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Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux

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brian boitano

Član broj: 119171
Poruke: 15

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icon Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux18.12.2006. u 18:13 - pre 213 meseci
pozdrav svima. interesuje me da li postoje alternative solid works-a ili catia-e za linux?
"What would Brian Boitano do If he was here right now?"
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Član broj: 4717
Poruke: 751

+17 Profil

icon Re: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux22.12.2006. u 07:09 - pre 213 meseci
Nema alternative!
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Član broj: 17072
Poruke: 229


+4 Profil

icon Re: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux22.12.2006. u 13:03 - pre 213 meseci
Koliko je meni poznato, jedini ozbiljan CAD paket za Linux je Pro/E.
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Član broj: 121832
Poruke: 11


icon Re: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux22.12.2006. u 15:25 - pre 213 meseci
ja mislim da postoji i verzija UG NX-a za linux, ali nisam siguran
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Član broj: 17072
Poruke: 229


+4 Profil

icon Re: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux22.12.2006. u 21:52 - pre 213 meseci
Bogami si u pravu - od NX4 postoji i UG u verziji za Linux.
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Marko Ranđelović

Član broj: 3737
Poruke: 575

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icon Re: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux08.02.2008. u 13:36 - pre 199 meseci
Tužna vest:

In May of this year, PTC announced that we were planning to drop our support for the Linux operating system with the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 release, currently planned to be available early in 2008, per the PTC Product Calendar ( Our justification for this decision was multi-faceted. First, we continue to see increasing consolidation of our Pro/ENGINEER customers around fewer and fewer platforms. In fact, a survey of our users earlier this year shows that today over 80% are running Pro/E on Windows, and this number is expected to approach 90% within three years.

PTC began support for 32-bit Linux operating systems with Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire, in 2003. Since then, we have seen very limited adoption of Linux by the engineering market. While we recognize that our pilot program was limited in that it provided only 32-bit support, and only covered Pro/ENGINEER itself (not Mechanica or Pro/INTRALINK 3.x), we have not seen the widespread migration of the engineer’s desktop to the Linux OS, as many had hoped.

Beyond limited adoption of Linux on the engineer’s desktop, there are other factors that have driven us to the decision to drop Linux support for Pro/ENGINEER. PTC’s product strategy is to deliver a Product Development System (PDS) – a collection of software solutions that are defined, designed, developed, and tested together to address your product development challenges. The PDS includes many other desktop engineering products beyond Pro/ENGINEER, such as ProductView, Mathcad, Pro/TOOLMAKER and IsoDraw, none of which currently run on the Linux OS. In order to remain true to our product strategy, and continue our commitment to the Linux OS, we would need to port all of these products to Linux as well. Unfortunately, these are all natively developed Windows applications, and would require significant, and unjustifiable expense to port to Linux.

A further compounding factor is that the Linux ecosystem of hardware and software providers is generally not targeting the MCAD market with Linux. While Linux is enjoying some success in adjoining markets like ECAD and Oil and Gas, market data has shown low acceptance of Linux in the broader MCAD market.

In addition we have considered the required investment in third party components, and the expense of the pure development and testing effort required to support our Product Development System on 64-bit Linux. In summary, the lack of Linux acceptance on the desktop in commercially meaningful numbers means that it is difficult to offer a full solution to our customers on Linux, forcing us to the conclusion that we will drop Linux support when Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 ships.

A limited number of customers have requested the ability to run Pro/ENGINEER Mechanica on 64-bit Linux machines in a "compute server" environment, which would allow users to create batch files on desktop machines and send those off to be solved on this server. While this is not possible today, we are exploring the viability of supporting such a scenario in the future.
We recognize that discontinuing support for Pro/ENGINEER on the Linux OS may be disruptive to some of our customers who plan to upgrade to future releases. Therefore, PTC is committed to providing an acceptable migration path to all Pro/ENGINEER customers currently running on the Linux operating system.
First, we will continue to provide technical support to all active maintenance customers who are using Pro/ENGINEER on the Linux operating system. PTC will appropriately address Pro/ENGINEER issues that are reported to technical support, following our existing protocols. However, any Linux-specific issues may not be resolved after the Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 3.0 release becomes Maintenance Discontinued, per the PTC Product Calendar. PTC also guarantees that all data generated by Pro/ENGINEER running on the Linux OS is completely compatible with Pro/ENGINEER running on any other supported OS.

Furthermore, Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 will run on a variety of other operating systems, including both 32- and 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows XP and Microsoft Vista, as well as HPUX 11i, Solaris 8, and Solaris 10.

Of course, we will continue to monitor the market situation and if and when Linux on the desktop obtains a meaningful market share and the third party software that we rely on becomes more broadly available, we can revisit our decision.

We invested significantly in supporting Linux in the first place and I am disappointed that a critical mass of customers did not move in that direction. However, the market has spoken with their actions and PTC is really left with no viable choice but to discontinue Linux support for desktop clients. (neophodna registracija)

Dakle, Pro/ENGINEER više ne postoji za Linux, a svi su očekivali da će uvesti amd64 podršku. Na sreću ostaje UGS NX, podržava i amd64. Samo još kad bih znao gde da nabavim to čudo... ;)
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Miloš Đorović

Član broj: 82676
Poruke: 43


icon Re: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux09.02.2008. u 16:43 - pre 199 meseci
Koliko Ja znam sav softver za linux treba da je za džabe, a Solid Works/Catia prave timovi programera mesecima. Zar neko od vas svoj posao radio za džabe mesecima i svoje znanje nekome tamo koji uzima pare od toga dao za džabe. I pitanje preko ove teme koliko softver za džabe može biti dobar.
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Član broj: 13013
Poruke: 142


icon Re: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux23.02.2008. u 12:43 - pre 199 meseci
slabo ti znas
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Član broj: 75527
Poruke: 107

+2 Profil

icon Re: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux18.09.2008. u 17:35 - pre 192 meseci
Evo nasao sam da je lik instalirao catia "sistem" na Linux..

ako ne radi link, ukucajte na tube:
Catia V5 works on Linux !!!

Jako je interesantno ako može, nadam se da nije neki ubuntu skin samo nabacio . . .

PS: Nabavio sam i UG NX za linux64bit, ali nisam ga isprobao...

Da li je neko ovo pokusao instalirati (za Catia-u) . . .
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Član broj: 58101
Poruke: 440

Sajt: proizvodnja.googlepages.c..

+3 Profil

icon Re: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux19.09.2008. u 12:18 - pre 192 meseci
vrlo interesantna tema...
Da ne bih otvarao novu temu hteo bih da pitam koji linux treba instalirati da bi programi ovog tipa radili.Ustvari, ne znam da li to ima nekakve veze, ja sam ranije instalirao SuSe, ali nisam znao sta dalje, pa bih se sada ponovo oprobao...

Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 75527
Poruke: 107

+2 Profil

icon Re: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux19.09.2008. u 12:39 - pre 192 meseci
Kubuntu ili
PC Linux OS

Sve ove verzije su dosta zastupljene i sa dobrom podrskom za razne programe...
Izlistaj malo google.

Vecina programa zahtjeva x64 distribucije da bi uopšte radile...
Poz !

[Ovu poruku je menjao zarelik dana 19.09.2008. u 13:50 GMT+1]

[Ovu poruku je menjao zarelik dana 19.09.2008. u 13:51 GMT+1]
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Član broj: 185211
Poruke: 59


icon Re: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux19.09.2008. u 17:08 - pre 192 meseci
da postoji alternativa za catia-u znam to je catia v4
a V5 je za windows
CATIA je zakon!
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Slaviša Todorović
konstruktor alata za obradu lima

Član broj: 41978
Poruke: 358

+5 Profil

icon Re: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux19.09.2008. u 18:38 - pre 192 meseci
zarelik: Evo nasao sam da je lik instalirao catia "sistem" na Linux..

Potjerao ju je preko Wine emulatora. Nije to to, ipak je to i dalje Catia V5 za Windows, samo emulirana kroz Wine.

Na klipu se vidi da program ne radi stabilno: izmodelovao je nešto, a kasnije (3:48) taj model nije mogao otvoriti, a potom ni u Assembly ubaciti. Siguran sam da je i osjetan pad performansi pri radu u emuliranoj Catia. Poređenja radi, igrao sam CS preko Wine-a, i pored za tu igru jake grafičke karte i uredno instaliranih nVidia drajvera za Linux (Mandriva je bila u pitanju) FPS je znao padati ispod 20.

@tubok: Ako se ne varam Catia V4 radi na Unix-u, ne na Linux-u.
In 1992, CADAM was purchased from IBM and the next year CATIA CADAM v4 was published. In 1996, it was ported from one to four Unix operating systems, including IBM AIX, Silicon Graphics IRIX, Sun Microsystems SunOS and Hewlett-Packard HP-UX.


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Član broj: 4717
Poruke: 751

+17 Profil

icon Re: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux19.09.2008. u 21:09 - pre 192 meseci
SlavishaT:@tubok: Ako se ne varam Catia V4 radi na Unix-u, ne na Linux-u.

za ovo si apsolutno u pravu!

I ne razumem ovu diskusiju uopste, je Catia nije besplatan softver ni na jednoj platformi i kosta nekoliko hiljada eura u zavisnosti koje module zelis ukljuciti.
neko ko da tih nekoliko hiljada eura za softver odjednom mu postane problem dati 150 eur-a za windows!!???
kupis windows i nemas cir na stomaku zbog emulatora, drajvera i svih pratecih stvari koje nosi linux za CAD softvere..

[Ovu poruku je menjao sanibo dana 20.09.2008. u 14:57 GMT+1]
Odgovor na temu


Član broj: 75527
Poruke: 107

+2 Profil

icon Re: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux20.09.2008. u 09:12 - pre 192 meseci
OK je to sto si rekao za cir na stomaku

Ma "svi" mi trenutno guramo ove programe na windows-u.
Ja imam na laptopu licenciran windows (za firmu) a ostali programi koje upotrebljavam su kre*ovani.
Danas-sutra ce traziti da se pazari softver za rad... (bar u firmama)
Skupo, zar ne

Ovde trazimo alternativu, koja je iukoliko povoljna za rad 3D modelovanja.

Pozdrav za sve !
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[es] :: 3D modelovanje :: CAD/CAM :: Solid Works/Catia alternative za linux

[ Pregleda: 8501 | Odgovora: 14 ] > FB > Twit

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