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Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)

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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)07.05.2009. u 10:12 - pre 184 meseci
Detaljan članak i uputstvo za Windows 7 XP Mode:

Hands On with Windows 7's XP Mode

Kratak izvod iz kompletnog teksta sa gornjeg linka

XPM runs just about any Windows software XP can run—probably the only exceptions will be a few games that detect that they're being launched in a virtual machine and refuse to start. Unlike earlier versions of Microsoft Virtual PC, XPM can power USB peripherals such as cameras, MP3 players and other mobile devices, printers, and wireless network adapters. Also, unlike earlier versions of Virtual PC that could share only specified folders on the "host" system, XPM can access all the disks and drives used by your Windows 7 system.

Getting Started with Windows 7 XP Mode
To install XPM, you'll need the right combination of hardware and software. Your hardware must include a CPU and motherboard that supports Hardware Virtualization Technology, sometimes known as VT-d, AMD-V, or Vanderpool. If your motherboard is less than two years old, you're probably safe, though you may need to find a Hardware Virtualization option in your computer's BIOS and switch it on. If you're not certain whether your system supports Hardware Virtualization, visit this Microsoft Web page and download and run a CPU-identification utility from Intel or AMD that can tell you. The same page tells you how to switch on the necessary technology in many standard BIOSes.

Your operating system must be Windows 7 Professional, Windows 7 Enterprise, or Windows 7 Ultimate. The currently downloadable Release Candidate installs Windows 7 Ultimate, so the RC version is ideal for testing XPM. Next, you'll need to install a small 5MB update to the RC version, which you can find by visiting this Microsoft update page, where you can download Windows Virtual PC.

Finally, from the same Web page, you'll need to download Windows XP Mode, which is a 445MB installer that expands into a 1GB virtual XP system. With both downloads, make sure to download the 32-bit or 64-bit version, depending on whether you're running 32-bit or 64-bit Windows 7.

Your next step is to run the small Windows Virtual PC installer and, when prompted, restart your system. After that, you install Windows XP Mode. The installer will present you with a screen that says your XP Mode username will be "user" (you can't change that) and prompts you to create a password. On the same dialog, you should mark a checkbox labeled "Remember credentials (recommended)" so you won't be prompted to retype the password when XPM starts up. The next dialog will prompt you to turn on Automatic Updates, which you definitely should do, so that XPM will update itself without your intervention. Finally, after about ten minutes of background activity, a virtual Windows XP desktop will open in a window.


Copyright (c) 2009Ziff Davis Media Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Beta verzije "Windows Virtual PC" i "Windows XP Mode" mozete preuzeti sa ovog linka:

Windows Virtual PC

[Ovu poruku je menjao Catch 22 dana 07.05.2009. u 11:22 GMT+1]
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Član broj: 202308
Poruke: 335


+1 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)07.05.2009. u 10:53 - pre 184 meseci
Aaaa... ovaj... sta je tu sad tako posebno i revolucionarno? Ne znam bas dobro engleski pa necu to sve citati ali vidim da koristi virtual pc. Pa virtual pc postoji odavno i na njemu se moze instalirati bilo koji OS i pokrenuti na bilo kom windows-u pa sta je ovde drugacije... bolje?
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Vladimir Vučićević
System administrator
Beograd, Srbija

Član broj: 17912
Poruke: 5324


+2827 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)07.05.2009. u 16:08 - pre 184 meseci
Zato što je ovako taj Windows XP besplatan.
... Vladimir Vučićević aka. Bachi
~~~ <<<<>>>> [email protected]
>>> It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice...
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[email protected]
Dule Atanaskovic

Član broj: 20877
Poruke: 57


icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)07.05.2009. u 16:23 - pre 184 meseci
Da li ovo i kako moze da se iskoristi za TV karticu koja nece da radi u W7 a hoce u XP.Konkretno imam TV karticu V-Gear koja lepo radi u XP a nece u W7(ima slika nema zvuk).Drajveri za zvucnu dobro instalirani.
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Novi Sad

Član broj: 152445
Poruke: 41



icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)07.05.2009. u 17:32 - pre 184 meseci
Ono što je još zanimljivo u ovoj varijanti je da kad se instalira neka aplikacija na ovu WinXP virtualnu mašinu, njena ikonica se pojavljuje na Win7 start meniju, i kada se pokrene, virtual pc se izvršava u pozadini a aplikacija se vidi na desktop-u Win7, bez virtualne mašine. Zanimljiv efekat, postoji već dosta dugo u konkurentskim proizvodima za virtualizaciju, na primer u VirtualBox-u se to zove "Seamless Mode".
Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 152445
Poruke: 41



icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)07.05.2009. u 17:33 - pre 184 meseci
[email protected]: Da li ovo i kako moze da se iskoristi za TV karticu koja nece da radi u W7 a hoce u XP.Konkretno imam TV karticu V-Gear koja lepo radi u XP a nece u W7(ima slika nema zvuk).Drajveri za zvucnu dobro instalirani.

Ako nije USB, teško. WinXP koji se izvršava je ipak samo virtuelna mašina i nema direktan pristup hardveru...
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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)07.05.2009. u 21:22 - pre 184 meseci
Evo i nekih dodatnih objašnjenja:

Up to now, Virtual PC users have been accustomed to hosting guest desktops within a hypervisor layer. Betanews uses Virtual PC 2007 (and Sun VirtualBox for hosting 64-bit Windows and Linux systems) almost every day in testing. The new version is very obviously being geared for everyday use by general users rather than testers like us. Borrowing a cue from its application virtualization, sometimes called SoftGrid, the new WVPC will enable some guest environments to seamlessly integrate with the host desktop.

That feature will get the most use in conjunction with what's being called "Windows XP Mode." It will be distributed as a kind of drop-in, apparently containing the XP kernel. Setting up this drop-in with WVPC will apparently be "wizard-ized," with some functions automated -- so it won't be like installing Windows XP on a PC, a process that nobody in his right mind really wants to re-live. Once completed, users should have the ability to run Windows XP programs that have misbehaved in Vista up to now, within an envelope more conducive to XP, but without separating the "XP realm" from the "Windows 7" realm.

That's especially important because typical hosted environments run only from virtual hard drives. XP Mode will be able to coexist with the user's regular physical drive, sharing either or both drive letters and permitted directories, as well as contents of the system clipboard.

One way you will definitely be able to spot an XP program, however, is by looking for that cobalt-blue window frame we all remember...and grew a little tired of.

The new edition of the virtualizer software will also support XP, Vista, and Win7 itself in the traditional hosted desktop. But also according to Microsoft, "applications modes" for Vista and also Win7 (for instance, disabling a tested application's ability to contact the host OS) are also feasible, even though XP Mode will be the only drop-in available at present.

Izvor: Betanews: XP Mode is for real: First 'Windows Virtual PC' beta accompanies Windows 7 RC
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Član broj: 202308
Poruke: 335


+1 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)07.05.2009. u 22:01 - pre 184 meseci
Hvala na odgovoru.
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Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

+5 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)07.05.2009. u 23:21 - pre 184 meseci
Vrlo interesantno resenje sa drajverima za XP radi mi stampac ( lexmark z735) i skener (Bear Paw 1200cu plus) preko ovog frankestajna TV karticu ne vidi ali zato radi usb web kamera .Medjutim prilikom svakog startovanja trazi da prodjem wizard sa instalacijom drajvera nece da zapamti ili to moze negde da se podesi . .Malo smarajuce .

[Ovu poruku je menjao zonic dana 08.05.2009. u 00:56 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu

[email protected]
Dule Atanaskovic

Član broj: 20877
Poruke: 57


icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)08.05.2009. u 21:03 - pre 184 meseci
Izgleda da mnogo ljudi mora da kupuje nove TV kartice ako hoce da koristi W7.Koje su te kartice kojer sigurno rade na W7?
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Član broj: 71794
Poruke: 20046

+1651 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)08.05.2009. u 21:27 - pre 184 meseci
Mali problem je što mnogi procesori ne mogu da rade sa ovim tj Virtualization Technology nije baš toliko rasprostranjena.
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Član broj: 4716
Poruke: 5096

+51 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)08.05.2009. u 21:32 - pre 184 meseci
^A i ako procesor podržava, može da se desi da je podrška isključena u BIOS-u i ne može da se uključi (uglavnom kod brand-name kompjutera).

Commercial-Free !!!
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Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)08.05.2009. u 22:28 - pre 184 meseci
^^ Microsoft je postavio posebnu stranica za to:

How to confirm your PC can run Windows XP Mode

Gde se nalaze i korisni linkovi:

Intel Processor Identification Utility

AMD Virtualization Compatibility Check Utility

Step 2. Does my PC BIOS support hardware virtualization, and is it turned on?

Instructions to turn on hardware virtualization in your PC BIOS are specific to OEM models. It is important that after changing your BIOS settings the PC is completely shut down at the power switch before restarting so that the new BIOS settings can take place.

Examples for some models of some computer manufacturer’s BIOS settings are below:

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Član broj: 71794
Poruke: 20046

+1651 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)08.05.2009. u 23:25 - pre 184 meseci
Naravno ali je problem što ovo ne podržava prilično popularnih procesora, bar se odnosi na Intel pošto za AMD nisam proveravao. Ne podržavaju E4300-E4700, zatim E7200-E7500 pa Q8200-Q8400, 915, 925, 935, 945, E2140-E2220 kao ni E5200-E5400.
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 83895
Poruke: 1379

+5 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)09.05.2009. u 01:08 - pre 184 meseci
nA amd phenom x4 quad-core 9550 radi .Sto se tice tv kartice u samom windowsu 7 imam neku TV 1000 koja radi ali posle instalacije vise ne smem da podesavam nista u opcijama tv kartice jer gubim sliku pa onda nova instalacija .

[Ovu poruku je menjao zonic dana 09.05.2009. u 02:54 GMT+1]
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Član broj: 25873
Poruke: 642

+9 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)10.05.2009. u 00:01 - pre 184 meseci
Instalirao sam i kada pokrenem ne prepoznaje mi .vhd extenziju !?
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Član broj: 156057
Poruke: 634

+7 Profil

icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)10.05.2009. u 11:40 - pre 184 meseci
Ja ga maloprije instalirao i bas sam se iznenadio.
Radi malo sporije nego sto sam ocekivao, ali je potrosnja reusrsa vise nego smesna.
Ocekivao sam da ce biti frke sa 2 GB ram-a (Win7 32-bit koristi nekih 650-800), ali procesi vezni za VM jedva da povuku 20-ak MB-a i nesto malo vece zuzece procesora.
USB prepoznaje bez problema. U3 aplikacije rade.
Kopiranje sa USB-a na virtual HD ide dosta sporo.
Particije koje postoje na racunaru je uredno prepoznao i prikazuje ih kao uredjaje sa Remote Desktop Connection.
Kopiranje sa USB-a na njih ide dosta brze nego na virtualHD.

Konacno mogu da obrisem dual-boot :).
Odgovor na temu

Novi Sad

Član broj: 152445
Poruke: 41



icon Re: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)10.05.2009. u 19:19 - pre 184 meseci
calexx: ... bar se odnosi na Intel pošto za AMD nisam proveravao ...

Zanimljivo je da AMD nije napravio toliku konfuziju sa procesorima, tako da svaki noviji, faktički svaki koji je x64 podržava i HW virtualizaciju...
Odgovor na temu

Catch 22

Član broj: 148083
Poruke: 6176

+21 Profil

icon Windows 7 XP Mode: IE6 & Outlook Express 6.0 workaround16.05.2009. u 01:15 - pre 184 meseci
How to Access and Run Internet Explorer 6 (IE6) and Outlook Express (OE) of Virtual XP Mode (VXP) VM in Windows 7

Izvod jednog dela iz kompletnog teksta sa gornjeg linka:
...All newly installed applications can be auto published to host’s Start Menu. However, Internet Explorer 6 (iE6) and Outlook Express come pre-installed built-in with the Windows XP Mode VHD virtual machine. You can’t manually install IE6 or Outlook Express in Windows XP Mode VM to publish it as virtual applications on Windows 7.

For users who want to use the legacy Internet Explorer 6 and/or Microsoft Outlook Express, here’s the trick to make the apps publish and available as virtual applications on Windows 7 Start Menu, and can be seamlessly access and run from native Windows 7 desktop.

To publish IE6 and Outlook Express to host OS’s Start Menu and able to run IE6 and OE via Virtual XP Mode, just drag and drop or create a copy of the shortcut of Internet Explorer 6 and/or Outlook Express to All Users Start Menu folder, which is located at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu folder.

Tip: It’s possible to put in sub-directory of “Start Menu” folder. In this case, the sub-folder will be published too.

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[es] :: Windows desktop :: Microsoft Windows 7: XP Mode (Beta)

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