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Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa

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Član broj: 126578
Poruke: 45


icon Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa22.01.2009. u 16:29 - pre 188 meseci
pozdrav ljudi
Imam par pitanja. Imam dual instalaciju windows xp i linux openSUSE... I kada sam reinstalirao windows nestala mi je boot opcija pre podizanja bilo kog sistema da biram hocu li windows ili linux. Kako to da vratim ?
Drugo pitanje je ukoliko zelim da izbrisem taj linux i vratim te gb od njega za windows kako se to radi ?

Hvala puno
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zoran pantic

Član broj: 50312
Poruke: 913

+11 Profil

icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa22.01.2009. u 17:22 - pre 188 meseci
Mozes da formatiras particiju u zeljeni fajl sistem. Ako hoces dual boot sa win-om najbolje da koristis nt loader znaci prilikom instalacije linuxa da se ne menja mbr vec boot sector upises na odgovarajucu particiju pa ga izvadis u fajl sa odgovarajucom komandom ili programom(to sam vec zaboravio kako ide) prekopiras ga na c:\ i upises putanju do njega u boot.ini cime ces izbeci da kasnija reinstalacija win-a napravi stetu. Ako pritom formatiras c:\ bekapuj boot.ini i taj fajl..
Odgovor na temu

Marko Zvekan
Bajmok, Vojvodina

Član broj: 64936
Poruke: 449

+10 Profil

icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa22.01.2009. u 17:30 - pre 188 meseci
pokreni instalacioni dvd opensuse-a i idi na repair.
treba da popravi mbr.
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zoran pantic

Član broj: 50312
Poruke: 913

+11 Profil

icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa22.01.2009. u 20:36 - pre 188 meseci
Evo kako se koristi ntloader

Basically what we're going to do with NTLoader is use NTLoader to boot into Linux's bootloader which then boots Linux, why someone would do that when Grub works perfectly fine booting Windows on NTFS? Who knows what reason other than it could destroy their MBR and make both OS inaccessible or at least render Linux useless till it's recovered, NTLoader is not specifically designed to boot other Operating Systems other than Windows.

We will be using 2 Hard Drives, this is not necessary, we could use 2 partitions on a hard drive, but we should have the Operating Systems seperated, to make it easier on ourselves.

The hard drives are configured on the primary IDE controller (could use SATA, SCSI, etc but for this it's IDE), one hard drive setup as Master (C:) where Windows XP will be installed and the Other drive setup as Slave (D:).

First install Windows XP to the first hard drive, this should be easy enough and not require instructions on how to do this. Next install your choice of Linux, for this I am using Fedora Core 3 and using the GUI installer, this is simple enough too. There will be an option that gets you to configure your bootloader, default installation uses Grub, we need to configure it more and there's a checkbox at the bottom of the screen that allows us to do advanced configurations on it, check it then click next, we should be at the advanced configuration screen and there's two choices for booting using the MBR or installing it on our 2nd Hard Drive /dev/hdb we want to install it on our 2nd hard drive so choose the second option. Now just continue with the installation.

Fedora Core 3 has 4 installation CDs and 1 Rescue CD or we can replace the installation CDs with 1 DVD, You will need a rescue disk of some sort, or at least a program that can boot you into your OS from floppy or CD or other means, Red Hat/Fedora use to create Floppy disks for this type of installation but it seems to be non-existant in my quick install of it, so I needed an alternative method. Knoppix Live CD is also quite handy for this and should be kept as a Linux Recovery Tool.

After installation, I rebooted with the Rescue CD in, I press Enter to enter Rescue mode and had my root of my linux partition found and given a bash prompt, I then chroot'ed to this part of the drive.

I then placed a formatted blank floppy in the drive and mounted it.

mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /media/floppy

next I found out which drive contained the boot information, there should exist two, one for Windows and one for Linux.

fdisk -l
(this is a lowercase "L")

This should display a table of the partitions and have an asterisk (*) marked where boot information exists. Since we need to know where the boot information is for the 2nd drive we know it's got to be /dev/hdb? where ? is the partition that has it. For this we will assume it's /dev/hdb1.

Next we copy the boot section to our floppy disk, make sure it's still in the drive.

dd if=/dev/hdb1 bs=512 count=1 of=/media/floppy/linux.img

If all goes well we should have linux.img residing in our floppy disk

ls /media/floppy/*

Now 'exit' till it reboots, remove the rescue CD and floppy disk. Boot into Windows and put the floppy disk back in, copy linux.img from A: over to C:\

Right-Click My Computer, go to Properties and click on the Advanced Tab, Next click on Startup and Recovery's Setting, where we will can edit our boot.ini file, so click on edit to edit our boot.ini. We now add underneath the [operating systems] tag, and the last entry to the file

C:\linux.img="Choose the name you want to display here"

Save the file and close, now back at this screen we can choose the default OS to boot, I've left it as Windows, I also lowered the time for waiting to around 8 seconds.

Remove the floppy disk and reboot the system, we are now presented with NTLoader with the option of booting Windows or Choose the name you want to display here, So we select out Linux boot, it will now boot into Grub, what's the point in using 2 bootloaders? I'll leave that up to you, so now once in Linux, we go through the final configuration, setup etc.

In your distribution, you should know how to get to your bootloader configuration via terminal or GUI, I would use terminal but my favourite console based editor is not available until I install it so I'll use the bootloader GUI found in system settings, there I set the timeout to 1 second so I am not shown the Grub bootloader, configure this how you like, you may have multiple kernels you would prefer to run, so you may like to use Grub bootloader as well as NTLoader.
Odgovor na temu

Sremska Mitrovica

Član broj: 70835
Poruke: 208

ICQ: 373516076

+16 Profil

icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa22.01.2009. u 23:17 - pre 188 meseci
Za dual boot winxp i linux-a:
na srpskom jeziku..

Imam Yugo. Nije neki, mozete misliti kakav je. Dobio sam ga kao drugu nagradu na Tomboli.
Prva nagrada je bila TORTA!
Odgovor na temu

Marko Zvekan
Bajmok, Vojvodina

Član broj: 64936
Poruke: 449

+10 Profil

icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa23.01.2009. u 20:37 - pre 187 meseci
zar je toliko tesko ubaciti taj dvd i napraviti repair?
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Be Back Soon

Član broj: 40443
Poruke: 1720

ICQ: 250629747

+75 Profil

icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa27.01.2009. u 01:50 - pre 187 meseci
Za pocetnike odlicna stvar:

super grub disk
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Član broj: 126578
Poruke: 45


icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa05.02.2009. u 22:37 - pre 187 meseci
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Član broj: 126578
Poruke: 45


icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa11.02.2009. u 22:34 - pre 187 meseci
Nista od ovih metoda gore navedenih mi nije pomoglo.
Otisao sam na repair sa instalacionog dvd-a i sada nemam XP vise kao izbor na bootu. Sta da radim?
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 422
Poruke: 6049

+257 Profil

icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa11.02.2009. u 22:38 - pre 187 meseci
Znaci sad imas samo linux?

Iskopiraj nam sadrzaj fajlova /etc/fstab, /boot/grub/menu.lst, kao i iz shell-a izlaz komande fdisk -l pa cemo vec videti dalje.
Kad sve ostalo zakaže, pročitaj uputstvo...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 126578
Poruke: 45


icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa11.02.2009. u 22:45 - pre 187 meseci
Jel mi mozes malo pojasniti? Nisam bas u prici oko linuxa ... openSUSE sad imam samo ...
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Član broj: 422
Poruke: 6049

+257 Profil

icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa12.02.2009. u 10:16 - pre 187 meseci
Otvoris terminal (npr. pronadjes u system meniju konsole), kad se otvori pises:
sudo kwrite /etc/fstab
upises password od root korisnika
kad se otvori prozor, iskopiras sve iz tog prozora ovde.
Zatvoris taj prozor, upises opet tamo gde i prvi put
sudo kwrite /boot/grub/menu.lst
i ponovo kopiras ovde.
Zatvoris taj prozor, upises opet tamo gde i prvi put
sudo fdisk -l
i to sto dobijes oznacis i desni klik - copy, pa ovde paste...

Kad sve ostalo zakaže, pročitaj uputstvo...
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 126578
Poruke: 45


icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa12.02.2009. u 16:54 - pre 187 meseci
sudo: kwrite: command not found
Odgovor na temu

Srđan Pavlović
Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija MNRO
Vojvodina, Bačka Palanka

Član broj: 139340
Poruke: 5571


+382 Profil

icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa12.02.2009. u 17:34 - pre 187 meseci

sudo kate /etc/fstab ..ili:
sudo gedit /etc/fstab

ne znam jel si na gnome ili kde, jedan od ova 2 ce raditi ;)
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 126578
Poruke: 45


icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa12.02.2009. u 17:48 - pre 187 meseci
celic@linux-yu74:~> sudo kate etc/fstab
root's password:
sudo: kate: command not found
celic@linux-yu74:~> sudo gedit etc/fstab
sudo: gedit: command not found
celic@linux-yu74:~> sudo kate etc/fstab
sudo: kate: command not found
celic@linux-yu74:~> sudo kate etc/fstab
sudo: kate: command not found
celic@linux-yu74:~> sudo gedit etc/fstab
sudo: gedit: command not found

nece... :(
Odgovor na temu

Srđan Pavlović
Specijalna Edukacija i Rehabilitacija MNRO
Vojvodina, Bačka Palanka

Član broj: 139340
Poruke: 5571


+382 Profil

icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa12.02.2009. u 18:47 - pre 187 meseci
ajd onda ovako:

sudo cat /etc/fstab > /home/srdjan/Documents/zaES.txt && cat /boot/grub/menu.lst > /home/srdjan/Documents/zaES-1.txt && sudo fdisk -l > /home/srdjan/Documents/zaES-2.txt

(samo svuda umesto srdjan, stavi SVOJE korisnicko ime)

Tri nova fajla koja ti se pojave u folderu Documents attachuj ovde uz poruku ("Upload uz poruku")

[Ovu poruku je menjao Kernel-1 dana 12.02.2009. u 20:01 GMT+1]
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Član broj: 126578
Poruke: 45


icon Re: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa12.02.2009. u 19:43 - pre 187 meseci
resio sam problem. Hvala vam jos jednom. Nisam bas najzadovoljniji sa suseom... mislim da cu vratiti ubuntu opet. Tad mi je sve radilo bez problema :)
Hvala vam jos jednom.
Odgovor na temu

[es] :: Linux :: Kako? Dual boot izbor i brisanje linuxa

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