meseci
Stefane ja koristim iskljucivo PowerISO za te stvari i nikad nisam imao tih problema evo upravo pisem sa te sedmice koju navodis bez problema se narezala i instalirala.

Sava Djurdjevic
Srbija - Sabac

Član broj: 177766
Poruke: 252

ICQ: 373030225

+7 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?30.07.2009. u 17:09 - pre 181 meseci
zonic: Stefane ja koristim iskljucivo PowerISO za te stvari i nikad nisam imao tih problema evo upravo pisem sa te sedmice koju navodis bez problema se narezala i instalirala.

A u Win 7 ima onaj program za rezanje Imagde fajlova... i radi super... provereno kad sam i *.dmg narezao preko njega bez problema :)
Hackintosh Forum

Running:Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite
Grafika: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Matična Ploča:MSI MS-7613 (Iona-GL8E)
Audio: Realtek ALC888S
Procesor: Intel Core i5 650 @ 3.20MHz
Lan/Wifi: Realtek RTL8168/8111 / Ralink RT2860
RAM: 4GB DDR3 1600Hz


Član broj: 193077
Poruke: 134

+1 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?30.07.2009. u 18:43 - pre 181 meseci
^ Ali on je trenutno na XP-u, pa zato covek hoce da nareze taj img, da bi presao na Win 7 :)

Sava Djurdjevic
Srbija - Sabac

Član broj: 177766
Poruke: 252

ICQ: 373030225

+7 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?30.07.2009. u 20:20 - pre 181 meseci
Pa znam... moze i preko nera, ultraiso, poweristo... ima dosta programa za rezanje img fajlova....
Hackintosh Forum

Running:Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite
Grafika: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Matična Ploča:MSI MS-7613 (Iona-GL8E)
Audio: Realtek ALC888S
Procesor: Intel Core i5 650 @ 3.20MHz
Lan/Wifi: Realtek RTL8168/8111 / Ralink RT2860
RAM: 4GB DDR3 1600Hz


Član broj: 67030
Poruke: 246

+1 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?30.07.2009. u 21:16 - pre 181 meseci
Jedino sto mi je cudno kod novog win-a jeste sto kad hocu da spustim Messenger nespusta se kod sata....


Član broj: 67398
Poruke: 599

+7 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?30.07.2009. u 21:19 - pre 181 meseci
@petersonic: Ovo je rešenje tvog problema:


Sava Djurdjevic
Srbija - Sabac

Član broj: 177766
Poruke: 252

ICQ: 373030225

+7 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?31.07.2009. u 00:09 - pre 181 meseci
petersonic: Jedino sto mi je cudno kod novog win-a jeste sto kad hocu da spustim Messenger nespusta se kod sata....

To je jos o beta verzije..... Mora da se stavi da bude kompatabilan sa Vistom da bih ga spustalo u trej.... :)
Hackintosh Forum

Running:Mac OS X 10.10.1 Yosemite
Grafika: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Matična Ploča:MSI MS-7613 (Iona-GL8E)
Audio: Realtek ALC888S
Procesor: Intel Core i5 650 @ 3.20MHz
Lan/Wifi: Realtek RTL8168/8111 / Ralink RT2860
RAM: 4GB DDR3 1600Hz

darko milosev
srbija novi sad

Član broj: 226900
Poruke: 167

+6 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?31.07.2009. u 00:15 - pre 181 meseci
Meni na win 7 7600 rtm , radi sve ko na win 7 rs1 sem Realtek sa instalacijong cd za moj kompjuter , ali skino sam noviju verziju pa i to radi . Nemam problema sa msn ali uzeo sam srpsku verziju znam za englesku . Sada sam 100% siguran da ovo sto sada zadnjih 6 sati imam je je win 7 RTM. Cini mi se da je podrska za directx 10 bolja nego u rs1 , nema par sitnih bagova koji i nisu bili znacajni . Cini mi se da nekao gipkije funkcionise , sto na mom kompjuteru i nije tako bitno ali za slabije je vrlo bitno . pozz

darko milosev
srbija novi sad

Član broj: 226900
Poruke: 167

+6 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?31.07.2009. u 00:40 - pre 181 meseci
Dobi sam pismo od micrisoft sa vestima , morate imati clanstvo da bi mogli da dobijete win 7 i to TechNet subscription ,nije dovoljno da ste skinuli rs1 ,niti biti clan njihovog zvanicnog foruma , ali ga preko njega mozete dobiti . . Raspitao sam se .na njihovom forumu poz ...................................................................................indows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 have reached the RTM milestone. If you’re still testing the RC build, you’ll be able to switch over to the RTM build during the second half of August, 2009. For Windows Server 2008 R2, you can get the low-down on system requirements and installation guidelines and IT pro testing guidelines; and for the updated reviewers guide and other technical content be sure to visit the Resources page for content on R2’s key new features, including Hyper-V with Live Migration, the new File Classification Infrastructure, the updates to IIS 7.5 and the new “better together” features you can access by combining Windows Server 2008 R2 with Windows 7. And for developers looking to see what R2 has to off

When Will Windows 7 RTM Be Available?
According to this Windows Team Blog posting, Volume License (VL) customers with an existing Software Assurance (SA) license will be able to download Windows 7 RTM in English starting August 7, 2009 via the Volume License Service Center (VLSC). The rest of the languages for Windows 7 RTM should be available within a couple of weeks following the English release. For IT professionals who are not part of the VL program, if you have a TechNet subscription, you will be able to download Windows 7 RTM in English on August 6, 2009, and the remaini

Windows 7 Upgrade Paths
For a quick view of the supported and unsupported upgrade paths for Windows 7 SKUs, download the Windows 7 Upgrade Paths document that outlines possible upgrade scenarios from older versions of Windows. For a Web version of this document, see Windows 7 Upgrade Paths in the Windows Client TechCenter Library.

Microsoft Contributes Open Source Linux Drivers for Hyper-V
Microsoft has contributed 20,000 lines of code to the Linux kernel community. The code contribution, a Linux device driver, will be published on CodePlex, and will be immediately available to the Linux Community and customers, enabling any distribution of the Linux operating system to be virtualized on Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2008. For more, check out the Channel 9 video.
Thanks for reading,
Mitch Irsfeld
Editor, TechNet Flas

[Ovu poruku je menjao darkonsm dana 31.07.2009. u 03:00 GMT+1]

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?31.07.2009. u 08:23 - pre 181 meseci
Update instalacija sa Build 7100 na Build 7600 prošla uspešno, pomoću trika sa editovanjem cversion.ini fajla, a brisanje ei.cfg fajla stvarno otvara opcije za instalaciju svih verzija Win7 (osim Enterprise)
Neposredno nakon što se pojavila RTM verzija "procurelo" je još mnogo stvari, tj. gotovo sve (OEM verzija, RTM Localization Packs, Language Interface Packs...) ... jedino ne znam da se pojavila prava Enterpise verzija.

Prilikom update instalacije, jedino upozorenje je bilo da instalirani Language Pack nije kompatibilan sa RTM verzijom pa sam nakon instalacije Windowsa instalirao i odgovarajući MUI

Prikačeni fajlovi

Milic Nemanja
Novi sad

Član broj: 208522
Poruke: 323

Jabber: Nikome ne moze biti bolje dok nekom ne bude gore

+29 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?31.07.2009. u 09:39 - pre 181 meseci
Pojavila se i enterprise verzija.....procurela je malo pre par dana.


Član broj: 67030
Poruke: 246

+1 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?31.07.2009. u 12:02 - pre 181 meseci
Kad vec pricamo o verzijama :)


Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?31.07.2009. u 12:45 - pre 181 meseci
Zvanična reakcija Microsofta na novonastalu situaciju:

Genuine Windows Blog: Windows 7 OEM Product Key Leak

Thursday, July 30, 2009 11:45 PM
Windows 7 OEM Product Key Leak

Yesterday we were alerted to reports of a leak of a special product key issued to an OEM partner of ours. The key is for use with Windows 7 Ultimate RTM product that is meant to be pre-installed by the OEM on new PCs to be shipped later this year. As such, the use of this key requires having a PC from the manufacturer it was issued to. We've worked with that manufacturer so that customers who purchase genuine copies of Windows 7 from this manufacturer will experience no issues validating their copy of Windows 7. At the same time we will seek to alert customers who are using the leaked key that they are running a non-genuine copy of Windows. It's important to note that no PCs will be sold that will use this key.

Windows 7 already includes an improved ability to detect hacks, also known as activation exploits, and alert customers who are using a pirated copy. There is a hack that is said to enable, when paired with the leaked key, a system to install and use a copy of Windows 7 Ultimate. Both the hack and the key are indications that a copy of Windows may not be genuine. The Windows Activation Technologies included in Windows 7 are designed to handle situations such as this one, and customers using these tools and methods should expect Windows to detect them.

Our primary goal is to protect users from becoming unknowing victims, because customers who use pirated software are at greater risk of being exposed to malware as well as identity theft. Someone asked me recently - and I think it's worth noting here -- whether we treat all exploits equally in responding to new ones we see. Our objective isn't to stop every "mad scientist" that's out there from dabbling; our aim is to protect our customers from commercialized counterfeit software that impacts our customers' confidence in knowing they got what they paid for. That will continue to be our focus as we continue to evolve our anti-piracy platforms, and respond to new threats that we see emerge in the future.



Član broj: 37755
Poruke: 156

+1 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?31.07.2009. u 15:00 - pre 181 meseci
^ Uuuu, al' smo se uplasili... Do sledeceg OEM "kljuca"


Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

+5 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?31.07.2009. u 15:06 - pre 181 meseci
Znaci morace da menjaju Windows 7 OEM Master Key jer je sadasnji vec pronadjen , xrm-ms ekstenzija je ista kao i kod Viste , bas me interesuje kako ce da rese situaciju kad su vec poslali za Dell, HP, Acer, ili Lenovo .

[es] :: Windows desktop :: Microsoft Windows® 7 RTM (Build 7600)?
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